F681874 1 FASTENER-HANDLE SUPPORT PLATE Force H0091H84D, H009201RS, H009201SD, H009201UD, H009201US, H0092284D, H0092H84L, H0092S88A, H0092S91A, H0093S91A, H015201RS, H015201US, H015211SS, H0152C84K, H0152S89A, H025201RD, H025201TD, H025201TS, H025201US FASTENER

Buy FASTENER-HANDLE SUPPORT PLATE F681874 1 Force genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 19

Force entire parts catalog list:

H0091H84D 1984
H009201RS 1995
H009201SD 1996,1997
H009201UD 1998
H009201US 1998
H0092284D 1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995
H0092H84L 1984
H0092S88A 1988
H0092S91A 1991
H0093S91A 1991
H015201RS 1995
H015201US 1998
H015211SS 1996,1997
H0152C84K 1984
H0152S89A 1989
H025201RD 1995,1996
H025201TD 1997
H025201TS 1997
H025201US 1998


Table 1
Diagnostic Codes Table
Code and Description Conditions which Generate this Code System Response
827-8 Left Exhaust Temperature Sensor abnormal frequency, pulse width, or period The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects a sensor frequency that is greater than 1000 Hz or less than 150 Hz.
The ECM detects a duty cycle that is greater than 90 percent or a duty cycle that is less than 10 percent. The code is logged.
The ECM flags exhaust temperature as invalid data.
The value of the parameter is set to a default value.
828-8 Right Exhaust Temperature Sensor abnormal frequency, pulse width, or period System OperationThe PWM sensors provide a signal to the engine's ECM. The sensors receive a 8.0 0.4 VDC regulated voltage from the ECM.The sensor's wires are routed from the ECM to the sensor connectors. The following list gives the terminal locations for the sensor connector.
Terminal A digital sensor supply
Terminal B digital sensor return
Terminal C sensor signalThe ECM provides short circuit protection for the internal power supply. A short circuit to the battery will not damage the internal power supply.
Illustration 1 g01442587
Typical schematic
Illustration 2 g01213937
P1 ECM connector
(P1-4) Digital sensor supply
(P1-5) Digital sensor return
(P1-11) Left exhaust temperature
(P1-12) Right exhaust temperature
Illustration 3 g01383859
P2 ECM connector
(P2-54) Digital sensor return
(P2-56) Digital sensor supply
Illustration 4 g01094844
Sensor connector
(Pin A) Sensor supply
(Pin B) Sensor return
(Pin C) Signal
Illustration 5 g01234146
Location of ECM connectors
Test Step 1. Check for "Active" or "Logged" Diagnostic Codes
Connect Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) to the service tool connector.
Turn the main disconnect switch to the ON position.
Monitor the diagnostic codes on Cat ET. Check and record any diagnostic codes. Note: Wait at least 30 seconds in order for the diagnostic codes to become active.
Determine if a -8 diagnostic code is active for one of the exhaust temperature sensors. Note: A diagnostic code that is logged several times is an indication of an intermittent problem. Most intermittent problems are the result of a bad connection between a socket and a pin in a connector or a bad connection between a wire and a terminal.Expected Result:No diagnostic code is active for the exhaust temperature sensors.Results:
OK - No diagnostic codes are active.Repair: If the problem is intermittent, refer to Troubleshooting, "Electrical Connectors - Inspect" for the correct procedures for inspecting electrical connectors.STOP
Not OK - A -8 diagnostic code is active or the diagnostic code is logged several times. Proceed to Test Step 2.Test Step 2. Check the Digital Sensor Supply Voltage at the Sensor Connector
Turn the main disconnect switch to the OFF position.
Disconnect the suspect sensor(s) at the sensor connector.
Turn the main disconnect switch to the ON position.
Measure the voltage on the ECM side of the sensor connector between pin A and pin B for the suspect sensor(s). Expected Result:The digital sensor supply voltage is 8.0 0.4 VDC.Results:
OK - The supply voltage is 8.0 0.4 VDC. Proceed to Test Step 4.
Not OK - The supply voltage is not 8.0 0.4 VDC. Proceed to Test Step 3.Test Step 3. Check the Digital Sensor Supply Voltage at the ECM
Turn the main disconnect switch to the OFF position.
Remove the wire for the digital sensor supply from P1-4. Install a wire jumper into the socket for P1-4.
Remove the wire for the digital sensor supply from P2-56. Install a wire jumper into the socket for P2-56.
Turn the main disconnect switch to the ON position.
Measure the voltage between the wire jumper in terminal P1-4 and engine ground.
Measure the voltage between the wire jumper in terminal P2-56 and engine ground.
Turn the main disconnect switch to the OFF position.
Remove the wire jumper and reconnect all wires. Reconnect ECM connector J1/P1. Expected Result:The digital sensor supply voltage is 8.0 0.4 VDC.Results:
OK - The supply voltage is 8.0 0.4 VDC. The supply voltage at the ECM is correct. There is a problem in the wiring between the ECM and the sensor connector. Repair the connectors or wiring and/or replace the connectors or wiring.Repair: Repair the connectors or wiring and/or replace the connectors or wiring.STOP
Not OK - The supply voltage is not 8.0 0.4 VDC. The voltage at the ECM is not correct.Repair: Replace the ECM. Refer to Troubleshooting, "ECM - Replace". Verify that the problem is resolved.STOPTest Step 4. Check the Digital Sensor's Signal Frequency and the Duty Cycle at the Sensor Connector
Turn the main disconnect switch to the OFF position.
Remove the suspect sensor's signal wire from pin C of the sensor connector.
Reconnect the suspect sensor connector.
Turn the main disconnect switch to the ON position.
Measure the frequency and the duty cycle between the sensor's signal wire and pin B of the suspect digital sensor at the sensor connector.
Turn the main disconnect switch to the OFF position.
Replace the sensor's signal wire and reconnect the sensor. Expected Result:The duty cycle is between 10 to 90 percent. The frequency reading is approximately 500 Hz.Results:
OK - The frequency and the duty cycle are correct. Proceed to Test Step 5.
Not OK - The frequency or the duty cycle is not correct.Repair: Replace the sensor. Verify that no diagnostic codes are active for the suspect sensor before permanently installing the sensor.STOPTest Step 5. Check the Digital Sensor's Duty Cycle at the ECM
Remove the suspect signal wire for the sensor from ECM connector P1. Refer to Illustration 1 for the terminal locations for the ECM connector.
Turn the main disconnect switch to the ON position.
Measure the duty cycle between the sensor's signal wire and the sensor's return wire. Note: Set the multimeter to "VDC". Press the "Hz" button twice so that the % symbol is displayed.
Turn the main disconnect switch to the OFF position. Reconnect all wires.

Parts fastener Force:

H0060B76A, H0062H79M, H0082H76G, H0082H79K, H0091B80B, H0091H79A, H0091H83C, H0091H84D, H0092284D, H0092B80G, H0092H79F, H0092H81H, H0092H81J, H0092H83K, H0092H84L, H0092S88A, H0092S91A, H0093S91A, H0094H81F, H0095B80F, H0095B81G, H0095H82H, H0101B78
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