FA433387 Force DECAL, TIMING

FA433387 DECAL, TIMING Force H0353H81N, H0356H75F, H0456B78J, H0456B79K, H0507H81A, H0555H74G DECAL
FA433387 DECAL, TIMING Force

Buy DECAL, TIMING FA433387 Force genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 6

Force entire parts catalog list:

H0353H81N 1981
H0356H75F 1975,1976,1977
H0456B78J 1978
H0456B79K 1979
H0507H81A 1981
H0555H74G 1974,1976


Illustration 1 g02215014
Inspecting V-belt groove wearCheck the V-belt groove of the pulley for wear. While attach the new V-belt around a worn pulley. Apply a high tension to the belt, and check whether the top surface of the belt is outside or inside of the pulley groove to determine the degree of pulley groove wear. When the top surface of V-belt is outside the pulley groove. The degree of wear is almost the same for every groove (when pulley has two belt grooves or more), the remaining service life of the pulley can be considered sufficient. If the wear appears excessive, and the belt top surface sinks (A) 1.6 mm (0.06 inch) or more down from the top edge of groove. The pulley is not reusable so replace the pulley with a new one.Inspecting oil seal contact surface
Inspect the oil seal contact surface of the pulley. If the pulley wears due to oil seal, replace the pulley with new one.Measuring clearance between idler bushing and idler shaft
Illustration 2 g02215016
(B) Measuring directions (C) Measuring pointsMeasure the inside diameter of the idler bushing and outside diameter of the idler shaft. Replace the bushing if the clearance exceeds the limit.
Table 1
Item     Standard     Limit    
Clearance between idler bushing and idler shaft    
0.025 to 0.075 mm (0.0010 to 0.0030 inch)    
0.100 mm (0.0039 inch)    Replacing idler bushing
Illustration 3 g02215018
(1) Idler bushing puller (P/N:30691-51900) (2) Bush removing (3) Bush installing
Use the idler bushing puller to replace idler bushing.
To install the bushing, drive the bush from the boss side so that bush is flush with the gear boss face.
After installing the bushing, measure the bushing inside diameter, and if the inside diameter exceeds the standard, ream the bushing.Replacing idler shaft
Illustration 4 g02215019
To remove the idler shaft, use the idler shaft puller (4) .Note: When installing the idler shaft into the crankcase, orient the idler shaft so that its oil hole faces the upper crankcase.Measuring cam lift
Illustration 5 g02215021
(D) Measuring directions (E) Measuring locationsMeasure the minor and major axes of cam to determine cam lobe lift. If the lift is less than the limit, replace the camshaft with a new one.
Table 2
Item     Nominal     Standard     Limit    
Cam lift     Inlet     Major axis
46.916 + 0.100 -0.300 mm (1.8471 + 0.004 -0.012 inch)     Major axis - Minor axis
6.684 mm (0.2631 inch)     Major axis - Minor axis
6.184 mm (0.2435 inch)    
Exhaust Major axis
45.944 + 0.100 -0.300 mm (1.8088 + 0.004 -0.012 inch)     Major axis - Minor axis
7.344 mm (0.2891 inch)     Major axis - Minor axis
6.844 mm (0.2694 inch)    Measuring camshaft journal diameter and journal bore diameter
Illustration 6 g02215023
Measuring camshaft journal diameter (F) Measuring directions (G) Measuring locationsMeasure the camshaft journal outside diameter and journal bore diameter. If measured values are exceed the limit, replace the camshaft with new one.
Illustration 7 g02215024
Measuring camshaft bushing inside diameter (H) Measuring directions
Table 3
Item     Nominal Diameter     Standard     Limit    
Camshaft journal outside diameter     No.1, 2    
54.0 mm (2.13 inch)    
53.940 to 53.960 mm (2.1236 to 2.1244 inch)    
53.900 mm (2.1220 inch)    
53.0 mm (2.09 inch)   &nbs

Parts decal Force:

H0356H75F, H0456B78J, H0456B79K, H0555H74G
321373 2
H0356H75F, H0456B78J, H0555H74G
H0257F88A, H0257F88B, H0352F90B, H0352F90C, H0352H79L, H0353E91A, H0353E91B, H0353H80M, H0353H81N, H0353H82P, H0355D89A, H0356F89B, H0357C88B, H0357F89C, H0357G90A, H0456B78J, H0456B79K, H0456B80L, H0457H82N, H0457H83P, H0503B83A, H0503H84B, H0504H88
H0456B78J, H0456B79K
H0456B80L, H0457H82N, H0457H83P, H0507H81A, H0756H81G, H0756H82H, H0758H82E, H0850H81C, H0856H82K, H0858B82E, H0858C84H, H1006B81C, H1008H83C, H1058H82G, H1058V83H, H1406H81D, H1408H82D, H1408H83E
FA605892 DECAL, FRONT (559H1N, 559B1N)
H0353H81N, H0353H82P, H0457H82N, H0559H80N
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