0207632 EVINRUDE SEAL,Baffle to motor cover

0207632 SEAL,Baffle to motor cover EVINRUDE 175740S, 200640S, 70773S SEAL
0207632 SEAL,Baffle to motor cover EVINRUDE

Buy SEAL,Baffle to motor cover 0207632 EVINRUDE genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 16

Compatible models:

BRP EVINRUDE entire parts catalog list:

175740S, 175749S, 200740C, 200749C 1977
200640S, 200649S 1976
70773S, 75742S, 75743S 1977


Harness Wire Identification
Caterpillar identifies all wires with eleven solid colors. The circuit number is stamped on the wire at a 25 mm (1 inch) spacing. Table 1 lists the wire colors and the color codes.
Table 1
Color Codes for the Harness Wire
Color Code Color Color Code Color
BK Black GN Green
BR Brown BU Blue
RD Red PU Purple
OR Orange GY Gray
YL Yellow WH White
PK Pink For example, a wire identification of A701-GY(Grey) on the schematic would signify a gray wire with the circuit number A701. A701-GY(Grey) identifies the power circuit for the No. 1 Injector solenoid.Another wire identification on the schematic is the size of the wire. The size of the wire will follow the wire color. Wire size or gauge is referred to as AWG (Americal Wire Gauge). AWG is a description of the diameter of the wire.For example, a code of 150-OR-14(Orange) on the schematic would indicate that the orange wire in circuit 150 is a 14 AWG wire.Requirements for Wire Size
The wire size to all Caterpillar components must have an adequate size in order to handle the maximum current of the circuit. Table 2 shows the various AWG wire numbers that are used. The metric equivalents for the diameter of the AWG wire numbers are also shown.
Table 2
Metric Equivalents for AWG Wire Numbers
AWG Wire Number Diameter (mm) AWG Wire Number Diameter (mm)
20 0.8 14 1.6
18 1.0 12 2.0
16 1.3 4 3.2 Follow these requirements for wire size:
Make all positive battery connections and all negative battery connections to the customer connector with 14 AWG wire.
Make all negative battery connections from the bridge displays to the negative bus bar with 12 AWG wire minimum.
Make all other connections with 16 AWG wire minimum.
Connect only the recommended components to the negative battery wiring for the bridge displays.Wiring for the Cat Data Link
Make all connections for the Cat Data Link with 143-5018 Wire.Battery Connections
Caterpillar recommends bus bars which are dedicated solely to the electronic devices that are connected to the engine Electronic Control Module (ECM). This ensures that the ECM, the switches, the sensors, and the electronic display modules have a common reference point.Make the battery connections according to Illustration 1. This ensures that all of the components in the system have the negative battery bus bar as a common reference point.
Illustration 1 g01126072
Battery connections for the operator station (two engine arrangement)
All negative battery connections must begin at the negative battery bus bar and the wiring must terminate at the negative battery connection on the component that is being wired. Make the connection from the negative battery bus bar to the displays on the bridge with a minimum of 12 AWG wire. No other components should be connected to the negative battery bus bar.Welding on an Engine that is Equipped with an Electronic Control System
Proper welding procedures are necessary in order to avoid damage to the engine's ECM, sensors, and associated components. Remove the component that requires welding from the engine, when possible. If you cannot remove the component from the engine, the following procedure must be followed. This procedure provides the minimum amount of risk to the electronic components.
Do not ground the welder to electrical components such as the ECM or sensors. Improper grounding can cause damage to the drive train bearings, hydraulic components, electrical components, and other components.Clamp the ground cable from the welder to the component that will be welded. Place the clamp as close as possible to the weld. This will help reduce the possibility of damage.
Stop the engine. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
Refer to Illustration 2. Disconnect the negative battery cable from the battery. If a battery disconnect switch is installed, open the switch. Note: Disconnecting the positive battery cable and the negative battery cable is recommended. Using the battery disconnect switch to open one side of the battery circuit and removing the battery cable for the remaining side of the battery circuit is acceptable.
Illustration 2 g01126278
The welding current will not cause damage to any of the associated components.
Connect the welding ground cable as close as possible to the area that will be welded. Components which may be damaged by welding include bearings, hydraulic components, and electrical/electronic components.
Protect the wiring harness from welding debris and spatter.
Weld the materials by using standard welding methods.

Parts seal EVINRUDE:

SEAL, Thermostat
0310058 SEAL, Thermostat
10424G, 10524C, 10624G, 10724A, 10824M, 10924B, 150840S, 150940C, 15404G, 15504C, 15604A, 175740S, 18002C, 18102S, 18202R, 18304A, 18802A, 18902B, 200640S, 25002C, 25102S, 25202R, 25302A, 25402M, 25502B, 25602E, 25702H, 25902B, 35602G, 50172S, 50202C
0318451 SEAL, Upper
115393M, 115493B, 115593, 115693D, 135383M, 135443B, 135543E, 135643D, 200640S, 85393M, 85493B, 85593E, 85693D
0319250 SEAL RING, Two stripes
100990S, 115493B, 115593, 115693D, 115790S, 115793S, 115890C, 135443B, 135543E, 135643D, 150840S, 150940C, 175740S, 200640S, 85493B, 85593E, 85693D, E100MLCSC, E100WMLCOC, E100WMLCRS, E115MLCIH, E115MLCNB, E115MLCSA, E115MLCTE, E140MLCIH, E140MLCNB,
SEAL RING,One stripe
0319244 SEAL RING,One stripe
100990S, 115493B, 115593, 115693D, 115790S, 115793S, 115890C, 135443B, 135543E, 135643D, 150840S, 150940C, 175740S, 200640S, 85493B, 85593E, 85693D, BE115ELEDR, BE115ELEUA, BE115GLECM, BE115TLEDA, BE150ELECD, BE150ELEDB, BE150ELEUC, BE175EXECD, BE175
SEAL,Shift rod to housing
0321008 SEAL,Shift rod to housing
100990S, 115790S, 115890C, 150840S, 175740S, 200640S, 70873C, BE115ELEDR, BE115ELEUA, BE115GLECM, BE115TLEDA, BE130TLECE, BE130TLEDM, BE130TLEUB, BE150ELECD, BE150ELEDB, BE150ELEUC, BE175EXECD, BE175EXEDB, BE175EXEUC, BE200CXECM, BE200CXEDR, BE200CXE
0207654 SEAL,Motor cover
175740S, 200640S
0207595 SEAL,Motor cover
70673D, 70773S
0207633 SEAL,Motor cover
70773S, 75642D, E70ELCNB, E75ERCNB
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