0210833 DECAL, Exh. hsg., Ev. EVINRUDE
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- MIDSECTION - 4RC & 4RLC MODELS » 0210833
Table 1
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for SCR Warning System Problem
J1939 Code Description Notes
5245-15 Aftertreatment Selective Catalytic Reduction Operator Inducement Active : High - most severe (3) This code is a Level 1 inducement associated with low Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) level.
The Emissions System Malfunction Lamp is on. The low DEF level lamp is on.
Refer to Troubleshooting, "DEF Tank Level Is Low"
5245-16 Aftertreatment Selective Catalytic Reduction Operator Inducement Active : High - moderate severity (2) This code is a Level 2 inducement associated with low DEF level.
The Emissions System Malfunction Lamp is flashing and the low DEF level lamp is on.
The engine is derated.
Refer to Troubleshooting, "DEF Tank Level Is Low"
5245-0 Aftertreatment Selective Catalytic Reduction Operator Inducement Active : High - most severe (3) This code is a Level 3 inducement associated with low DEF level.
The Emissions System Malfunction Lamp is flashing and the low DEF level lamp is flashing.
The engine is derated.
Refer to Troubleshooting, "DEF Tank Level Is Low"
5246-15 Aftertreatment SCR Operator Inducement Severity : High - least severe (1) This code is a Level 1 inducement associated with an emission activated fault.
At least one diagnostic code is active which may cause the engine to operate outside of emissions.
The Emissions System Malfunction Lamp is on.
The warning lamp may come on or may flash depending on the primary active diagnostic code.
The engine will be derated unless the fault is related to the DEF quality.
5246-16 Aftertreatment SCR Operator Inducement Severity : High - moderate severity (2) This code is a Level 2 inducement associated with an emission activated fault.
The engine has been run for 2 hours with an active operator inducement or 50 minutes if the fault is related to DEF quality.
The Emissions System Malfunction Lamp is flashing.
The warning lamp may come on or may flash depending on the primary active diagnostic code.
The engine is derated.
5246-0 Aftertreatment SCR Operator Inducement Severity : High - most severe (3) This code is a Level 3 inducement associated with an emission activated fault.
The engine has been run for 3.5 hours with an active operator inducement.
The Emissions System Malfunction lamp is flashing, and the stop lamp is on.
The engine is derated.
The engine speed is limited to low idle.
5826-15 Emission Control System Operator Inducement Severity : High - least severe (1) This code is a Level 1 inducement associated with an emission activated fault.
The Emissions System Malfunction Lamp is on.
5826-16 Emission Control System Operator Inducement Severity : High - moderate severity (2) This code is a Level 2 inducement associated with an emission activated fault.
The Emissions System Malfunction Lamp is on and the Action Lamp is flashing.
The engine is derated.
520246–14 Emission Control System Inducement Information : Special Instruction This diagnostic code is available in electronic service tool versions 2015C or later. This diagnostic code is for informational purposes only.
Sometimes, when the active and/or logged diagnostic codes are cleared but the inducement diagnostic codes remain, the 520246–14 code provides a list of all diagnostic codes that can trigger the active inducement code.
This diagnostic code is only displayed when a diagnostic code that triggers the inducement strategy is active or has previously been active.
In version 2016C or later of the electronic service tool, this diagnostic code will be recorded in the logged diagnostic code screen.
The ECM must be powered off for at least 2 minutes then powered back on to update the list of diagnostic codes.
This diagnostic code will remain visible as an active diagnostic code in the electronic service tool for 40 hours after all associated diagnostic codes have been cleared.
The lamps that will come on depend on the active inducement diagnostic code.
The engine derates depend on the active inducement diagnostic code.
520246–31 Emissions Control System Inducement Information This diagnostic code is available in electronic service tool versions 2015C or later. This diagnostic code is for informational purposes only.
Sometimes when the active and/or logged diagnostic codes are cleared but the inducement diagnostic codes remain, the 520246–31 diagnostic code provides a list of all diagnostic codes that can trigger the active inducement code.
This diagnostic code is only displayed when a diagnostic code that triggers the inducement strategy is active or has previously been active.
In version 2016C or later of the electronic service tool, this diagnostic code will be recorded in the logged diagnostic code screen.
This diagnostic code will remain visible as an active diagnostic code in the electronic service tool for 40 hours after all associated diagnostic codes have been cleared.
The lamps that will come on depend on the active inducement diagnostic code.
The engine derates depend on the active inducement diagnostic code. Note: The inducement diagnostic codes are triggered when a diagnostic code that may affect the emissions of the engine is active and the engine is started. The inducement diagnostic codes will clear after the fault that affects the emissions of the engine is repaired. The inducement diagnostic codes will remain active until the engine is restarted after a repair. If the repair is made when the engine is running, the inducement diagnostic code will clear immediately.Associated Codes
Troubleshoot any associated diagnostic codes listed in Table 2 that are present. Refer to "Inducement Type" in Table 2 for the correct Inducement table.
Table 2
Associated Codes
J1939 Code Code Description Inducement Type
27-3 EGR #1 Valve Position : Voltage Above Normal EGR System Inducement
27-4 EGR #1 Valve Position : Voltage Below Normal EGR System Inducement
102-3 Engine Intake Manifold #1 Pressure : Voltage Above Normal Electrical System Inducement
102-4 Engine Intake Manifold #1 Pressure : Voltage Below Normal Electrical System Inducement
102-20 Engine Intake Manifold #1 Pressure : Data Drifted High EGR System Inducement
102-21 Engine Intake Manifold #1 Pressure : Data Drifted Low EGR System Inducement
105-3 Engine Intake Manifold #1 Temperature : Voltage Above Normal Electrical System Inducement
105-4 Engine Intake Manifold #1 Temperature : Voltage Below Normal Electrical System Inducement
157-0 Engine Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure : High - most severe (3) EGR System Inducement
157-2 Engine Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure : Erratic, Inte
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