0205814 EVINRUDE PANEL, Front door

0205814 PANEL, Front door EVINRUDE 40802A, 40852A, 40902R, 40952R PANEL
0205814 PANEL, Front door EVINRUDE

Buy PANEL, Front door 0205814 EVINRUDE genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 8

Compatible models:

BRP EVINRUDE entire parts catalog list:

40802A, 40802D, 40802S, 40803A, 40803D, 40803S 1968
40852A, 40852C, 40852D, 40852S, 40853A, 40853C, 40853D, 40853S 1968
40902R, 40903R 1969
40952R, 40953R 1969


The information supplied in this service letter may not be valid after the termination date of this program. Do not perform the work outlined in this Service Letter after the termination date without first contacting your Caterpillar product analyst.
This Program can be administered either before or after a failure. In either case the decision whether to apply the Program is made by the dealer. When reporting the repair, use "PS4466" as the Part Number and "7755" as the Group Number. If administered before failure, use "56" as the Warranty Claim Description Code and use "T" as the SIMS Description Code. If administered after failure, use "96" as the Warranty Claim Description Code and use "Z" as the SIMS Description Code.
Termination Date
May 31, 1999Problem
New software has been developed that provides improved diagnostics on certain G3606, G3608, G3612 and G3616 Gas Engines equipped with Computerized Monitoring System (CMS).
Affected Product
Model & Identification Number
3606 (3XF16-154)
3608 (4WF16-78)
3612 (1YG20-131)
3616 (4CG24-96)
Parts Needed
The Personality Modules needed for the update are not available through the parts system. Refer to the "Rework Procedure" for details on receiving personality modules.
Action Required
See the attached rework procedure.
Service Claim Allowances
This is a 4-hour job.
Parts Disposition
Return the personality modules to:
Caterpillar, Inc.
Attn: G3600 Personality Update
3701 State Road 26 East
Lafayette, Indiana 47905
Attach.(1-Rework Procedure)(2-Software Improvement Summary)Rework Procedure
Complete the attached questionnaire for each engine to be updated. Send the questionnaire to Caterpillar in Lafayette, Indiana. After the questionnaire has been received, Caterpillar Large Engine Center will ship the personality module. When the personality module is received, use the attached installation procedure to install the new module.
Update customer service manual with SENR6510-02 Troubleshooting on both in-line and vee engines. For in-line engines upgrade, order SENR4258-03 Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting. For vee engines upgrade, order SENR5528-04 Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting.
ECM and Personality Module
Standard Mounting of Gas Shut Off ValveImproved Diagnostic Software For G3600 Series Engines
Installation Instructions
Read the instructions completely before installing.
The Diagnostic Display Tool (DDT) must have software version 1.6 installed to acquire the information needed to complete the table below. To check the software version, power up the DDT and advance to screen 00 (zero zero).
1. With the engine stopped and the mode control switch in the STOP position, record the following: 2. Rotate the mode control switch to the OFF/RESET position. After the panel has completely powered down, install the new personality module. 3. Rotate the mode control switch to the STOP position. The mode control switch must remain in the STOP position for five minutes. The prelube switch (screen 65 on the DDT) must be de-energized for this five minute interval. 4. Read the intake manifold pressure on CMS gage #4. If the value is within 2 kPa, or .29 psi of the original value recorded above, proceed to the next step after the five minute interval has elapsed.If the value is different by more than 2 kPa, recalibrate the air pressure module (see Systems Operation Testing and Adjustment, SENRS528-03, Pressure Module Calibration).5. Start the engine but do not add load to the engine. Allow the engine to stabilize for one minute. 6. Record all displayed diagnostic codes. 7. Clear all diagnostic codes.Do not increase the load on the engine. Rotate the mode control switch to the STOP position.8. Allow the engine to come to a complete stop and post lube to complete. Start the engine. Increase the speed to rated. Adjust choke trim (DDT Screen 33) to provide the most stable operation. Apply load to the engine. Adjust governor (DDT Screens 70 through 72) and wastegate (DDT Screens 80 through 82) for stable operation. Start at original values as recorded. The engine is now ready for normal service.
If the engine is unstable or cannot maintain idle speed, check choke trim. The engine is operating either too rich or too lean. Adjust choke trim until the engine speed is stable.
If the CMS oil pressure display is blank, the sensor did not complete calibration. See SENR5528 "Oil Pressure Sensor Calibration".
If 023-02, 525-02, or 526-02 is displayed, check the linkage and feedback signals. SENR5528 for actuator linkage adjustments. See SENR6510 for additional troubleshooting instructions.
If 023-07 is displayed, see SENR6510 "Fuel Actuator Not Responding Properly".
Software Improvement Summary
1. The misfire diagnostic code (5XX-08) shutdown problem is fixed.2. Enabled the 5XX-08 above 25% load but kept the feedback turned off until 50%.3. Added misfire counter support over the cat data link. The ECM (Engine Control Module) puts out the total number of misfires that occurred in a 0.5 second interval over the CAT Data Link.4. 094-11 diagnostic code (Failed Fuel System) is tied to Gas shut off valve diagnostic code. For applications that have a remote gas valve, 094-11 can be disabled. This automatically disables Gas Shut Off diagnostic (017-12) as well as 094-11.5. The engine double pre-lube problem is fixed. The problem was the engine would pre-lube, stop then pre-lube and crank.6. A fix was made for the Fuel actuator diagnostic code. For the engines equipped with a full travel actuator, the Control is now given enough time for the feedback signal to catch up during the calibration process.7. The CMS (Computerized Monitoring System) was not reading Oil Pressure due to faulty oil pressure calibration. The oil pressure calibration was corrected and CMS now displays proper oil pressure.8. A fix was made for DMC (Detonation Mixing Control) communication failure (772-12) code. Adequate time is given to diagnose a general data link failure before it shuts down with a DMC communication failure.9. DMC Integration - The Detonation Mixing Control logic has been added for engines with multiple detonation sensors. The control logic will check to verify the personality module is compatible with the type of detonation sensing hardware on the engine. If the DMC is installed on a "NON-DMC" application, a fault code of 772-12 will be the result. The other DMC related fault codes are:190-10 Noisy flywheel tooth signal.501-12 No cylinder #1 ignition signal.501-10 Noisy Cylinder #1 ignition signal.190-12 No flywheel tooth signal.328-12 DMC Configuration fault (DMC configured for wrong number

Parts panel EVINRUDE:

0310940 PANEL, Choke control
40002A, 40802A, 40902R
0307435 PANEL, Choke control
40052A, 40072A, 40852A, 40872A, 40952R, 40972R
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