0384692 PISTON, Std EVINRUDE 40102B, 40202E, 40304D, 40404S, 40504C, 40604A, E40RSLR, E40RWCDB, E40RWCOM, E40RWCRA PISTON

Buy PISTON, Std 0384692 EVINRUDE genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 1

BRP EVINRUDE entire parts catalog list:

40102B, 40102G, 40103B, 40103G, 40152B, 40152G, 40153B, 40153G 1971
40202E, 40203E, 40252E, 40253E 1972
40304D, 40305D, 40354D, 40355D 1973
40404S, 40405S, 40454S, 40455S 1974
40504C, 40505C, 40554C, 40555C 1975
40604A, 40604R, 40605A, 40605R, 40654A, 40654R, 40655A, 40655R 1976


is currently present to alert the operator or service Technician of an abnormal engine operation parameter. Refer to Diagnostic Fault Code.Aftermarket DeviceAs used here, a device or accessory installed by the customer or vessel OEM after the engine is delivered.Air To Air Aftercooler (ATAAC)A means of cooling inlet air after the turbocharger, using ambient air for cooling. The inlet air is passed through an aftercooler (heat exchanger) mounted in front of the radiator before going to the inlet manifold.Alternating Current (AC)The direction of current flow changes (alternates) regularly and constantly in a circuit.American Wire Gauge (AWG)A measure of the diameter (and therefore the current carrying ability) of electrical wire. The smaller the AWG number, the larger the wire.Atmospheric Pressure SensorThe Atmospheric Pressure Sensor monitors atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric Pressure sensing is used to reduce smoke emissions at high altitudes. The ECM optimizes timing bases on engine operating conditions. The sensor operates on +5 VDC supplied through pin-36 of the ECM connector J2/P2.Boost Pressure SensorRefer to Inlet Air Manifold Pressure Sensor.Breakout T HarnessA test harness designed to connect into a machine or engine harness which allows normal circuit operation while providing a breakout or T to measure signals.Bypass CircuitA circuit, usually temporary, to substitute for an existing circuit, typically for test purposes.CalibrationAs used here, is an electronic adjustment of a sensor signal.CAT Data LinkA two wire electrical connection for communication with other microprocessor based devices such as EMS II. The Data Link is also the serial communication medium used for programming and troubleshooting with Caterpillar Electronic Service Tools.Caterpillar Engine MonitoringThe part of the Electronic Control Module that monitors Coolant Temperature, Filtered Fuel Pressure, Inlet Manifold Air Temperature and Coolant Level to alert the operator of detected problems. The Coolant Temperature, Inlet Manifold Air Temperature, and Filtered Fuel Pressure Sensors are supplied by Caterpillar and monitored by the ECM. The Coolant Level Sensor is vessel OEM installed, but still monitored by the ECM. Aftermarket engine monitoring systems do not interface with the Caterpillar Electronic Engine Control Module.Check Engine LampSometimes referred to as the "Diagnostic Lamp", it is used to alert the operator of the presence of an active event and is used to flash a diagnostic code.CodeRefer to Diagnostic Fault Code.Cold ModeA mode of engine operation where the timing is retarded and the low idle may be raised for engine protection, reduced smoke emissions and faster warm up time.Component Identifier (CID)Two or three digit code which is assigned to each component to identify data via data link to ECM. Coolant Level SensorThis OEM installed sensor detects the absence/presence of coolant at the probe and sends a signal to the ECM.Coolant Temperature SensorThe Coolant Temperature Sensor measures the temperature of the engine coolant. The ECM uses this information to determine the mode of operation and if Caterpillar Engine Monitoring is not programmed to the OFF mode, to notify the operator of excessive engine temperature. The sensor operates on +5 VDC supplied through pin-36 of the ECM connector J2/P2.Customer Specified ParameterA parameter value that can be changed and whose value is set by the customer.Data LinkRefer to CAT Data Link.Desired RPMAn input to the electronic governor within the ECM. The electronic governor uses inputs from the Throttle Position Sensor, Engine Speed/Timing Sensor and Customer Parameters to determine "Desired RPM".Diagnostic Flash CodeThese codes are flashed out using the Check Engine/Diagnostic Lamp to indicate an electronic system malfunction or an event detected by the Electronic System.Diagnostic LampSometimes referred to as the "check engine light", it is used to warn the operator of the presence of an active diagnostic code.Direct Current (DC)The type of current where the direction of current flow is consistently in one direction only.Duty CycleRefer to Pulse Width Modulation.Electronic Control Analyzer & Programmer (ECAP)An electronic service tool developed by Caterpillar used for programming and diagnosing a variety of Caterpillar electronic controls using RS-232 data link.Electronic Control Module (ECM)The engine control computer that provides power to the truck engine electronics. It accepts inputs that monitor and outputs that control or change to act as a governor to control engine rpm.Electronic Engine ControlThe complete electronic system that monitors and controls engine operation under all conditions.Electronic Technician (Cat ET)A software program to run on a service tool like a personal computer (PC).Estimated Dynamic TimingThe ECM estimation of actual injection timing.Event CodeThese codes indicate an event that describe an abnormal engine condition, such as an Idle Shutdown Occurrence. They are not necessarily (or usually) an indication of problems within the Electronic System.Failure Mode Identifier (FMI)Type of failure the component experienced (adopted from SAE standard practice J1587 diagnostics).Fault CodeSometimes referred to as a diagnostic fault code. These codes indicate an electronic system malfunction or problem with the engine electronic system. FlammstartThe flammstart is a separate system that may operate independent of the engine control. However, to optimize the cold start strategy may be desired to turn off fuel injection to heater plug before the flammstart system normally would. With the Flammstart relay connected, the ECM will disable the Flammstart after inlet air reaches 55°C. This reduces the chance of the flame becoming counterproductive as it consumes oxygen. For more information on Flammstart, refer to SEHS9551, Inlet Manifold Heater Operation Manual. The Inlet Manifold will turn off if the engine speed is < 500 rpm and the Inlet Air Temperature is < 55°C (131°F).Filtered Fuel Pressure SensorThis sensor measures engine filtered fuel pressure and sends a signal to the ECM as part of Caterpillar Engine Monitoring.Flash Code (FC)The Caterpillar proprietary code numbers which are flashed out on the diagnostic lamp.Flash ProgrammingA way of programming or updating an ECM with an Electronic Service Tool over the data link.Fuel PositionAn internal signal within the ECM, from the Electronic Governor to Fuel Injection Control. It is based on Desired RPM, FRC Fuel Position, rated fuel position and engine rpm.Fuel Ratio Control (FRC)FRC Fuel Pos is a limit based on control of the fuel to air ratio and is used for emissions control purposes. When the ECM senses a higher boost pressure (more

Parts piston EVINRUDE:

0384715 PISTON,.030 o.s.
40102B, 40202E, 40304D, 40404S, 40504C, 40604A, E40RSLR, E40RWCDB, E40RWCOM, E40RWCRA
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