0306277 EVINRUDE PIN, Drive, shift lever

0306277 PIN, Drive, shift lever EVINRUDE 40002A, 40052A, 40802A, 40852A, 40902R, 40952R PIN
0306277 PIN, Drive, shift lever EVINRUDE

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Evinrude 306277 Johnson Outboard Connector Drive Pin 0306277
Genuine OEM Part
Number on catalog scheme: 31

Compatible models:

BRP EVINRUDE entire parts catalog list:

40002A, 40003A 1970
40052A, 40053A 1970
40802A, 40802D, 40802S, 40803A, 40803D, 40803S 1968
40852A, 40852C, 40852D, 40852S, 40853A, 40853C, 40853D, 40853S 1968
40902R, 40903R 1969
40952R, 40953R 1969


The timing advance mechanism on certain 3406B and 3406C Truck Engines may not always operate properly causing complaints of low power, high fuel consumption, or unusual engine noises.
Affected Product
Model & Identification Number
3406B (4CK1-10008, 4CK10010-10014, 4CK10016-10019, 4CK10021-10026, 4CK10028-10062, 4CK10064-10070, 4CK10072-10075, 4CK10077-10260, 4CK10262, 4CK10265, 4CK10267-10271, 4CK10273-10277, 4CK10279, 4CK10283, 4CK10286, 4CK10288, 4CK10290-11219, 4CK11221, 4CK11223-11354, 4CK11356-11456, 4CK11458-11938, 4CK11940-11942, 4CK11944-12081, 4CK12083-14613, 4CK14615-15434)
3406B & 3406C (2EK1-Up)
Check SIMS serial number data to determine if the engine timing advance mechanism has previously been reworked in accordance with a marketing program. If the timing advance has been reworked, this program does not apply.
Parts Needed
1 - 8C4304 Ring1 - 2H3931 Seal2 - 8N4524 Gasket4 - 5S2671 Bolt (as required)1 - 2W0459 Gasket1 - 2W3621 Housing Assembly (as required)1 - 2W3624 Cover Assembly (as required)2 - 1072961 Washer1 - 1084511 Clamp AssemblyAction Required
See attached rework procedure.
Service Claim Allowances
Parts Disposition
Handle the parts in accordance with your Warranty Bulletin on warranty parts handling.
Attach. (1-Rework Procedure)Rework Procedure
1. Remove the timing solenoid (BTM). Remove the timing advance housing, bellcrank assembly, and timing sensor as a unit. See the Disassembly and Assembly module of the Service Manual.2. Remove the 3P3547 Retaining Ring, the 4P3500 Sleeve Assembly and the two 2W3632 Support Washers from the 4P3384 Spool. The retaining ring and the two washers will not be reused. If access is tight due to the chassis configuration, the 4P3384 Spool and 2W3636 Retainer Sleeve can be removed from the carrier assembly. If you elect to do this, clean the threads in the carrier assembly and use four new 5S2671 Bolts and 9S3263 Thread Lock when installing the spool and retainer sleeve. Tighten these bolts to 2.5 N m (22 lb. in.).
3. Remove the two 2S9255 Bolts from the 1084511 Clamp Assembly.4. Sparingly apply 9S3263 Thread Lock to the threads of the 2S9255 Bolts to prevent it from getting between the mating surfaces of the clamp halves or on the spool when assembled.5. Loosely assemble the 1084511 Clamp Assembly.6. Install a 1072961 Support Washer, the 4P3500 Sleeve Assembly and then the other 107-2961 Support Washer on the 4P3384 Spool.7. Slide the 1084511 Clamp Assembly over the end of the 4P3384 Spool. After applying the thread lock to the bolt threads, install the clamp assembly on the spool within 5 minutes before the thread lock hardens.
8. Make sure that the small lip in the bore of the clamp group goes into the groove in the spool for the 3P3547 Retaining Ring. Do not push the clamp group against the support washers and the sleeve assembly when tightening the bolts. The sleeve assembly must be free to rotate. Carefully lap/grind material from the sides of the sleeve assembly where it contacts the support washers if the sleeve assembly does not turn freely.
9. Tighten the 2S9255 Bolts to a torque of 1.2 .1 N m (9 1 in-lb) . It is acceptable for the installed clamp assembly to have a gap at each end. Steps 10 through 13 are a check of the pin depth of the 2W3624 Bell Crank Cover Assembly. Perform these steps before installing the parts removed in Step 1.
10. Remove the tool used to retain the bellcrank when the timing advance housing was removed.11. Pull the bellcrank against its retaining ring and measure the endplay between the other side of the bellcrank and the bellcrank cover assembly. The end play must be no more than .635 mm (.025 in.).12. If the end play is excessive, remove the bellcrank assembly from the 2W3621 Housing Assembly.13. Set the bellcrank assembly on a flat metal surface with the pin facing up. Tap the pin into the cover until the endplay is between .127 and .635 mm (.005 and .025 in.). The pin has a tight press fit. Be careful NOT to drive the pin in too far. The bellcrank must be free to rotate. If the pin is driven too far, the 2W3624 Bellcrank Cover Assembly will have to be replaced since it is not possible to pull the pin back to the correct position without damaging the pin. Use a new 8C4304 Retaining Ring when assembling the 2W3623 Bellcrank Assembly.
14. Install the timing advance housing, bellcrank assembly, timing sensor as a unit. Then install the timing solenoid (BTM) as described in the Disassembly and Assembly module of the Service Manual. Seal the BTM, timing advance cover and bellcrank cover after final assembly.15. Calibrate the timing sensor as described in the Testing and Adjusting module of the Service Manual.16. Before removing the ECAP, start the engine and compare the Desired Timing Advance (DES TIM ADV) and Timing Advance (TIM ADV) readings on the status screen of the ECAP. The Timing Advance reading must be with .3 of a degree of the Desired Timing Advance reading.

Parts pin EVINRUDE:

0306463 pin, cotter, shift
100882B, 18802A, 25202R, 25302A, 25402M, 25502B, 25602E, 33002M, 33802M, 33902A, 40002A, 40052A, 40072A, 40102B, 40202E, 40304D, 40404S, 40504C, 40604A, 40802A, 40852A, 40872A, 40902R, 40952R, 40972R, 65832B, 85852A
0304178 PIN,Dowel,bearing
100193A, 100293R, 100882B, 100990S, 10424G, 10524C, 10624G, 10724A, 10824M, 10924B, 115083D, 115393M, 115493B, 115593, 115693D, 115790S, 115793S, 115890C, 115983E, 125183C, 125283R, 135383M, 135443B, 135543E, 135643D, 150840S, 150940C, 15404G, 15504C
PIN, Cotter, throttle shaft
0303049 PIN, Cotter, throttle shaft
10424G, 10524C, 10624G, 10724A, 10824M, 10924B, 15404G, 15504C, 15604A, 18002C, 18304A, 18802A, 18902B, 25002C, 25302A, 25402M, 25502B, 25602E, 25702H, 25802C, 25902B, 25904R, 33002M, 33802M, 33902A, 35602G, 40002A, 40052A, 40072A, 40102B, 40202E, 40
0307565 PIN, Link and rod
18802A, 25702H, 25802C, 25904R, 33002M, 33802M, 33902A, 35602G, 40002A, 40052A, 40072A, 40102B, 40202E, 40304D, 40404S, 40504C, 40604A, 40802A, 40852A, 40872A, 40902R, 40952R, 40972R, 65832B, B25JREUR, BE20SEECB, BE20SEEDA, BE20SEEUM, BE20SRECB, BE20
PIN, Control lever
0304155 PIN, Control lever
18002C, 18102S, 18202R, 18304A, 18802A, 18902B, 25002C, 25102S, 25202R, 25302A, 25402M, 25502B, 25602E, 25702H, 25802C, 25902B, 25904R, 33002M, 33802M, 33902A, 35602G, 40002A, 40052A, 40072A, 40102B, 40202E, 40304D, 40404S, 40504C, 40604A, 40802A, 40
PIN, Taper
0300402 PIN, Taper
10424G, 10524C, 10624G, 10724A, 10824M, 10924B, 15404G, 15504C, 15604A, 18002C, 18102S, 18202R, 18304A, 18802A, 18902B, 25002C, 25102S, 25202R, 25302A, 25402M, 25502B, 25602E, 25902B, 33002M, 33802M, 33902A, 3802A, 40002A, 40052A, 4006E, 40072A, 4010
0304226 PIN, Pivot
33002M, 33802M, 33902A, 40002A, 40052A, 40072A, 40102B, 40202E, 40304D, 40404S, 40504C, 40604A, 40802A, 40852A, 40872A, 40902R, 40952R, 40972R, E40RSLR, E40RWCDB, E40RWCOM, E40RWCRA
0307456 PIN, Tilting lock
33002M, 33802M, 33902A, 40002A, 40052A, 40072A, 40102B, 40202E, 40304D, 40404S, 40504C, 40604A, 40802A, 40852A, 40872A, 40902R, 40952R, 40972R, E40RSLR, E40RWCDB, E40RWCOM, E40RWCRA
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