D4-180I-F; D4-225A-F; D4-225I-F; D4-260A-F; D4-260D-F; D4-260I-F; D4-300A-F; D4-300D-F; D4-300I-F Cooling System Rear Bracket for External Keel Cooling D4-180I-F, D4-225I-F, D4-260I-F, D4-300I-F Parts on group Rear Bracket for External Keel Cooling: Pos. Part No Qty Parts name Comments 1. 22276739 [1] Bracket 2. 984741 [2] Flange screw 3. 980178 [1] Flange screw 4. 994563 [2] Hose clamp 5. 943370 [1] Rubber hose L=80mm 6. 848596 [1] Hose attachment 7. 842029 [1] Flange 8. 3888837 [1] Gasket 9. 990861 [4] Flange screw Parts catalog : Heat Exchanger, Components D4-180I-F, D4-225A-F, D4-225I-F, D4-260A-F, D4-260D-F, D4-260I-F, D4-300A-F, D4-300D-F, D4-300I-F Heat Exchanger and Expansion Tank D4-180I-F, D4-225A-F, D4-225I-F, D4-260A-F, D4-260D-F, D4-260I-F, D4-300A-F, D4-300D-F, D4-300I-F Keel Cooling D4-180I-F, D4-225I-F, D4-260I-F, D4-300I-F Oil Cooler for Engine with Keel Cooling D4-180I-F, D4-225I-F, D4-260I-F, D4-300I-F Dry exhaust pipe For External Keel Cooling D4-180I-F, D4-225I-F, D4-260I-F, D4-300I-F External Keel cooling D4-225A-F, D4-260A-F, D4-300A-F Water Pump D4-180I-F, D4-225A-F, D4-225I-F, D4-260A-F, D4-260D-F, D4-260I-F, D4-300A-F, D4-300D-F, D4-300I-F Thermostat Housing D4-180I-F, D4-225A-F, D4-225I-F, D4-260A-F, D4-260D-F, D4-260I-F, D4-300A-F, D4-300D-F, D4-300I-F