0209740 EVINRUDE SEAL, Cover bracket

0209740 SEAL, Cover bracket EVINRUDE E40ECOB, E40ECRM SEAL
0209740 SEAL, Cover bracket EVINRUDE

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Table 1
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for High Intake Manifold Air Temperature
J1939 Code Code Description Comments
105-15 Engine Intake Manifold #1 Temperature : High - least severe (1) The engine has been running for 3 minutes.
No other 105 codes are active.
168 codes are not active.
Code 412-16 is not active.
The intake manifold air temperature exceeds the value that is programmed into the ECM for 8 seconds. The code is logged.
This code will be reset when the temperature is less than 122° C (252° F) for 4 seconds.
105-16 Engine Intake Manifold #1 Temperature : High - Moderate Severity (2) The engine has been running for 3 minutes.
No other 105 codes are active.
168 codes are not active.
Code 412-16 is not active.
The intake manifold air temperature exceeds the value that is programmed into the ECM for 8 seconds. The engine will be derated. The code is logged.
This code will be reset when the temperature is 2° C (35.6° F) less than the configured trip threshold for a period of 20 seconds.
105-0 Engine Intake Manifold #1 Temperature : High - most severe (3) The engine has been running for 3 minutes.
No other 105 codes are active.
168 codes are not active.
Code 412-16 is not active.
The intake manifold air temperature exceeds the value that is programmed into the ECM for 8 seconds. The engine will be shut down. The code is logged.
This code will be reset when the temperature is 2° C (35.6° F) less than the configured trip threshold for a period of 20 seconds. Probable Causes
Coolant level
Air-to-air aftercooler (ATAAC)
Cooling fan
Air inlet and exhaust system
NRS valve and engine intake throttle valve
Ambient temperature
Running conditionRecommended Actions
Note: The procedures have been listed in order of probability. Complete the procedures in order.
Table 2
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
1. Coolant Level
A. Check that the coolant is filled to the correct level.
Note: If the coolant level is too low, air will get into the cooling system. Air in the cooling system will cause a reduction in coolant flow.
Result: The coolant level is low.
Repair: Fill the coolant system to the correct level. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Coolant Level - Check".
Result: The coolant level is OK.
Proceed to Test Step 2.
2. Air-to-Air Aftercooler (ATAAC)
A. Check the ATAAC for debris or damage.
Note: Debris between the fins of the ATAAC core restricts air flow through the core.
Result: The ATAAC has excessive debris or is damaged.
Repair: Clear the debris from the ATAAC or replace the ATAAC.
Result: The ATAAC is OK.
Proceed to Test Step 3.
3. Cooling Fan
A. Check the operation of the cooling fan.
Note: A fan that is not turning at the correct speed can result in insufficient airflow through the aftercooler core.
Cooling fan
Result: The cooling fan is not operating correctly.
Repair: Investigate the cause of the incorrect fan operation
Result: The cooling fan is operating correctly.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
4. Air Intake and Exhaust System
A. Check the air filter restriction indicator, if equipped.
B. Check the air intake and the exhaust system for the following defects:
Signs of dirt ingress
Damage to the air intake and exhaust lines and hose
C. Check for ECM codes for inlet air restriction:
107-15: Engine Air Filter 1 Differential Pressure high - least severe (1)
107-16: Engine Air Filter 1 Differential Pressure high - moderate severity (2)
D. Check the engine has not exceeded the service interval for the air cleaner element. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual.
Air intake and exhaust system
Result: The air filter restriction indicator has operated or the air filter is blocked.
Repair: Make sure that the air filter is clean and serviceable. If necessary, replace the air filter.
Result: The air intake or the exhaust system is blocked, restricted, or damaged.
Repair: Repair the air intake or the exhaust system, as required.
Result: A 107-15 or 107-16 code is active
Repair: Refer to Troubleshooting, Inlet Air is Restricted.
Result: The service interval for the air cleaner element has been exceeded.
Repair: Replace the air cleaner element. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, Engine Air Cleaner Element - Replace.
Result: The air intake or the exhaust system is OK.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
5. NRS Valve or Intake Throttle Valve
A. Use the electronic service tool to perform the "Air System Motor Valves Verification Test".
Check for active diagnostic codes that relate to the engine intake throttle valve.
Engine intake throttle valve
Result: There are active diagnostic codes that relate to the NRS valve or engine intake throttle valve.
Repair: Troubleshoot the active diagnostic codes. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Diagnostic Trouble Codes".
Result: The NRS valve and engine intake throttle valve are OK.
Proceed to Test Step 6.
6. Turbocharger
Note: The turbocharger that is installed on the engine is a nonserviceable item. If any mechanical fault exists, then the faulty turbocharger must be replaced.
A. Ensure that the mounting bolts for the turbocharger are tight.
B. Check that the compressor blades rotate freely in the turbocharger.
C. Check that the oil drain for the turbocharger is not blocked or restricted.
D. Check that the compressor housing for the turbocharger is free of dirt and debris. Make sure that the housing is not damaged.
E. Check that the turbine housing for the turbocharger is free of dirt and debris. Make sure that the housing is not damaged.
F. Inspect the wastegate for damage and ensure that it is operating correctly. Refer to Systems Operation Testing and Adjusting, Turbocharger - Inspect.
Note: Some oil residue/pooling may be seen, but this is not an indication that the turbo has failed. If the compressor and turbine blades are undamaged and rotate freely, it is likely the turbocharger is fault free.
Result: There is a fault on the turbocharger.
Repair: Replace the turbocharger. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Turbocharger - Remove" and Disassembly and Assembly, "Turbocharger - Install".
Result: There are no faults on the turbocharger.
Proceed to Test Step 7.
7. Ambient Temperature
A. Check for a high ambient temperature.
Note: When outside temperatures are too high, there is insufficient temperature difference between the outside air and the intake air.
Ambient Temperature
Result: The ambient air temperature is high.
Repair: Operate the engine at reduced speed or reduced power.
Result: The ambient air temperature is OK.
Proceed to Test Step 8.
8. Altitude
A. Check for operation at high altitude.
Note: The cooling capacity of the ATAAC is reduced as the

Parts seal EVINRUDE:

SEAL, Thermostat
0310058 SEAL, Thermostat
10424G, 10524C, 10624G, 10724A, 10824M, 10924B, 150840S, 150940C, 15404G, 15504C, 15604A, 175740S, 18002C, 18102S, 18202R, 18304A, 18802A, 18902B, 200640S, 25002C, 25102S, 25202R, 25302A, 25402M, 25502B, 25602E, 25702H, 25902B, 35602G, 50172S, 50202C
SEAL, Lower to outer housing
0315956 SEAL, Lower to outer housing
50172S, 50202C, 50302R, 50442M, 50542B, 50902C, 55642E, 55772D, 55874S, E35AELCDE, E35AELCUD, E40AELCCS, E40ECDE, E40ECOB, E40ECRM, E40ECUD, E40WREES, E40WRLSIR, E40WRLSSC, E45RCCDS, E45RCCUC, E45RCE, E45RCEIA, E45RCENM, E45RCEOD, E45RCERE, E45RCESR,
0316064 SEAL, Frame
50172S, 50202C, 50302R, 50442M, 50542B, 50902C, 55642E, 55772D, 55874S, E40ECOB, E40ECRM, E50BECIC, E50BECNR, E50BECOB, E50BECRM, E50BECTA, E50ECSR, E55RCIM, E55RLCSA, E55RSLN, E55RWLCOS, E55RWLCRD, E60ECIA, E60ECNM, E60ECSR, E60ECTB, E60ELCOD, E60EL
0318574 SEAL, Steering arm
50302R, 50442M, 50542B, 50902C, 55642E, 55772D, 55874S, E35AELCDE, E35AELCUD, E40AELCCS, E40ECDE, E40ECOB, E40ECRM, E40ECUD, E45RCE, E45RCEIA, E45RCENM, E50BECCS, E50BECDE, E50BECIC, E50BECNR, E50BECOB, E50BECRM, E50BECTA, E50BECUD, E50ECSR, E55RCIM,
0321668 SEAL
100990S, 115693D, 115790S, 115793S, 115890C, 135643D, 150840S, 150940C, 175740S, 200640S, 40604A, 50902C, 55642E, 55772D, 55874S, 70673D, 70773S, 70873C, 70973R, 75642D, 85693D, E100MLCSC, E100WMLCOC, E100WMLCRS, E110MLCDC, E115MLCIH, E115MLCNB, E115
0321895 SEAL
40604A, 50902C, 55642E, 55772D, 55874S, 70673D, 70773S, 70873C, 70973R, 75642D, BE25ARECA, BE25AREDC, BE25AREUR, BE35ARECR, BE35AREDS, BE35AREEA, BE35AREUC, BE35ARSIB, BE35ARSSM, BE40EECR, BE40EEDS, BE40EEUC, BE50BEEDS, BE50DTLEDC, BE50DTLEUR, BE50ES
SEAL, Filter
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