55872A, 55972A, 65832B, 85852A

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Water Spor: Water Sport Manufact
Johnson Evinrude 9 AMP Stator 55 Hp, 1968 3 Cyl WSM 173-0726 OEM# 0580726
High Performace Quality OEM Style Stators.||Stators meet OEM standards or higher.||PWC Engine brings Higher Quality for an awesome price!
High Performace Quality OEM Style Stators.||Stators meet OEM standards or higher.||PWC Engine brings Higher Quality for an awesome price!
Water Spor: Water Sport Manufact
Johnson Evinrude 9 AMP Stator 55 Hp, 1969 3 Cyl WSM 173-0726 OEM# 0580726
High Performace Quality OEM Style Stators.||Stators meet OEM standards or higher.||PWC Engine brings Higher Quality for an awesome price!
High Performace Quality OEM Style Stators.||Stators meet OEM standards or higher.||PWC Engine brings Higher Quality for an awesome price!
BRP EVINRUDE entire parts catalog list:
65832B, 65833B, 65852B, 65853B 1968
85852A, 85853A 1968
Table 1
Cross-Reference from Event Codes on Cat Data Link to Troubleshooting Procedure
Code Description Troubleshooting Procedure
E096(2) High Fuel Pressure Troubleshooting, "Fuel Pressure Is High"
E198(2) Low Fuel Pressure Troubleshooting, "Fuel Pressure Is Low"
E232(1) High Fuel/Water Separator Water Level Troubleshooting, "Fuel System Water Separator Has Water"
E232(2) High Fuel/Water Separator Water Level
E265(2) User Defined Shutdown Troubleshooting, "Engine Shutdown Occurrence"
E360(1) Low Engine Oil Pressure Troubleshooting, "Oil Pressure Is Low"
E360(2) Low Engine Oil Pressure
E360(3) Low Engine Oil Pressure
E361(1) High Engine Coolant Temperature Troubleshooting, "Coolant Temperature Is High"
E361(2) High Engine Coolant Temperature
E361(3) High Engine Coolant Temperature
E362(1) Engine Overspeed Troubleshooting, "Engine Overspeeds"
E362(3) Engine Overspeed
E363(1) High Fuel Supply Temperature Troubleshooting, "Fuel Temperature Is High"
E363(2) High Fuel Supply Temperature
E363(3) High Fuel Supply Temperature
E441(1) Idle Elevated to Increase Battery Voltage Troubleshooting, "Idle Speed Is High"
E539(1) High Intake Manifold Air Temperature Troubleshooting, "Intake Manifold Air Temperature Is High"
E539(2) High Intake Manifold Air Temperature
E539(3) High Intake Manifold Air Temperature
E583(1) High Air Inlet #1 Differential Pressure Troubleshooting, "Inlet Air Is Restricted"
E583(2) High Air Inlet #1 Differential Pressure
E678(2) Ground Level Shutdown Troubleshooting, "Shutdown (Ground Level) - Test"
E1045(2) Low Intake Manifold Pressure Troubleshooting, "Intake Manifold Air Pressure Is Low"
E1171(1) Engine Idle Shutdown Occurred Troubleshooting, "Engine Shutdown While Idling"
E1172(3) Engine Idle Shutdown Pending Troubleshooting, "Engine Shutdown While Idling"
E1217(3) Delayed Engine Shutdown Override The code will be logged.
The "Delayed Engine Shutdown" has been overridden. The engine will be shut down.
No troubleshooting is required.
E1363(1) Low Engine Cooling Fan Speed Troubleshooting, "Cooling Fan Speed - Test" Parts of the Event Code
Event Code - The "E" identifies the code as an event code. The "XXX(X)" represents a numeric identifier for the event code. The fourth "(X)" assigns one of three levels to the active event code according to the severity of the abnormal system condition. The code is followed by a description of the code. Refer to the following example:
E360(1) Low Oil Pressure
E360(2) Low Oil Pressure
E360(3) Low Oil PressureThe definition for the levels of severity for an event are defined below:Level 1 - Level 1 alerts the operator that an engine system requires attention. The operator should check that the involved system condition or the operator should perform maintenance on the involved system at the earliest possible time.Level 2 - Level 2 requires a change in the operation of the engine or the performance of a maintenance procedure. Failure to correct the problem may result in damage to the engine components.Level 3 - Level 3 requires an immediate safe shutdown of the engine in order to avoid damage to the engine or injury to personnel around the engine. The problem that caused the event must be corrected before engine operation can resume.Active Event Codes
An active event code represents a problem with engine operation. Correct the problem as soon as possible.Active event codes are listed in ascending numerical order. The code with the lowest number is listed first.Illustration 1 is an example of the operating range of a sensor.
Illustration 1 g01365757
Example of the typical operating range of a sensor (1) This area represents the normal operating range of the engine parameter. (2) In these areas, the engine is operating in an unsafe operating range of the monitored parameter. An event code will be generated for the monitored parameter. The sensor circuit does not have an electronic problem. (3) In these areas, the signal from the sensor is outside of the operating range of the sensor. The sensor circuit has an electronic problem. A diagnostic code will be generated for the sensor circuit. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Diagnostic Trouble Code List" for additional information on diagnostic codes.Logged Event Codes
When the Electronic Control Module (ECM) generates an event code, the ECM logs the code in permanent memory. The ECM has an internal diagnostic clock. The ECM will record the following information when an event code is generated:
The hour of the first occurrence of the code
The hour of the last occurrence of the code
The number of occurrences of the codeLogged events are listed in chronological order. The most recent event code is listed first.This information can be helpful for troubleshooting intermittent problems. Logged codes can also be used to review the performance of the engine.Clearing Event Codes
A code is cleared from memory when one of the following conditions occur:
The code does not recur for 100 hours.
A new code is logged and there are already ten codes in memory. In this case, the oldest code is cleared.
The service technician manually clears the code.