813437 DRIVESHAFT Force
H0407E92C, H0706A91B, H075312SD, H0903E91H, H1201A90A, H1501E89A
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start by:a) remove governor drive (upper) The exhaust manifold channel assembly was removed for photo illustration. 1. Remove two bolts (1) from air cleaner brace.2. Remove turbocharger cartridge housing tubes (7). Remove four bolts (2) that are used to fasten turbocharger pipe to the support.3. Remove six bolts (4) that are used to fasten the support assembly in position. Remove support assembly (3).4. Remove bolt (5) and spacer from clip. Remove turbocharger lubrication valve tube (6). 5. Remove four bolts and cover (9).6. Remove tube assembly (8) from the turbocharger lubrication valve and housing. 7. Install tooling (A) and a hoist on the governor drive housing and remove fourteen bolts (10).8. Remove governor drive housing. Weight of governor drive for G379 is 90 lb. (41 kg), for G398 and G399 the weight is 125 lb. (56 kg).Install Governor Drive Housing
1. Inspect gaskets and make replacements if necessary. 2. Install tooling (A) and hoist on the governor drive housing. Put gasket and housing in position and install bolts. Remove tooling (A). 3. Install turbocharger lubrication valve tube assembly (2) to housing.4. Install gasket and cover (1) in position on housing. 5. Put support assembly (4) in position and install six bolts. Install four bolts to hold pipe (3) to support assembly. 6. Install turbocharger lubrication valve tube assembly (7) to housing. Install spacer and bolt (6) on tube assembly (7).7. Install two turbocharger cartridge housing tubes (8).8. Install two braces (5) and bolts to the turbocharger pipe.end by:a) install governor drive (upper)Disassemble Governor Drive Housing
start by:a) remove fuel injection pump housing, governor, and governor drive as a unitb) remove governorc) remove shutoff control1. Remove the governor drive housing from the fuel injection pump housing with a hoist. Weight of governor drive for G379 is 80 lb. (36 kg); for G398 and G399 is 125 lb. (56 kg). Remove coupling.2. Remove ring, plunger, spring, and retainer for shutoff control. 3. Remove pin that holds shaft assembly. Remove lever (2), spring (4), key and shaft assembly (5). Remove the seal from housing.4. Remove governor drive pinion (3).5. Use tooling (A) to remove gear from thrust washer (1). Remove the bearing from housing. 6. Remove ring (9). Remove bolts, locks, and gear (8).7. Remove thrust plate (10) and shims. Keep shims together for installation. 8. Turn puller bolt (12) counterclockwise and remove drive gear (11).9. Remove locknut (6), gear (7) and key. Remove the drive shaft (13). Remove bearings for the shaft from the housing.Assemble Governor Drive Housing
1. Install the bearings (1) in housing with tooling (A). Put clean engine oil on bearings. 2. Install the drive shaft (2) and locknut, key and gear (3).3. Install the drive gear. Turn the puller bolt to hold gear on shaft. 4. Heat the thrust washer to a temperature of 250°F (120°C). Install bearing and gear (4) in housing. Push thrust washer over gear until washer is even with top of gear. There must be .015 to .045 in. (0.38 to 1.14 mm) end clearance. 5. Install seal (6) in housing with lip of seal to inside. Install lever and shaft assembly (5). Install spring, key and pin. Be sure the pin is engaged with groove in shaft and shaft turns freely. The spring must hook over the pin and around shaft lever.6. Install plunger, spring, retainer and ring for shutoff control.7. Install governor drive pinion (8). Install shims and thrust plate (7). Install bevel gear (10) and ring. End play of drive shaft with new parts is .005 to .009 in. (0.13 to 0.23 mm). Maximum permissible end play with used parts is .015 in. (0.38 mm). 8. Use the tool group (B) to check the clearance (backlash) between pinion and bevel gear (10). Make adjustment of backlash by removing or adding shims (9) behind thrust plate (7). Amount of free movement (backlash) between bevel gear and pinion must be .002 to .006 in. (0.05 to 0.15 mm).9. Install coupling on shaft. Fasten a hoist and install governor drive housing on the fuel injection pump housing.end by:a) install shutoff controlb) install governorc) install fuel injection pump housing, governor, and governor drive as a unit
1. Inspect gaskets and make replacements if necessary. 2. Install tooling (A) and hoist on the governor drive housing. Put gasket and housing in position and install bolts. Remove tooling (A). 3. Install turbocharger lubrication valve tube assembly (2) to housing.4. Install gasket and cover (1) in position on housing. 5. Put support assembly (4) in position and install six bolts. Install four bolts to hold pipe (3) to support assembly. 6. Install turbocharger lubrication valve tube assembly (7) to housing. Install spacer and bolt (6) on tube assembly (7).7. Install two turbocharger cartridge housing tubes (8).8. Install two braces (5) and bolts to the turbocharger pipe.end by:a) install governor drive (upper)Disassemble Governor Drive Housing
start by:a) remove fuel injection pump housing, governor, and governor drive as a unitb) remove governorc) remove shutoff control1. Remove the governor drive housing from the fuel injection pump housing with a hoist. Weight of governor drive for G379 is 80 lb. (36 kg); for G398 and G399 is 125 lb. (56 kg). Remove coupling.2. Remove ring, plunger, spring, and retainer for shutoff control. 3. Remove pin that holds shaft assembly. Remove lever (2), spring (4), key and shaft assembly (5). Remove the seal from housing.4. Remove governor drive pinion (3).5. Use tooling (A) to remove gear from thrust washer (1). Remove the bearing from housing. 6. Remove ring (9). Remove bolts, locks, and gear (8).7. Remove thrust plate (10) and shims. Keep shims together for installation. 8. Turn puller bolt (12) counterclockwise and remove drive gear (11).9. Remove locknut (6), gear (7) and key. Remove the drive shaft (13). Remove bearings for the shaft from the housing.Assemble Governor Drive Housing
1. Install the bearings (1) in housing with tooling (A). Put clean engine oil on bearings. 2. Install the drive shaft (2) and locknut, key and gear (3).3. Install the drive gear. Turn the puller bolt to hold gear on shaft. 4. Heat the thrust washer to a temperature of 250°F (120°C). Install bearing and gear (4) in housing. Push thrust washer over gear until washer is even with top of gear. There must be .015 to .045 in. (0.38 to 1.14 mm) end clearance. 5. Install seal (6) in housing with lip of seal to inside. Install lever and shaft assembly (5). Install spring, key and pin. Be sure the pin is engaged with groove in shaft and shaft turns freely. The spring must hook over the pin and around shaft lever.6. Install plunger, spring, retainer and ring for shutoff control.7. Install governor drive pinion (8). Install shims and thrust plate (7). Install bevel gear (10) and ring. End play of drive shaft with new parts is .005 to .009 in. (0.13 to 0.23 mm). Maximum permissible end play with used parts is .015 in. (0.38 mm). 8. Use the tool group (B) to check the clearance (backlash) between pinion and bevel gear (10). Make adjustment of backlash by removing or adding shims (9) behind thrust plate (7). Amount of free movement (backlash) between bevel gear and pinion must be .002 to .006 in. (0.05 to 0.15 mm).9. Install coupling on shaft. Fasten a hoist and install governor drive housing on the fuel injection pump housing.end by:a) install shutoff controlb) install governorc) install fuel injection pump housing, governor, and governor drive as a unit
Parts driveshaft Force:
H0257F88A, H0257F88B, H0352F90B, H0352F90C, H0352H77H, H0352H79L, H0353E91A, H0353E91B, H0353H78K, H0353H80M, H0353H81N, H0353H82P, H0355D89A, H0356F89B, H0356H75F, H0357C88B, H0357F89C, H0357G90A, H0407E92C, H0456B78J, H0456B79K, H0456B80L, H0457H82
H040312SD, H040312UD, H0559B80M, H0700H79A, H0706A91B, H0709B79A, H0750H79A, H075312SD, H075312UD, H075412VD, H0756H80F, H0756H81G, H0756H82H, H0757B79E, H0757H75A, H0757H76C, H0757H78D, H0758H80B, H0758H82E, H0759H79A, H0850H79A, H0850H80A, H0850H81
H0202B80L, H0202B81M, H0202H79K, H0202H82N, H0252B83G, H0257F88A, H0257F88B, H0306B80C, H0307H81D, H0350H78L, H0351H76K, H0356F89B, H0357C86A, H0357C87A, H0357C88B, H0357F88A, H0357F89C, H0357H83N, H0407E92C, H0504H88C, H0504H88D, H0504P89B, H0505C89
H0853F89F, H0853F89G, H0856A89H, H0856L89D, H0903E91D, H0903E91H, H0903F90B, H0903F90C, H0903F91A, H0903F91C, H0906A90A, H1201A90A, H1251A89D, H1251A89E, H1501E89A
H0853F89F, H0853F89G, H0856A89H, H0856L89D, H0903E91D, H0903E91H, H0903F90B, H0903F90C, H0903F91A, H0903F91C, H0906A90A, H1201A90A, H1251A89D, H1251A89E, H1501E89A
H0853F89F, H0853F89G, H0856A89H, H0856L89D, H085LD89A, H085LD89B, H085LD89C, H0903E91H, H0903F90B, H0903F90C, H0903F91A, H0906A90A, H090LD90A, H090LD90B, H090LD90C, H1201A90A, H120LD90A, H120LD90B, H120LD90C, H120LD91B, H1251A89D, H1251A89E, H125LD89
H0903E91D, H0903E91H, H0903F91C, H090LD91D, H1201A90A, H120LD91D, H120LD92B, H1501E89A
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