
Buy DECAL, ENGINE COVER PORT 606397 Force genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 14

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H0503B83A   Force

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The information supplied in this service letter may not be valid after the termination date of this program. Do not perform the work outlined in this Service Letter after the termination date without first contacting your Caterpillar product analyst.
This Program can be administered either before or after a failure. In either case the decision whether to apply the Program is made by the dealer. When reporting the repair, use "PS8781" as the Part Number and "7755" as the Group Number. If administered before failure, use "56" as the Warranty Claim Description Code and use "T" as the SIMS Description Code. If administered after failure, use "96" as the Warranty Claim Description Code and use "Z" as the SIMS Description Code.
Termination Date
October 31, 1997Problem
The software on certain 3508B, 3512B, and 3516B Marine, EPG, and Marine Auxiliary Engines needs to be updated. The new software will provide injector E-trim capability, control EMS and EMSII LEDs using engine monitoring system PIDs, correct reverse rotation engine backup speed timing sensor malfunction, add marine gear oil pressure temperature to engine monitoring system, provide capability to log events for all warnings, derates, and shutdowns, provide capability so that percent load displays on the EMSII and instantaneous fuel rate displays on pilot house EMS, and eliminate several nuisance diagnostics and flashing LEDs if so equipped. In addition, the CCM software must be replaced to communicate with the engine personality module software that has the injector E-trim feature.
Affected Product
Model & Identification Number
Group 1
3508B (2BM113-116 7SM28-39 , 7SM44-51)
3512B (7HM164-171 4TN39-70 )
3516B (8CN134-141 8KN68-90 )
Group 2
3508B (6PN161-221 4GM129-152 3DM81-83 )
3512B (8RM113-158 6WN76-103 8EM246 )
3516B (7RN210-393 6HN104-118 9AN103-107 )
Group 3
3508B (6PN162, 6PN163, 6PN169, 6PN183, 6PN184, 6PN190, 6PN198, 6PN212, 6PN219, 6PN221, 6PN222 7SM50 , 7SM51 2BM115 , 2BM116 3DM82 , 3DM83 4GM130 )
3512B (8RM122-124, 8RM140, 8RM151, 8RM152, 8RM155, 8RM156, 8RM160-163 4TN70 )
3516B (6HN104, 6HN105, 6HN113 7RN246 , 7RN261-264, 7RN266-278, 7RN280, 7RN281, 7RN287, 7RN297, 7RN308-310 , 7RN312-316, 7RN319, 7RN325, 7RN327-353, 7RN355-371, 7RN378-380 , 7RN385, 7RN386)
Parts Needed
Group 1
1 - 1310522 Control Group1 - 1325556 Film1 - 1346538 Film1 - 1356957 Control GroupReference the attached software tables in the rework procedure to determine the flash files and/or control groups needed.
Group 2
Reference the attached software tables in the rework procedure to determine the flash files and/or control groups needed.
Group 3
Subscription JERD2157 Update 6/25/96
Action Required
See the attached rework procedure.
Service Claim Allowances
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Parts Disposition
Handle the parts in accordance with your Warranty Bulletin on warranty parts handling.
Attach.(1-Rework Procedure)Rework Procedure
Group 1
ECM Software Update
New ECM software will need to be installed, either by "FLASHING" new software into the primary and backup ECM's, or installing a new pre-programmed "CONTROL GROUP" into the primary and backup ECM's.
Update By Flashing
Identify the personality module part numbers by viewing the engine's ECM summary screen on the ET Service Tool. (Both primary and backup ECM) Cross Reference the personality module part numbers in Table to identify the new personality module part number flash files required to update your engine. Flash files may be downloaded from the "Corporate Mailbox" using HyperACCESS/5 (subscription LERQ3133) and then "FLASH" the engine ECM's through the ET flash function. When downloading from the mailbox and flashing, add the ".FLS" suffix to the personality module part number. To flash the primary ECM attach the 7X1412 Cable (ATA Data Link) to the 9-pin service connector located on the bottom of the Electronic Instrument Panel (EIP). When flashing the backup ECM, attach the 7X1412 Cable to the 9-pin service connector located on the engine harness near the backup ECM. After the flash is completed on both ECM's, power cycle the engine and perform "Timing Calibration".
Before installing the new software, attach the ET Service Tool to the engine and access the configuration and monitoring screens form the ET Service Menu. Record the settings for all configuration and monitoring parameters. Parameter settings will need to be confirmed and reset if required after the new software is installed. After installing the new software, monitoring parameters for Marine Gear Sensors will be available and need to be programmed. Review the injector E-trim function by selecting "Calibration" from the ET Service menu and then "Injector Calibration". If the engine is equipped with non-E-trim coded injectors, the code shown through the ET will be 1100 (default code for a nominal injector), if the engine is equipped with E-trim coded injectors them each cylinder will show its individual code. (E-trim code is a 4 digit number located on the top surface of the injector tappet).
Update By Changing The Control Group
Identify the personality module part numbers by viewing the engine's ECM summary screen on the ET Service Tool. (Both primary and backup ECM) Cross Reference the personality module part numbers in Table to identify the new "Control Groups" required and order these service replacement part numbers. The new control group is installed into the engine ECM's after first removing the control group currently in the ECM. The Control Group is located under the access cover on the back side of the ECM (reference Illustration 1). After installation of the new control groups in both ECM's, perform a Timing Calibration.
Before installing the new software, attach the ET Service Tool to the engine and access the configuration and monitoring screens from the ET Service Menu. Record the settings for all configuration and monitoring parameters. Parameter settings will need to be confirmed and reset if required after the new software is installed. After installing new software, monitoring parameters for Marine Gear Sensors will be available and need programming. Review the injector E-trim function by selecting "Calibration" from the ET "Service" menu and then "Injector Calibration". If the engine is equipped with non-E-trim coded injectors, the code shown on ET will be 1100 (default code for a nominal injector), if the engine is equipped with E-trim coded injectors then each cylinder will show its individual code. (E-trim code is a 4 digit number located on the top surface of the injector tappet).
Illustration 1Electronic Instrument Panel (EIP) EMSII Control Group
Remove the existing 1270336 Control Group.
Install a 1356957 Control Group and a 1346538

Parts decal Force:

H0252H77B, H0254H75A, H0351H76K, H0503B83A, H0700H79A, H0709B79A, H0750H79A, H0756H80F, H0757B79E, H0757H75A, H0757H76C, H0757H78D, H0758H80B, H0759H79A, H0850H79A, H0850H80A, H0851H79A, H0855H79A, H0856B80H, H0857B78F, H0857H79G, H0858B80C, H0859B79
H0091B80B, H0091H79A, H0091H83C, H0092H79F, H0092H81H, H0092H81J, H0095B80F, H0095B81G, H0095H82H, H0101B78A, H0102H76C, H0102H78E, H0121B79A, H0122H79E, H0125H79E, H0152B78D, H0152B83J, H0152C84K, H0152H79E, H0202B81M, H0202H79K, H0252B83G, H0252H77
H0092H83K, H0092H84L, H0503B83A, H0507E91B
H0457H83P, H0503B83A, H0559H83R, H0906R83D, H1008H83C, H1058V83H, H1158H84G, H1408H83E
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