F380501-1 COIL MOUNT Force
H0503H84B, H0507B85A, H0507C86A, H0507C87A, H0507F87B
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Force entire parts catalog list:
1. To remove right cylinder head, remove bolts (1) and pressure line (2).2. Disconnect governor linkage (3) from the governor. 3. Remove brace (4).4. Disconnect the safety shutoff control cable from lever (5). Remove the bolts that hold bracket (6) to the governor control channel assembly. Remove the four bolts and spacers, and remove governor control channel (7). 5. To remove right cylinder head, remove bolts (8). 6. Remove water elbows (9).7. Disconnect sending unit (10) from the housing.8. Disconnect all the water lines from housing (11). Fasten a hoist to the housing and remove the bolts that hold it in place. Remove housing (11). Weight is approximately 130 lb. (59 kg).9. To remove right cylinder head, remove bracket (12) that fastens the safety shutoff control to the cylinder head. 10. Disconnect the oil lines from block (13). 11. Remove exhaust elbow (14) from the cylinder head to be removed. 12. Remove support (15). 13. To remove left cylinder head, remove bolts (16) that hold the governor to the left cylinder head.14. Remove bolts (17). Remove bolts (18) and (19) that hold the heat shield to the aftercooler housing. 15. Fasten straps and a hoist to aftercooler housing (21). Remove bolts (20) and remove the aftercooler housing. Weight is approximately 260 lb. (117 kg). 16. Fasten tooling (A) and a hoist to the cylinder head. Remove bolts (22) that hold the cylinder head in place. Install two 3/4"-10 NC guide bolts in the cylinder block. Remove the cylinder head. Weight is approximately 400 lb. (180 kg). Camshaft idler gear (24) can be removed without the removal of the cylinder head. 17. Remove bolts (23), the lock, the washers and the O-ring seals. 18. Use a 3/8"-16 NC forged eyebolt to remove shaft (25). Remove gear (24). Remove the bearing from gear (24).Install Cylinder Heads
1. Clean and inspect all parts. Make a replacement of all parts that are worn or damaged. Put clean engine oil on the O-ring seals.
Make sure the grooves in gear (1) and in the bearing are in alignment.
2. Use tooling (A) and a press to install the bearing in gear (1). 3. Put O-ring seal (2) in position on shaft (3).4. Install gear (1) and the shaft in the cylinder head. Install two O-ring seals, washers, lock and bolts to hold the shaft in position. Always install a new gasket between the spacer plate and the cylinder block.5. Clean the top surface of the spacer plate and the bottom surface of the cylinder head. Install the head gasket and water seals. 6. Fasten tooling (B) and a hoist to the cylinder head. Put the cylinder head assembly in position on the engine. Weight is approximately 400 lb. (180 kg).7. Put 5P3931 Anti-Seize Compound on the threads of the bolts. Tighten the bolts in the following step sequence: a) Tighten all the bolts in number sequence to a torque of 175 10 lb.ft. (240 14 N m).b) Tighten all the bolts in number sequence to a torque of 250 10 lb.ft. (340 14 N m).c) Tighten all the bolts by hand in number sequence to a torque of 250 10 lb.ft. (340 14 N m). 8. Install bolts (4) that hold the governor to the left cylinder head. 9. Fasten straps and a hoist to the aftercooler housing. Put the gasket and aftercooler housing (5) in position on the cylinder head and install the bolts that hold it in place. Weight is approximately 260 lb. (117 kg). 10. Install the gasket and bolts (6) that hold the equalizer tube to the elbow. Install bolts (7) that hold the heat shield in place.11. Connect the oil lines to the block on the left aftercooler housing. 12. Install support (8). 13. Install exhaust elbow (9).14. Install bracket (10) that holds the safety shut-off control to the right cylinder head. 15. Install bolts (11) that hold the fuel injection pump housing to the right cylinder head. 16. Install water elbows (12) on the aftercooler housings.17. Install housing (13) and connect all the water lines to it. Install water temperature gauge sending unit (14) in the housing. 18. Install brace (15).19. Put spacers (19) and governor control channel (16) in position on the aftercooler housings and install the bolts that hold them in place.20. Install bracket (17) and the safety control cable. Connect the cable to lever (18).21. Install bolts (20) that hold the bracket on the governor to the right aftercooler housing.22. Connect pressure line (21) to the right aftercooler housing and the fuel ratio control.23. Connect governor linkage (22) to the governor.end by:a) install fuel injection linesb) install instrument panel (left cylinder head only)c) install water temperature regulator housingd) install camshaft housingse) install exhaust manifoldsf) install turbochargers
1. Clean and inspect all parts. Make a replacement of all parts that are worn or damaged. Put clean engine oil on the O-ring seals.
Make sure the grooves in gear (1) and in the bearing are in alignment.
2. Use tooling (A) and a press to install the bearing in gear (1). 3. Put O-ring seal (2) in position on shaft (3).4. Install gear (1) and the shaft in the cylinder head. Install two O-ring seals, washers, lock and bolts to hold the shaft in position. Always install a new gasket between the spacer plate and the cylinder block.5. Clean the top surface of the spacer plate and the bottom surface of the cylinder head. Install the head gasket and water seals. 6. Fasten tooling (B) and a hoist to the cylinder head. Put the cylinder head assembly in position on the engine. Weight is approximately 400 lb. (180 kg).7. Put 5P3931 Anti-Seize Compound on the threads of the bolts. Tighten the bolts in the following step sequence: a) Tighten all the bolts in number sequence to a torque of 175 10 lb.ft. (240 14 N m).b) Tighten all the bolts in number sequence to a torque of 250 10 lb.ft. (340 14 N m).c) Tighten all the bolts by hand in number sequence to a torque of 250 10 lb.ft. (340 14 N m). 8. Install bolts (4) that hold the governor to the left cylinder head. 9. Fasten straps and a hoist to the aftercooler housing. Put the gasket and aftercooler housing (5) in position on the cylinder head and install the bolts that hold it in place. Weight is approximately 260 lb. (117 kg). 10. Install the gasket and bolts (6) that hold the equalizer tube to the elbow. Install bolts (7) that hold the heat shield in place.11. Connect the oil lines to the block on the left aftercooler housing. 12. Install support (8). 13. Install exhaust elbow (9).14. Install bracket (10) that holds the safety shut-off control to the right cylinder head. 15. Install bolts (11) that hold the fuel injection pump housing to the right cylinder head. 16. Install water elbows (12) on the aftercooler housings.17. Install housing (13) and connect all the water lines to it. Install water temperature gauge sending unit (14) in the housing. 18. Install brace (15).19. Put spacers (19) and governor control channel (16) in position on the aftercooler housings and install the bolts that hold them in place.20. Install bracket (17) and the safety control cable. Connect the cable to lever (18).21. Install bolts (20) that hold the bracket on the governor to the right aftercooler housing.22. Connect pressure line (21) to the right aftercooler housing and the fuel ratio control.23. Connect governor linkage (22) to the governor.end by:a) install fuel injection linesb) install instrument panel (left cylinder head only)c) install water temperature regulator housingd) install camshaft housingse) install exhaust manifoldsf) install turbochargers
Parts coil Force:
H0356H75F, H0456B78J, H0456B79K, H0456B80L, H0457H82N, H0457H83P, H0503B83A, H0503H84B, H0507B85A, H0507H81A, H0507H82B, H0555H74G, H0558H79L, H0559B80M, H0559H77H, H0559H77J, H0559H78K, H0659B78B, H0700H79A, H0709B79A, H0750H79A, H0756H80F, H0756H81
H0356H75F, H0456B78J, H0456B79K, H0456B80L, H0457H82N, H0457H83P, H0503B83A, H0503H84B, H0507B85A, H0507C86A, H0507C87A, H0507F87B, H0507H81A, H0507H82B, H0555H74G, H0558H79L, H0559B80M, H0559H77H, H0559H77J, H0559H78K, H0659B78B, H0700H79A, H0709B79
F380475 COIL
H0456B78J, H0456B79K, H0456B80L, H0457H82N, H0457H83P, H0503B83A, H0503H84B, H0507B85A, H0507C86A, H0507C87A, H0507F87B, H0507H81A, H0507H82B
H0456B78J, H0456B79K, H0456B80L, H0457H82N, H0457H83P, H0503B83A, H0503H84B, H0507B85A, H0507C86A, H0507C87A, H0507F87B, H0507H81A, H0507H82B
H0456B79K, H0456B80L, H0457H82N, H0457H83P, H0503B83A, H0503H84B, H0507B85A, H0507C86A, H0507C87A, H0507F87B, H0507H81A, H0507H82B