0305607 GEAR, Throttle control EVINRUDE
65832B, 85852A, 85892A
Price: query
BRP EVINRUDE entire parts catalog list:
85892A, 85893A 1968
Table 2
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A 470-7263 Container 1 Complete the procedure in the order in which the steps are listed.
Table 3
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
1. Check that the latest available software is installed and there are no applicable Technical Information Bulletins or Special Instruction documentation released
A. Ensure that the latest software is installed on the engine ECM.
B. Ensure that the latest software is installed on the Dosing Control Unit (DCU)
If necessary, refer to Troubleshooting, "ECM Software - Install" for the correct procedure.
C. Ensure all Technical Information Bulletins and/or Special Instruction documented for the issue and/or product are reviewed and followed.
Software and Publications
Result: The latest software is not installed.
Repair: Install the latest engine ECM software and then install the latest DCU software. If necessary, refer to Troubleshooting, "ECM Software - Install" for the correct procedure.
Start the engine and wait for 2 minutes.
If the fault is cleared, return the engine to service.
If the fault is still present, proceed to Test Step 2.
Result: Applicable Technical Information Bulletin/Special Instruction publication is available.
Repair: Review and follow instructions provided in the available publication.
Result: The latest software is installed.
Proceed to Test Step 2.
2. Check the DEF Tank Filling Procedure
A. Ensure that the engine has been stopped before the DEF tank is filled.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Diesel Exhaust Fluid - Fill" for the correct procedure.
Note: If the DEF tank is filled with the engine running, diagnostic codes 4334-16 (E930 (2)) or 4334-18 (E931 (2)) may become active.
Filling procedure
Result: The DEF tank has been filled using the correct procedure.
Proceed to Test Step 3.
Result: The correct procedure has not been used to fill the DEF tank.
Repair: Use the correct procedure to fill the DEF tank.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Diesel Exhaust Fluid - Fill" for the correct procedure.
3. Clean the DEF Tank Filler Screen
A. Clean dirt and debris from around the tank cap before removing the cap. Blockages can be caused by a build-up of dirt and debris around the cap.
Note : A blocked DEF filler cap can also cause a 5392-31 ( E1370 (2)) code.
B. Clean the DEF filler screen. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, DEF Filler Screen - Clean.
C. If necessary, replace the DEF tank filler screen or the DEF tank filler cap.
D. Use the electronic service tool to perform an "Aftertreatment System Functional Test".
DEF filler cap
Result: The "Aftertreatment System Functional Test" was successful. The diagnostic code is no longer active.
Return the engine to service.
Result: The "Aftertreatment System Functional Test" was not successful. The diagnostic code is still active.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
4. Check the DEF Level
A. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
B. Check the current position of the DEF gauge. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
C. Clean dirt and debris from around the tank filler cap before removing the cap. Add DEF to the DEF tank. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual , Diesel Exhaust Fluid - Fill for the correct procedure.
D. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Check for a change in the gauge position.
E. If the gauge is in the full position, drain DEF from the tank and look for a change in the gauge position.
Gauge position
Result: The gauge did not move by adding or removing fluid to the tank.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
Result: The gauge moved by adding or removing fluid to the tank.
Proceed to Test Step 6.
5. Check the Electrical Connection at the DEF Tank Header
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
B. Inspect the electrical connections to the DEF tank header. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electrical Connectors - Inspect" for further information.
C. Inspect the connections for corrosion or loose wires.
Electrical connections
Result : The electrical connections are free of corrosion and loose wires.
Repair : Repair the DEF Tank header sensor with the DEF Manifold Sensor Kit. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Manifold (DEF Heater) Sensor - Disassemble (Temperature, Level, Quality DEF Manifold Sensor) and Manifold (DEF Heater) Sensor -Assemble (Temperature, Level, Quality DEF Manifold Sensor).
Proceed to Test Step 12.
Result : The electrical connections are not free of corrosion or loose wires.
Repair : Make the necessary repairs.
Proceed to Test Step 12.
6. Check the Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) for Contamination
A. Check the DEF for contamination. Refer to System Operating, Testing and Adjusting, "Diesel Exhaust Fluid Quality - Test" for the correct procedure.
DEF quality standards
Result: The DEF is contaminated.
If the DEF is contaminated with oil-based fluid, the DEF tank must be flushed. Refer to Systems Operating, Testing and Adjusting "Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank - Flush"
After flush procedure completed, proceed to Test Step 12.
Result: The DEF is not contaminated.
Proceed to Test Step 7.
7. Replace the DEF Pump Filter
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position until the wait-to-disconnect lamp switches off.
Note: The keyswitch must be OFF until the "Wait to Disconnect" lamp switches off to allow the DEF pump to purge, reset the code, and reset the Diesel Exhaust Fluid Controller (DCU).
B. Replace the DEF pump filter. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, Diesel Exhaust Fluid Filter - Clean/Replace.
C. Use the electronic service tool to perform an "Aftertreatment System Functional Test".
DEF filter
Result: The "Aftertreatment System Functional Test" was successful. The diagnostic code is no longer active.
Return the engine to service.
Result: The "Aftertreatment System Functional Test" was not successful. The diagnostic code is still active.
Proceed to Test Step 8.
8. Inspect the Lines for Leaks
A. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not start the engine.
B. Connect to the electronic service tool.
C. Perform the "DEF Dosing System Verification Test" to pressurize the system. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Service Tool Features" for more information.
D. Inspect all the DEF lines for disconnected lines or leaks.
Result: A leaking or disconnected line was found.
Repair: Repair or replace the faulty DEF line.
Proceed to Test Step 12.
Result: A leaking or disconnected line was not found.
Proceed to Test Step 9.
Illustration 1 g03790973
Parts gear EVINRUDE: