0319853 EVINRUDE GASKET, Cover to pack

0319853 GASKET, Cover to pack EVINRUDE 115493B, 115593, 135443B, 135543E, 70442M, 70572B, 75542B, 85493B, 85593E GASKET
0319853 GASKET, Cover to pack EVINRUDE

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5.6[2.52] pounds
Johnson/Evinrude/OMC New OEM GASKET 0319853, 319853
Johnson Evinrude OMC SKU: 0319853 || Sold Each || Please verify your own fitment
Number on catalog scheme: 50

BRP EVINRUDE entire parts catalog list:

115493B 1974
115593 1975
135443B, 135483B, 135489B 1974
135543E, 135583E, 135589E 1975
70442M, 70443M, 70472M, 70473M 1974
70572B, 70572E, 70573B, 70573E 1975
75542B, 75543B 1975
85493B 1974
85593E 1975


Illustration 1 g00629679
System Schematic For Sensor Power SupplyThe EMCP II+ has a sensor supply that is 8 DCV. The sensor supply from the GSC+ powers the following engine sensors:
oil pressure
oil temperature
coolant temperature
coolant fluid levelThe engine oil temperature sensor is an optional item. The engine coolant level sensor is an optional item.The sensor power supply functions whenever power is applied to the GSC+.The GSC+ is usually programmed in the factory to treat a fault with the sensor power supply CID 269 as an alarm fault. P004 = 0. If the GSC+ is programmed to shutdown, P004 is equal to 1 for a fault with the sensor power supply. It is not necessary to press the "Alarm Codes" key in order to view the CID 269 FMI 4. The CID 269 FMI 4 is automatically shown on the upper display.Faults are created when the harness connector is disconnected from the GSC+ during these troubleshooting procedures. Clear these created faults after the particular fault is corrected and the particular fault is cleared. In a properly operating system, when the harness connector is removed from the GSC+, the following diagnostic fault codes are recorded.CID 100 FMI 2 - Pressure Sensor (Engine Oil) CID 110 FMI 2 - Temperature Sensor (Engine Coolant)CID 111 FMI 3 - Fluid Level Sensor (Engine Coolant)CID 175 FMI 3 - Temperature Sensor (Engine Oil)CID 190 FMI 3 - Speed Sensor (Engine)CID 336 FMI 2 - Switch (Engine Control)CID 590 FMI 9 - Engine Electronic Control Module (ECM)The possible cause of a CID 269 FMI 4 fault occurs when the voltage of the sensor supply is less than 7.5 DCV.Begin performing these procedures only when CID 269 FMI 4 is showing and the "DIAG" indicator is FLASHING on the upper display. The GSC+ treats a CID 269 FMI 4 fault as an alarm fault. Active alarm faults are shown on the display when the "Alarm Codes" key is pressed and the engine control switch (ECS) is in any position except the OFF/RESET position. For an inactive fault, the problem may be intermittent. In order to troubleshoot an inactive fault, use the preceding system schematic and see Testing And Adjusting, "Electrical Connector - Inspect". Clear the fault from the fault log after troubleshooting is complete.
Check The GSC+.
Turn the ECS to OFF/RESET.
Disconnect the harness connector from the GSC+.
Turn the ECS to STOP.
Press the "Alarm Codes" key.
Observe the upper display for the CID 269 FMI 4 fault. If the fault is showing then the fault is active.Expected Result: The CID 269 FMI 4 fault should NOT be showing on the upper display.Results:
OK: The GSC+ is functioning properly. Therefore, the engine harness or a sensor is faulty. Proceed to Step 2.
NOT OK: The GSC+ is faulty. Replace the GSC+. See Testing And Adjusting, "EMCP Electronic Control (Generator Set) - Replace". STOP.
Check The Oil Pressure Sensors.
Turn the ECS to OFF/RESET.
Reconnect the harness connector to the GSC+.
Disconnect the engine harness from the oil pressure sensor.
Turn the ECS to STOP.
Press the "Alarm Codes" key.
Observe the upper display for the CID 269 FMI 4 fault.Expected Result: If the sensor is the cause of the CID 269 FMI 4 fault, then CID 269 FMI 4 should NOT be showing when the sensor is disconnected.Results:
OK: The CID 269 FMI 4 fault is NOT showing. The oil pressure sensor is faulty. Replace the sensor. STOP.
NOT OK: The CID 269 FMI 4 fault is still showing. The oil pressure is not the cause of the CID 269 FMI 4 fault. Proceed to Step 3.
Check Other Sensors And The Harness.
Repeat Step 2 for the coolant temperature sensor, the optional oil temperature sensor and the optional coolant loss sensor.Expected Result: If a sensor is the cause of the CID 269 FMI 4 fault, then CID 269 FMI 4 should NOT be showing when the sensor is disconnected.Results:
OK: When a sensor is disconnected, the CID 269 FMI 4 fault is NOT showing. The sensor is faulty. Replace the sensor. STOP.
NOT OK: With all the sensors that are disconnected, the CID 269 FMI 4 fault is still showing on the upper display. The sensors are not the cause of the CID 269 FMI 4 fault. Therefore, the engine harness has a short to the battery negative terminal "B-". Repair the engine harness. STOP.

Parts gasket EVINRUDE:

0301996 GASKET
100193A, 100293R, 1002R, 100990S, 10424G, 10524C, 10624G, 10724A, 10824M, 10924B, 115083D, 115393M, 115493B, 115593, 115693D, 115790S, 115793S, 115890C, 115983E, 125183C, 125283R, 135383M, 135443B, 135543E, 135643D, 150840S, 150940C, 15404G, 15504C,
GASKET, Thermostat
0313416 GASKET, Thermostat
55872A, 55972A, 60072B, 60172C, 65272S, 65372R, 70442M, 70572B, 70673D, 70773S, 70873C, 70973R, 75542B, 75642D, E65RWLCOC, E65RWLCRS, E65WMLCOC, E70ELCIH, E70ELCNB, E70ELCOS, E70ELCRD, E70ELCSA, E70ELCTE, E75ECOS, E75ECRD, E75ERCIH, E75ERCNB, E75ERCS
GASKET, Carburetor to manifold
0315052 GASKET, Carburetor to manifold
100193A, 100293R, 100990S, 115083D, 115393M, 115493B, 115593, 115693D, 115790S, 115793S, 115890C, 115983E, 125183C, 125283R, 135383M, 135443B, 135543E, 135643D, 150840S, 150940C, 175740S, 200640S, 85093B, 85193A, 85293R, 85393M, 85493B, 85593E, 85693
GASKET, Leaf plat
0316653 GASKET, Leaf plat
100193A, 100293R, 115393M, 115493B, 115593, 125183C, 125283R, 135383M, 135443B, 135543E, 200640S, 85193A, 85293R, 85393M, 85493B, 85593E
GASKET, Thermostat cover
0317226 GASKET, Thermostat cover
65272S, 65372R, 70442M, 70572B, 70673D, 70773S, 70873C, 70973R, 75542B, 75642D, E65RWLCRS, E70ELCIH, E70ELCNB, E70ELCRD, E70ELCSA, E70ELCTE, E75ECRD, E75ERCIH, E75ERCNB, E75ERCSA, E75ERCTE
GASKET, Base to crankcase
0317307 GASKET, Base to crankcase
65272S, 65372R, 70442M, 70572B, 70673D, 70773S, 70873C, 70973R, 75542B, 75642D, E70ELCIH, E70ELCSA, E75ERCIH, E75ERCSA
GASKET, Exhaust cover
0317914 GASKET, Exhaust cover
100990S, 115393M, 115493B, 115593, 115693D, 115793S, 115890C, 85393M, 85493B, 85593E, 85693D, BE115TLEDA, E100MLCSC, E100STLCCA, E100STLCEM, E100STLEIE, E100STLEND, E100STLERC, E100STLESB, E100STLETS, E100WMLCDR, E100WMLCOC, E100WMLCRS, E100WTLCUA, E
GASKET, Manifold to crankcase
0319174 GASKET, Manifold to crankcase
100990S, 115493B, 115593, 115693D, 115790S, 115793S, 115890C, 135443B, 135543E, 135643D, 85493B, 85593E, 85693D, BE115TLEDA, E100MLCSC, E100STLCCA, E100STLCEM, E100STLEIE, E100STLEND, E100STLERC, E100STLESB, E100STLETS, E100WMLCDR, E100WMLCOC, E100WM
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