0317405 GROMMET, Lever to cover EVINRUDE
50302R, 50902C, E55RLCSA, E60ECSR
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BRP EVINRUDE entire parts catalog list:
- MOTOR COVER » 0317405
E55RLCSA 1980
E60ECSR, E60ELCSR 1980
Do NOT mix brands or types of SCA. Do NOT mix SCAs and extenders.Failure to follow the recommendations can result in shortened cooling system component life.
Use Only Approved SCAs. Conventional coolants require the maintenance addition of SCA throughout their expected life. Do NOT use an SCA with a coolant unless specifically approved by the coolant supplier for use with their coolant. It is the responsibility of the coolant manufacturer to ensure compatibility and acceptable performance.Failure to follow the recommendations can result in shortened cooling system component life.
Note: Cat SCA is compatible with Cat DEAC. If you use non Cat-brand conventional coolants, consult with the coolant manufacturer for information on a compatible SCA.Note: Do not top-off the cooling system with water unless there is a specific need to adjust the water/glycol ratio. Compatible 50/50 (water/glycol) coolant is typically used and recommended when cooling system top-off is required.
Never operate an engine without water temperature regulators in the cooling system. Water temperature regulators help to maintain the engine coolant at the proper operating temperature. Cooling system problems can develop without water temperature regulators.
Note: Refer to the specific engine Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Maintenance Interval Schedule" for the service interval for the cooling system water temperature regulator.Check the coolant/antifreeze (glycol concentration) in order to ensure adequate protection against boiling or freezing. Caterpillar recommends the use of a refractometer for checking the glycol concentration. Use the 245-5829 Coolant/Battery Tester/Refractometer. The tester gives readings in both degrees Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit that are immediate and accurate. The tester can be used with ethylene or with propylene glycol.Cat engine cooling systems should be tested at 20120 kilometers (12500 miles) to 24140 kilometers (15000 miles) intervals or at the PM Level 1 intervals for the concentration of Supplemental Coolant Additive (SCA). SCA test kits are available from your Caterpillar dealer. Test the concentration of SCA or submit a coolant sample to your Caterpillar dealer at 20120 kilometers (12500 miles) to 24140 kilometers (15000 miles) intervals or at the intervals for PM Level 1. Refer to this publication, "S O S Services Coolant Analysis" for more information on this topic.Additions of SCA are based on the results of the test or based on the results of the coolant analysis. An SCA that is liquid or a maintenance element for an SCA (if equipped) may be needed at 20120 kilometers (12500 miles) to 24140 kilometers (15000 miles) intervals or at the intervals for PM Level 1.Table 1 lists the amount of Cat SCA that is needed at the initial fill in order to treat coolant/antifreeze. These amounts of Cat SCA are for systems that use heavy-duty coolant/antifreeze.Table 1 also lists additions of supplemental coolant additive for liquid and for maintenance elements at 20120 kilometer (12500 mile) intervals or at the intervals for PM Level 1. The additions are required for Cat DEAC (Diesel Engine Antifreeze/Coolant) and for commercial heavy-duty coolant/antifreeze.Note: Acceptable conventional heavy-duty coolant/antifreeze of all types REQUIRE periodic additions of SCA.
Table 1
Caterpillar SCA Requirements for Heavy-Duty Coolant/Antifreeze
Cooling System Capacity Initial Fill(1) 20120 kilometers (12500 miles) or Intervals for PM Level 1 (2)(3) Spin-on Element at 20120 kilometers (12500 miles) or at Intervals for PM Level 1(2)(3) Quantity of Elements
22 to 30 L (6 to 8 US gal) 0.95 L (32 fl oz) 0.24 L (8 fl oz) 111-2370 1
31 to 38 L (9 to 10 US gal) 1.18 L (40 fl oz) 0.36 L (12 fl oz) 111-2369 1
39 to 49 L (11 to 13 US gal) 1.42 L (48 fl oz) 0.36 L (12 fl oz) 111-2369 1
50 to 64 L (14 to 17 US gal) 1.90 L (64 fl oz) 0.47 L (16 fl oz) 9N-3368 1
65 to 83 L (18 to 22 US gal) 2.37 L (80 fl oz) 0.60 L (20 fl oz) 111-2371 1
84 to 114 L (23 to 30 US gal) 3.32 L (112 fl oz) 0.95 L (32 fl oz) 9N-3718 1
115 to 163 L (31 to 43 US gal) 4.75 L (160 fl oz) 1.18 L (40 fl oz) 111-2371 2
164 to 242 L (44 to 64 US gal) 7.60 L (256 fl oz) 1.90 L (64 fl oz) 9N-3718 2
(1) When the coolant system is first filled, the SCA is not required to be used with Cat DEAC or with fully formulated coolants that meet the "ASTM D6210" specification.
(2) Do not exceed the six percent maximum concentration. Check the concentration of SCA with a SCA test kit, or check the concentration of SCA with Cat S O S coolant analysis.
(3) Do not use the maintenance element for the SCA and the liquid for the SCA at the same time.Note: Specific engine applications may require maintenance practices to be periodically evaluated in order to properly ma
Parts grommet EVINRUDE:
0316132 GROMMET, Valve
50172S, 50202C, 50302R, 50442M, 50542B, 50902C, 55642E, 55772D, 55874S, 65272S, 65372R, 70442M, 70572B, 70673D, 70773S, 70873C, 70973R, 75542B, 75642D, B25JREUR, BE20SRECB, BE20SREDA, BE20SREUM, BE25BAECM, BE25BAEDR, BE30BAECS, BE30BAEDE, BE30BAEEC,
0315837 GROMMET, Water tube
50172S, 50202C, 50302R, 50442M, 50542B, 50902C, 55642E, 55772D, 55874S, E35AELCDE, E35AELCUD, E40AELCCS, E40ECDE, E40ECOB, E40ECRM, E40ECUD, E45RCCDS, E45RCCUC, E45RCE, E45RCEIA, E45RCENM, E45RCERE, E45RCESR, E45RCETB, E48ESLCCC, E48ESLCCC, E48ESLCUS
0510905 GROMMET
115393M, 115493B, 115593, 115693D, 115790S, 115793S, 115890C, 135383M, 135443B, 135543E, 135643D, 150840S, 175740S, 200640S, 50172S, 50202C, 50302R, 50442M, 50542B, 55642E, 55772D, 65272S, 65372R, 70442M, 70572B, 70673D, 70773S, 70873C, 75542B, 75642
0510906 GROMMET, Control box
150840S, 175740S, 200640S, 50172S, 50202C, 50302R, 50442M, 50542B, 55642E, 55772D, 65272S, 65372R, 70442M, 70572B, 70673D, 70773S, 70873C, 75542B, 75642D
0316354 GROMMET, Motor cover
100293R, 100990S, 10424G, 10524C, 10624G, 10724A, 10824M, 10924B, 115393M, 115493B, 115593, 115693D, 115790S, 115793S, 115890C, 125283R, 135383M, 135443B, 135543E, 135643D, 150840S, 150940C, 15404G, 15504C, 15604A, 175740S, 200640S, 25904R, 50172S, 5