0210760 DECAL, Exhaust hsg., Ev. EVINRUDE
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Local Control Panel Does Not Start or Fully Shut Down Engine
Use the following checks if the engine will not start or fully shut down from the local control panel.
Check the status bar and alarm list for any alarms that have not been acknowledged. Refer to this Troubleshooting Guide, M0078007, General Information.
Ensure that the physical E-Stop button is not depressed. Ensure that the remote E-Stop is not engaged.
Check that the ECS is in "Local" mode.Note: Starting from the panel is disabled if the ECS is in "Remote" mode.
Ensure that the Crank Inhibit Switch is disabled. If enabled, the status bar will display "Start Disabled".
Check that all active shutdown alarms have been acknowledged and cleared.Note: Shutdown events must be acknowledged and cleared before the engine will be allowed to start.
Check for interlocks preventing the engine from starting. There are two types of interlocks that can prevent the engine from starting. The interlocks are either programmed or physical.
Check that there are no programmed engine or transmission interlocks preventing start (such as neutral inhibit) on the "Start Conditions" screen of the DCU.
For the physical interlock, check if the jumper wire between X4.C214 and terminal block "T229" is damaged or missing.
Check the "Hold Button to Start/Stop" setting if the engine attempts to start but then stops or does not fully shut down.
A dialog box will appear on the DCU if this setting is configured. The dialog box displays "Are you sure you want to start/stop the engine?". Check the "Hold Button to Start/Stop" option under the DCU "Start/Stop/Prelube" setting in the web tool. Refer to the Programming Guide, LEBM0063, "Cat A&P Controls Programming Guide".
Check the panel and engine wiring. In the panel, check the Crank Inhibit Switch wiring. Check the crank output between the DCU and remote start.Note: The remote start is for the engine ECM start command.The issue is outside of the panel if +24V is present on C-1:29 while the DCU indicates cranking. Check the E-Stop for damaged or unplugged wiring to the engine.
Use the following steps if the engine does not start and the DCU displays "Engine Start Failed":
Attempt an engine restart and monitor engine speed on the DCU.
Check the speed sensor at the flywheel housing for correct installation depth if the "Engine Speed" parameter displays "- - - -".
Perform the panel wiring troubleshooting from Step 8 if the DCU is reading engine speed.
Ensure that both the E-Stop and Crank Inhibit Switch are both disengaged if using Crank Override to start the engine.
Check the Cat® Electronic Technician (Cat ET) Service Tool configurations (only for MGCP IIIB).
Set the "Engine State Control Input" as "Not Installed" in the C32 Auxiliary and Genset engine software.
Set the "Flexed Parameter - Fuel Enable Input" status as "Not Installed" or "Off" in the C18 Auxiliary and Genset engine software. This parameter must be set to either of these statuses to program the "Start/Stop" settings or to start the engine.Local Control Panel Will Not Activate Second Starter
Use the following checks when the local control panel does not activate the second starter.
Check the status bar and alarm list. Refer to this Troubleshooting Guide, M0078007, General Information for more information.
Check the E-Stops. Ensure that the physical E-Stop button is not depressed. Ensure that the remote E-Stop is not engaged.
Ensure that the Engine Control Switch ("ECS") is in "Local" mode.Note: Starting from the panel is disabled if the "ECS" is in "Remote" mode.
Ensure that the Crank Inhibit Switch is disabled. If the switch is enabled, the status bar will display "Start Disabled".
Acknowledge and clear the active shutdown alarms.Note: Shutdown events must be acknowledged and cleared before the engine will be allowed to start.
Check that there are no engine or transmission interlocks, such as neutral inhibit, preventing start.
Check the panel and engine wiring. In the panel, check the Crank Inhibit Switch wiring. Check the Crank Output between DCU IO#6 and the remote start pin (C1:29).Note: The remote start is for the engine ECM start command.The issue is outside of the panel if +24V is present on the remote start pin while the DCU indicates cranking. Check the E-Stop for damaged or unplugged wiring to the engine.
Check that the Starter Select Switch and the associated relay have been installed. The relay is provided by the dealer. The switch and relay must be installed if a second starter is to be used.
Check the panel wiring at the Starter Select Switch and relay. If +24V is present on pin C1:66 while the DCU indicates cranking, the issue is outside the panel.The Engine Will Not Shut Down from the DCU
Use the following checks if the engine will not shut down from the DCU.
Check the Engine Control Switch (ECS) configuration. Ensure that the ECS is in "Local" mode.
Check the panel and ECS wiring. Check the DCU Relay #1 wiring at terminal 88. Terminal 88 should have 24V while the DCU is indicating stopping. The Remote Stop pin (C1:36) should also indicate 24V. Check the remote stop wiring to the engine ECM.The Local Throttle Control Does Not Work (MECP IIIB Only)
Use the following checks when troubleshooting the local control throttle:
Ensure that the Engine Control Switch (ECS) is in "Local" mode.
Ensure that the PWM rotary dial lock is disengaged.
Sweep the PWM rotary throttle until the desired engine speed is within 50 rpm of the actual speed.
Ensure that the ECS contact block is closed.
Check the Sync #2 wire to the engine ECM. Use a multimeter to check if 0V is on the connector pin (C1:35).
Check the PWM output from the Speed Brick with a multimeter. The duty cycle must be between 5% and 95% on connector C1:4.
Check the analog signal to the Speed Brick. Ensure that the analog potentiometer should have a 0 kOhm to 1 kOhm resistance on pins 1, 2, and 3.
Check power supply to the Speed Brick. The Speed Brick should have a 14V to 45V supply on pins B+ and B-.
Check the "Prop Throttle Configuration" in Cat ET.
Enable the Secondary Throttle if necessary for C32 and C18.
Change the "Desired Speed Input Configuration" if the required
Use the following checks if the engine will not start or fully shut down from the local control panel.
Check the status bar and alarm list for any alarms that have not been acknowledged. Refer to this Troubleshooting Guide, M0078007, General Information.
Ensure that the physical E-Stop button is not depressed. Ensure that the remote E-Stop is not engaged.
Check that the ECS is in "Local" mode.Note: Starting from the panel is disabled if the ECS is in "Remote" mode.
Ensure that the Crank Inhibit Switch is disabled. If enabled, the status bar will display "Start Disabled".
Check that all active shutdown alarms have been acknowledged and cleared.Note: Shutdown events must be acknowledged and cleared before the engine will be allowed to start.
Check for interlocks preventing the engine from starting. There are two types of interlocks that can prevent the engine from starting. The interlocks are either programmed or physical.
Check that there are no programmed engine or transmission interlocks preventing start (such as neutral inhibit) on the "Start Conditions" screen of the DCU.
For the physical interlock, check if the jumper wire between X4.C214 and terminal block "T229" is damaged or missing.
Check the "Hold Button to Start/Stop" setting if the engine attempts to start but then stops or does not fully shut down.
A dialog box will appear on the DCU if this setting is configured. The dialog box displays "Are you sure you want to start/stop the engine?". Check the "Hold Button to Start/Stop" option under the DCU "Start/Stop/Prelube" setting in the web tool. Refer to the Programming Guide, LEBM0063, "Cat A&P Controls Programming Guide".
Check the panel and engine wiring. In the panel, check the Crank Inhibit Switch wiring. Check the crank output between the DCU and remote start.Note: The remote start is for the engine ECM start command.The issue is outside of the panel if +24V is present on C-1:29 while the DCU indicates cranking. Check the E-Stop for damaged or unplugged wiring to the engine.
Use the following steps if the engine does not start and the DCU displays "Engine Start Failed":
Attempt an engine restart and monitor engine speed on the DCU.
Check the speed sensor at the flywheel housing for correct installation depth if the "Engine Speed" parameter displays "- - - -".
Perform the panel wiring troubleshooting from Step 8 if the DCU is reading engine speed.
Ensure that both the E-Stop and Crank Inhibit Switch are both disengaged if using Crank Override to start the engine.
Check the Cat® Electronic Technician (Cat ET) Service Tool configurations (only for MGCP IIIB).
Set the "Engine State Control Input" as "Not Installed" in the C32 Auxiliary and Genset engine software.
Set the "Flexed Parameter - Fuel Enable Input" status as "Not Installed" or "Off" in the C18 Auxiliary and Genset engine software. This parameter must be set to either of these statuses to program the "Start/Stop" settings or to start the engine.Local Control Panel Will Not Activate Second Starter
Use the following checks when the local control panel does not activate the second starter.
Check the status bar and alarm list. Refer to this Troubleshooting Guide, M0078007, General Information for more information.
Check the E-Stops. Ensure that the physical E-Stop button is not depressed. Ensure that the remote E-Stop is not engaged.
Ensure that the Engine Control Switch ("ECS") is in "Local" mode.Note: Starting from the panel is disabled if the "ECS" is in "Remote" mode.
Ensure that the Crank Inhibit Switch is disabled. If the switch is enabled, the status bar will display "Start Disabled".
Acknowledge and clear the active shutdown alarms.Note: Shutdown events must be acknowledged and cleared before the engine will be allowed to start.
Check that there are no engine or transmission interlocks, such as neutral inhibit, preventing start.
Check the panel and engine wiring. In the panel, check the Crank Inhibit Switch wiring. Check the Crank Output between DCU IO#6 and the remote start pin (C1:29).Note: The remote start is for the engine ECM start command.The issue is outside of the panel if +24V is present on the remote start pin while the DCU indicates cranking. Check the E-Stop for damaged or unplugged wiring to the engine.
Check that the Starter Select Switch and the associated relay have been installed. The relay is provided by the dealer. The switch and relay must be installed if a second starter is to be used.
Check the panel wiring at the Starter Select Switch and relay. If +24V is present on pin C1:66 while the DCU indicates cranking, the issue is outside the panel.The Engine Will Not Shut Down from the DCU
Use the following checks if the engine will not shut down from the DCU.
Check the Engine Control Switch (ECS) configuration. Ensure that the ECS is in "Local" mode.
Check the panel and ECS wiring. Check the DCU Relay #1 wiring at terminal 88. Terminal 88 should have 24V while the DCU is indicating stopping. The Remote Stop pin (C1:36) should also indicate 24V. Check the remote stop wiring to the engine ECM.The Local Throttle Control Does Not Work (MECP IIIB Only)
Use the following checks when troubleshooting the local control throttle:
Ensure that the Engine Control Switch (ECS) is in "Local" mode.
Ensure that the PWM rotary dial lock is disengaged.
Sweep the PWM rotary throttle until the desired engine speed is within 50 rpm of the actual speed.
Ensure that the ECS contact block is closed.
Check the Sync #2 wire to the engine ECM. Use a multimeter to check if 0V is on the connector pin (C1:35).
Check the PWM output from the Speed Brick with a multimeter. The duty cycle must be between 5% and 95% on connector C1:4.
Check the analog signal to the Speed Brick. Ensure that the analog potentiometer should have a 0 kOhm to 1 kOhm resistance on pins 1, 2, and 3.
Check power supply to the Speed Brick. The Speed Brick should have a 14V to 45V supply on pins B+ and B-.
Check the "Prop Throttle Configuration" in Cat ET.
Enable the Secondary Throttle if necessary for C32 and C18.
Change the "Desired Speed Input Configuration" if the required
Parts decal EVINRUDE: