0206023 TILT HANDLE EVINRUDE 55872A, 55972A TILT

Buy TILT HANDLE 0206023 EVINRUDE genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 20

Compatible models:

55872A   55972A   EVINRUDE

BRP EVINRUDE entire parts catalog list:

55872A, 55872R, 55872S, 55873A, 55873R, 55873S 1968
55972A, 55972C, 55973A, 55973C 1969


2. Disconnect hose (3). Remove linkages (1) and (2) from the shutoff. 3. Remove bolts (5) that hold bracket (7). Remove bracket (7).4. Remove bolts (6) and then remove safety shutoff control (4) and gasket.Install Safety Shutoff Control
1. Install a new gasket (2) and then put the safety shutoff control (1) in position in the housing. Install the bolts that hold it.2. Install bracket with the bolts that hold it. 3. Connect hose (5) to safety shutoff.4. Connect linkages (3) and (4) to safety shutoff.Disassemble Safety Shutoff Control
start by:a) remove safety shutoff control 1. Remove two screws (1) and bolt (2). Remove cover assembly (3). 2. Push the plunger in and remove roll pin (4). Remove the plunger and spring from the cover. Remove the seal from the plunger. 3. Remove bushing (5) from the cover. 4. Remove five bolts (6), and remove housing assembly (7).5. Remove piston (8) from the housing. 6. Remove the two cotter pins, washers (9) and the two springs from the pins. 7. Remove guide (10) from the pins. 8. Remove plug (11) from the housing. 9. Use a screwdriver to push (pry) evenly on both sides of gear (12) to remove the gear and shaft as a unit.10. Use tool (A) to remove snap ring (13) from the shaft. Remove bearing (14) from the shaft. 11. Remove bushing assembly (15) from the housing. 12. Loosen the setscrew in button (16). Remove button (16), spring (17) and plunger (18) from bushing (15). Remove the seal from plunger (18). 13. Remove plug (19) and the spring from the housing. 14. When plug (19) is removed, latch (20) can be removed from the bottom side of the housing.15. Remove the dowel, two springs and slide (21) from the housing. 16. Remove carrier assembly (22). 17. Remove adjusting screw (23), the spring and nut from the carrier. 18. Remove screw (24), weight (25) and the pin from the carrier. 19. Use tool (A) to remove snap ring (26). Remove the washer and gear (27) from the dowel.20. Remove bushing (28) from the gear.
The shaft can fall out of the housing when dowel (29) is removed.
21. Remove dowel (29) and the gear from the shaft assembly. 22. Remove shaft assembly (30) from the housing. 23. Loosen setscrew (31). Remove gear (32), the key and washer from the shaft. 24. Remove bearings (33) and (34) from the top of the housing.25. Remove bearing (35) from the bottom of the housing. Assemble Safety Shutoff Control
1. Clean and inspect all parts before assembly. Put clean oil on all bearings, gears and seals during assembly. 2. Use tooling (A) to install the bearing in the bottom of housing (1). Install the bearing so it is even with the bottom surface of the housing. 3. Use tooling (A) to install bearing (2) in the top of the housing so it is even with the top surface of the housing. Use tooling (A) to install bearing (3) in the housing so the shoulder of the bearing is against the top surface of the housing. 4. Install the washer, key and gear (5) on the shaft as shown. Install setscrew (4) and tighten just enough to hold the gear in place. 5. Install shaft (6) with the washer in the housing as shown. 6. Install gear (7) on the shaft with the hole in the gear in alignment with the dowel hole in the shaft. Install the dowel that holds the gear on the shaft. Move the dowel to the center of the gear and use a hammer and punch to move metal (stake) both sides of the gear to hold the dowel in place. 7. Use tooling (B) as shown to measure the end play of shaft (6). The end play must be .010 .005 in. (0.25 0.13 mm). To change the end play loosen the setscrew in the gear on the other end of shaft (6) and move the gear on the shaft. When the end play is correct, tighten the setscrew and use a hammer and punch to move the metal (stake) four places around the setscrew to hold the setscrew in place. 8. Use tooling (A) and a press to install the bushing in gear (8). Install the bushing so dimension "X" is .031 in. (0.79 mm). Dimension "X" is the distance the bushing extends above the surface of the smaller gear.9. If a replacement of the dowel for gear (8) is necessary, install the new dowel so it extends .88 in. (22.4 mm) above the top surface of the housing. 10. Put gear (8) and the washer in position on the dowel and use tool (C) to install the snap ring to hold the washer and gear on the dowel. 11. Install pin (9) in the carrier as shown. 12. Put weight (10) in position in the carrier and install setscrew (11) to hold the weight in place. Use a hammer and punch to move the metal (stake) around the setscrew to hold it in place. 13. Put spring (13) in position in the weight and install screw (12) and the nut to hold the spring and weight in the carrier. Screw (12) is used to adjust the engine overspeed control. 14. Install carrier assembly (14) on the housing as shown. 15. If a replacement of bushing (15) is necessary, install the new bushing so it is 2.469 in. (62.712 mm) below surface (Y) of the housing.16. Put the two springs and slide (16) in position in the housing and install the dowel that holds them in place. 17. Be sure the spring is installed on latch (17) as shown. Put latch (17) in position in the housing as shown and install plug (18) and spring to hold the latch in place. Be sure the gasket is on plug (18) when it is installed. 18. Install bushing (21) in the top housing so the shoulder on the bushing is even with the top surface of the housing.

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