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API CC oils are unacceptable in all Caterpillar diesel engines.
Engine Lubricant Specification Selection
Selection of a proper oil for 3600 Series engines is vital. It should be given careful consideration, taking into account the quality of available fuel.The performance characteristics of the oil depends on the base oil and the additives. The additives in the oil will vary according to the properties of the base oil and the environment in which the oil will perform its function.Maximum engine life and performance can be expected when the proper engine oil is used. There are significant variations in the quality and performance of the oils commercially available. Caterpillar has developed recommendations to determine the most suitable oils for the 3600 Series engines.Within the Caterpillar line of quality lubricants, Cat Diesel Engine Oil-DEO (CD) is recommended for the 3600 Series engines.* Caterpillar Diesel Engine Oil-DEO (CD)Cat Diesel Engine Oil (DEO) (certified as API CD) is blended with a diesel engine type additive with strong detergency effectiveness. This oil has a higher alkalinity (13.5 TBN) than many oils for the neutralization of wear-causing combustion products and provides additional protection for higher fuel sulfur and an occasional extended drain period.There are a number of other oils that may qualify for usage in the 3600 Series. Caterpillar dealers will work with users to establish a local source of satisfactory lube oil utilizing present suppliers whenever possible. Since Caterpillar does not recommend oils by brand name, a selection process was developed to identify acceptable lubricants.There are three areas to consider when selecting an oil for the 3600 Series engine:* Lubricant Performance* Lubricant Viscosity* Lubricant Total Base Number (TBN)An oil for the 3600 engine must have a minimum API classification of CE, CD or MIL-L-2104E and, the oil must pass the Caterpillar Micro-Oxidation Test. API CD2 oils are also acceptable provided they pass the prescribed testing.The Caterpillar Micro-Oxidation test must be performed on an oil sample from the supplier's blending facility. In some applications, there may be multiple suppliers involved; the oil must be evaluated from all suppliers. The Caterpillar Micro-Oxidation test can be run by your Caterpillar dealer or at independent laboratories that have equipment and procedures approved by Caterpillar.A list of these laboratories is at the end of this section. The acceptability of a lubricant is valid as long as the oil formulation and blending practices remain consistent.The following chart provides an interpretation of Caterpillar test results. 1. Scheduled Oil Sampling (S O S must include infrared analysis), oil consumption and crankcase pressure must be analyzed Every Week of operation.2. A maximum of 3 Months or 72 500 km (45,000 miles) between oil changes for the first 6 Months.Lubricant Viscosity Recommendation
The primary recommendation for 3600 Family Engines is an SAE 40 grade oil. SAE 30 and some multi-grade oils may be used. Refer to the Lubricant Viscosity chart in this publication for the proper SAE viscosity, grade and ambient temperature information. Lubricant Total Base Number (TBN)
New engine oil must have a TBN of 20 times the percent fuel sulfur as measured by ASTM (American Society if Testing Materials) D2896 method. (ASTM D2896 can normally be found at your local technological society, library or college.) For fuels with less than 0.5% fuel sulfur, the minimum TBN value is 10. Always consult with your Caterpillar dealer for the latest lubricant recommendations.For more information on oil and fuel sulfur content, refer to Oil and Your Engine, SEBD0640 and EMA Lubricating Oils Data Book, SEBU6310.Companies which perform the Caterpillar Micro-Oxidation test are listed below. Contact them or similar labs for information on their capabilities and fees or contact your Caterpillar dealer for assistance. Tests done by Caterpillar (at a nominal fee) are tracked and followed-up to ensure consistent formulation and acceptability.Analytical Chemistry Lab
Component Development Division
Caterpillar Inc.
Technical Center-E
P.O. Box 1875
Peoria, Illinois USA 61656-1875
Telephone (309) 578-6604
Fax (309) 578-4496
AutoResearch Labs Incorporated
6735 S. Old Harlem Ave.
Chicago, Illinois USA 60638
Telephone (708) 563-0900
Fax (708) 563-0087
Southwest Research Institute
6220 Culebra Rd.
San Antonio, Texas USA 78284
Telephone (512) 684-5111
Telex 24486
EG&G Automotive Research, Inc.
5404 Bandera Rd.
San Antonio, Texas USA 78238-1993
Telephone (512) 684-2310
Fax (512) 684-6074
ITT Telex 4620246 AUTO RES A
Air Starter Lubricator Oil and Air Prelube Pump Lubricator Oil
Diesel fuel or kerosene can be substituted for air starter lubricating oil for engines equipped with air powered equipment.Anti-Seize Compound (ASC)
* Use 6V4876 Molykote paste lubricant or equivalent. Typical use: head bolt threads and washers.* Use 5P3931 (one liter) Anti-Seize Compound (ASC) or equivalent. Typical use: exhaust manifold studs and nuts.Cat Lubricating Grease
Grease is classified by the National Lubricating Grease Institute (NLGI) based on ASTM D217-68 Worked Penetration characteristics which are given a defined consistency number. Caterpillar has greases for all applications.* Cat Multipurpose Molybdenum Grease (MPGM)Use MPGM for heavily loaded bearings and joints where an extreme pressure grease will maximize the life of Caterpillar equipment. This NLGI No. 2 grade is suitable for temperatures from -15 to +180°C (-5 to +356°F). The part number for the 14.5 oz. cartridge is 5P0960. If MPGM is not available, use a multipurpose type grease which contains 3 to 5% molybdenum.* Cat Multipurpose Lithium Grease (MPGL) (non-extreme pressure)This NLGI No. 2 grade is recommended for light duty automotive type applications where a high temperature [up to 175°C (350°F)] is required. This grease offers excellent mechanical stability, high resistance to oxidation, good rust protection and excellent breakaway torque. The 14.5 oz. cartridge is available as part number 1P0808. If this grease is not available, use a similar multipurpose grease.* Cat Special Purpose Grease (SPG)This grease is recommended for high temperature anti-friction bearings in such applications as electric motors, alternators, fan drives, starters and generators. This grease conforms to MIL-M-7866 and contains a suitable corrosion inhibitor. The grease is a NLGI No. 2 grade. The 14.5 oz. cartridge has the part number 2S3230.This NLGI No. 2 grade is suitable for temperatures [-29 to +177°C (-20 to +351°F)]. Use NLGI No. 1 or No. 0 grade for extremely low temperature. If this grease is not available, use a similar multipurpose grease suitable for anti-friction bearings.
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