
Buy APPLIQUE, Port 0206271 EVINRUDE genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 23

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BRP EVINRUDE entire parts catalog list:

40972R, 40973R 1969


2. Remove all of the bolts that hold elbow (2) in position. Remove elbow (2) from adapter (1) and the engine. 3. Disconnect tube assembly (3) from adapter (1) and the regulator housing. Remove the tube assembly from the engine.4. Remove the two bolts and remove adapter (1) from the front of the aftercooler housings. 5. Remove sleeve (5) from adapter (4) and remove adapter (4) from the front of the aftercooler housings. 6. Remove the two bolts and remove elbow (6) from the rear of the aftercooler housings. 7. Remove sleeve (8) from adapter (7) and remove adapter (7) from the rear of the aftercooler housings. 8. Fasten a hoist to aftercooler housings (9) with Tooling (A). Remove the bolts and remove aftercooler housings (9) from the engine. The weight of the 3508 aftercooler housing is approximately 28 kg (62 lb). The weight of the 3512 aftercooler housing is approximately 70 kg (155 lb). The weight of the 3516 aftercooler Housing is approximately 109 kg (240 lb).
Be careful when the aftercooler core is removed because the lower rear part of the core is help in position by a connector and O-ring seals.
Step 9 is for 3508 and 3512 Engines.
3508 and 3512 engines9. Remove the bolts and fasten a hoist to strap (10). Remove aftercooler core (11) from the engine. The weight of the 3512 core (11) is approximately 52 kg (115 lb). The weight of the 3508 core is approximately 29 kg (65 lb). Steps 10 and 11 are for 3516 Engines.
3516 engines10. Remove bolts (12) to disconnect the aftercooler cores from each other.
Be careful when the aftercooler cores are removed because the lower rear part of the cores are held in position by a connector and O-ring seals.
3516 engines11. Fasten a hoist to aftercooler cores (13) and (14). Remove the bolts and remove aftercooler cores (13) and (14) from the engine. The weight of each core is approximately 29 kg (65 lb). Remove pipes (15) from the end of aftercooler cores (13) and (14). 12. Remove O-ring seals (16) from each end of the aftercooler core. Remove ring (17) to remove connector (18) from the aftercooler core. Remove the O-ring seals from the connector.Install Aftercooler
Clean and inspect all the O-ring seals and gaskets. Make a replacement of any worn or damaged seals and gaskets. 1. Install the O-ring seals on connector (2) and put clean engine oil on the seals. Put connector (2) in position and install ring (1) to hold the connector in the aftercooler core.
3508 and 3512 engines2. Install the O-ring seals (3) on the ends of the aftercooler core and put clean engine oil on the seals. Step 3 is for 3508 and 3512 engines3. Fasten a hoist to aftercooler core (4) as shown and put it in position on the engine. Make sure connector (2) is correctly engaged with adapter (5) in the cylinder block. Install the bolts to hold the aftercooler core in position. Steps 4 and 5 are for 3516 engines.
3516 engines4. Install pipes (8) on the end of aftercooler cores (6) and (7).
3516 engines5. Fasten a hoist to aftercooler cores (6) and (7). Put the cores in position on the engine. Make sure the connectors of each core is correctly engaged with adapters (5) in the cylinder block. Install the bolts to hold the aftercooler cores in position. Install bolts (9) on (3516) engines.6. If the aftercooler housings were taken apart and new gaskets installed, cut the gaskets even with the bottom of the housings. 7. Fasten a hoist to aftercooler housings (10) with Tooling (A). Put housings (10) and the gasket in position and install the bolts to hold the housings in position. Tighten the bolts to a torque of 55 7 N m (40 5 lb ft). 8. Put clean engine oil on the O-ring seal and install adapter (11) in the rear of the aftercooler housings.9. Install sleeve (12) in adapter (11) and over the end of the aftercooler core. 10. Put clean water on the O-ring seal and put elbow (13) and the gasket in position in the rear of the aftercooler housings. Install the bolts to hold the elbow in position. 11. Put clean engine oil on the O-ring seal and install adapter (14) in the front of the aftercooler housings.12. Install sleeve (15) in adapter (14) and over the end of the aftercooler core. 13. Put clean water on the O-ring seal and put adapter (17) and the gasket in position in the front of the aftercooler housings. Install the bolts to hold the adapter in position.14. Install tube assembly (16) on the regulator housing and adapter (17).15. Put clean water on the O-ring seal and push elbow (18) into adapter (17). Put the gasket in position between elbow (18) and the tube and install the bolts to hold the elbow in position.16. Fill the engine with coolant to the correct level.End By:a. install air inlet shutoff (all engines)

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