AQ311A; AQ311B Electrical System Starter Motor Parts on group Starter Motor: Pos. Part No Qty Parts name Comments 1. 855326 [1] Starter motor 2. 3. 855361 [1] Starter pinion 4. 5. 6. 872979 [1] Solenoid 6A. 855359 [1] Spring 7. 826032 [2] Spring 8. 818948 [4] Carbon brush 9. 818720 [2] Carbon retainer kit 10. 818718 [2] Carbon retainer 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Parts catalog : Alternator Distributor: 855932 Distributor: 855705 Alternator and Installation Components AQ311A, AQ311B Electrical Equipment and Instruments: B AQ311B Electrical Equipment and Instruments: A AQ311A Instrument Panel Instrument Panel: 841960 Instrument Panel: 841957 Cables and Terminals AQ311A, AQ311B Electrical Materials AQ311A, AQ311B