
Buy VRO PUMP ASSY. 0174257 EVINRUDE genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery

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Pump Rebuild Kit fits - VRO All Years/HP 435921 436095; 0435921-0436095-6-435925-435924-5007420-5007423
AUTO COMMITTEE Fix that squeaky brake, knocking engine, or clicking starter with Auto-Committee replacement parts to save money down the road. || Compatible: 0435921-0436095-6-435925-435924-5007420-5007423 0174128 0174432 0174724 0175108 0435780 0174246 0174433 0174725 0175160 0435786 0174247 0174434 0174726 0175161 0435922 0174257 0174435 0174727 0175162 0435923 0174262 0174563 0174728 0175163 0435924 0174264 0174564 0174729 0175166 0435925 0174300 0174565 || 0174736 0175246 0438406 0174307 0174618 0174875 0398711 5004555 0174423 0174719 0174876 0433917 5004559 0174424 0174720 0174877 0435554 5004562 0174425 0174721 0174878 0455557 5007421 0174426 0174722 0174879 0435559 5007423 0174427 0174723 0175102 0435723 174128 174432 174724 175108 435780 174246 || 175166 435925 174300 174565 174730 175230 436694 174301 174566 174733 175243 437968 174302 174567 174734 175244 438097 174303 174568 174735 175245 438404 174304 174570 174736 175246 438406 174307 174618 174875 398711 5004555 174423 174719 174876 433917 5004559 174424 174720 174877 || Aftermarket Parts. NOT an OEM. High-Tech materials provides unmatched reliability and performance. Direct replacement to your original unit. If there are any questions as to this product, please contact us directly for technical support. Please verify your requirements or contact us before ordering.


US: The ROP Shop
The ROP Shop | Fuel Pump Rebuild Kit for VRO, 0174257, 0174435, 0174727, 174128, 174432 Engines
The ROP Shop The ROP Shop replacement Fuel Pump Rebuild Kit for VRO, 0174257, 0174435, 0174727, 174128, 174432 Engines || Specs - Refer to images 2 & 3 for more information || Includes - (1) Fuel Diaphragm Kit & (1) Air Diaphragm Kit; comes as shown in the first image || Please be sure to check your part or model number to ensure this is the correct fuel pump rebuild kit for your unit. || Also, please note this may replace multiple part numbers


BH-Motor NEW Fuel Oil Pump For Johnson Evinrude Outboard VRO 5007423 0174566 0174257 0174425
BH-Motor BH-Motor NEW Fuel Oil Pump For Johnson Evinrude Outboard VRO 5007423 || Replace For 0174566, 0174257, 0174425, 0438406, 0175163, 0174879, 0174619 || Replace For 0174563, 0174720, 0174567, 0174427, 0174264, 0175161, 0174565,0175425, 0174424, 0174247, 0175162, 5004559 || Replace for "VRO style" fuel pump only,.It does not fit for 2 cylinder 40-50 HP. || It is a 3-Wire replacement fuel pump.
Number on catalog scheme: 1

BRP EVINRUDE entire parts catalog list:

E150TLCOS, E150TXCOS 1985
E175TLCOC, E175TXCOC 1985
E185TLCOC, E185TXCOC 1985
E235TLCOR, E235TXCOR 1985


Table 1
Diagnostic Codes Table
Description Conditions which Generate this Code System Response
190-8 Engine Speed Sensor : Abnormal Frequency, Pulse Width, or Period The engine is running for more than 3 seconds.
The pattern from the timing ring for the crankshaft speed/timing sensor is lost for 2 seconds. The engine speed from this sensor is ignored.
The code is active.
The code is logged if the pattern from the timing ring returns for 5 seconds.
342-8 Secondary Engine Speed Sensor : Abnormal Frequency, Pulse Width, or Period The engine is running for more than 3 seconds.
The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects an abnormal signal frequency for the right camshaft speed/timing sensor. The code is latched in the active state until the power to the ECM is cycled.
The offset for the timing calibration is set to zero while the diagnostic code is active.
The sensor is ignored. The engine speed is calculated by using only the signal from the primary speed/timing sensor.
342-11 Secondary Engine Speed Sensor : Other Failure Mode The engine is in run mode for more than 5 seconds.
The condition is checked once after each start-up cycle.
The position of the primary speed/timing sensor in relation to the position of the secondary speed/timing sensor may be out of specifications.
The polarity of the sensor wiring may be reversed. The code is latched in the active state until the power to the ECM is cycled.
The offset for timing calibration is set to zero while the diagnostic code is active.
2710-8 Engine Tertiary Speed Sensor : Abnormal Frequency, Pulse Width, or Period The engine is in run mode for more than 3 seconds.
The ECM detects an abnormal signal frequency for the left camshaft speed/timing sensor. The sensor is ignored. The engine speed is calculated by using only the signal from the primary speed/timing sensor.
2710-11 Engine Tertiary Speed Sensor : Other Failure Mode The engine is in run mode for more than 5 seconds.
The condition is checked once after each start-up cycle.
The position of the primary speed/timing sensor in relation to the position of the secondary speed/timing sensor may be out of specifications.
The polarity of the sensor wiring may be reversed. The code is latched in the active state until the power to the ECM is cycled. This engine is equipped with three engine speed/timing sensors. The primary speed/timing sensor is mounted inside the engine crankcase and toward the left rear section of the engine. This sensor utilizes the teeth of the crankshaft gear on the rear gear to sense the engine speed and the crankshaft position. The primary speed/timing sensor for the engine is the crankshaft speed/timing sensor.The secondary speed/timing sensor and the tertiary speed/timing sensor are located on the top rear portion of the engine. Both of these sensors utilize the teeth of the camshaft gear on the rear gear group to sense the engine speed and the camshaft position. A single tooth for both of these gears has been partially removed in order to provide a timing reference for the ECM.Under normal operation, the ECM utilizes the signal from the primary speed/timing sensor to determine the crankshaft position for an accurate fuel delivery and timing. This feature eliminates the need for a separate procedure for timing calibration. A timing offset is determined during each engine start-up. The value of the timing offset is stored in the non-volatile memory of the ECM until the successful completion of the next engine start-up. If a failure mode for the primary engine speed/timing sensor is detected during engine start-up, timing calibration is aborted. The value of the timing offset stored in ECM memory will be used. This value will continue to be used for the engine timing calibration until the diagnostic is resolved. A timing calibration cannot be performed manually on this engine.The fuel delivery to the engine is synchronized by the signal from the secondary speed/timing sensor (RH). If a failure mode for the primary speed/timing sensor is detected, the ECM will use the signal from this sensor for fuel delivery and timing.Note: The locations for the sensors are identified as if the sensors are viewed from the rear of the engine. Refer to Illustration 6.For this application, the tertiary speed/timing sensor (LH) is provided as a backup for the secondary speed/timing sensor (RH). The signal from the tertiary sensor will be used if a failure of the secondary speed/timing sensor (RH) is detected. The ECM will use the tertiary sensor to provide the functionality of the failed sensor.Use Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) in order to view the status of the engine speed sensors.The signal from any two engine speed/timing sensors is necessary for the engine to be started. The signal from any single speed/timing sensor is necessary for the engine to run. The speed/timing sensors are not interchangeable. Do not attempt to switch the positions of the sensors.Complete all of the following tasks when you are installing the speed/timing sensors:
Ensure that an O-ring is installed on each sensor.
If an O-ring is damaged or missing, replace the O-ring.
Lubricate the O-rings with oil prior to installation of the sensor.
Ensure that the sensor assembly is fully seated into the engine before tightening the bracket bolt.
Ensure that each electrical connector is securely latched.
Ensure that the harness is properly secured, and ensure that each tie-wrap is placed in the correct location.
Illustration 1 g02459060Schematic for the engine speed/timing circuit
Table 2
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
1. Check for Diagnostic Codes
A. Remove electrical power from the ECM.
B. Connect Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) to the service tool connector. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electronic Service Tools", if necessary.
C. Restore electrical power to the ECM.
D. Start the engine and run the engine until the engine is at normal operating temperature.
Note: If the engine will not start, monitor the "No Start Parameters" parameter category on Cat ET while the engine is being cranked. Check each of the engine speed parameters for engine speed. You may have to power Cat ET from another battery while the engine is being cranked.
E. Look for these codes on Cat ET:
- 190-08
- 342-08
- 342-11
- 2710-08
- 2710-11
Note: These diagnostic codes

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