10155980 OWNERS MANUAL Force
H090412UD, H090422VD, H120412UD
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Illustration 1 g00749927
(1) Generator Set Control (2) Control panel (operation) (3) Alarm module (option) (4) Synchronizing lights module (option)Each component of the EMCP II+ is described below.Generator Set Control+
The Generator Set Control+ (GSC+) is the main component of the control panel. The control is powered by a battery system with 24 VDC or 32 VDC. The control has several functions and features.The GSC+ controls normal starting and stopping of the engine. When a signal is received to start the engine, the fuel and the starting motor are activated. When the engine rpm reaches the crank terminate speed, the starting motor is disengaged. When a signal is received to stop the engine, the fuel is shut off.The control system is designed to remove power from the GSC+ when the engine control switch is in the "OFF/RESET" position. However, the GSC+ will not permit power to be removed until the crank termination relay and the fuel control relay are off for approximately 70 seconds.Note: A jumper wire may be installed between terminal 6 and terminal 9 of the engine control switch. The wire will allow the GSC+ to remain powered while the engine control switch is in the "OFF/RESET" position. This can be used by service technicians for troubleshooting shutdown faults that are active.
Illustration 2 g00749929
(1) Indicators (2) Upper display (3) Lower display (4) KeypadThe GSC+ activates indicators (1) for alarm conditions and for shutdown conditions. The GSC+ can transmit signals of the conditions to alarm modules in order to activate annunciation. The GSC+ controls shutdowns that are caused by events or by diagnostics from a failed component. For a description of the indicators, see the "Alarm Mode" and "Shutdown Mode" topics below.The GSC+ monitors the status of engine operation and generator operation. Displays (2) and (3) can show the following items: status of engine operation, status of generator operation, event codes, diagnostic codes and programmed information.Keypad (4) is used for changing displays (2) and (3). The keypad is also used for programming certain features. For example, the crank cycle and the cooldown timer can be programmed.Note: To ensure proper operation with EUI systems, the "P023" setpoint of the GSC+ must be programmed to a value of "2". Otherwise, the engine will not operate properly. Also, an erroneous component identifier ("590") will be logged. For information on programming, see Service Manual, RENR1200, "Electronic Modular Control Panel II+ (EMCP II+) for EUI Engines".The GSC+ has connectors for an optional Customer Communication Module (CCM). The module enables remote monitoring and control of the generator set from a personal computer or other device with an RS-232C serial port.The GSC+ has these four modes of operation: normal, alarm, shutdown and service.Normal Mode
The GSC+ is in normal mode during normal operation. None of the indicators are illuminated. The upper display does NOT show "SERV".Note: Keys (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) function differently when the GSC+ is in the service mode.
Illustration 3 g00749930
Keypad (1) "POWER METER" (2) "AC METER" (3) "ENGINE METER" (4) "LAMP TEST" (5) "ALARM CODE" (6) "EXIT" (7) "SERVICE MODE"Upper display
The upper display shows the status of the following parameters for the generator: AC voltage, current and frequency. To view the following information individually, press the "AC METER" key (2) (Illustration 3):
Average voltage, frequency of the generator, and total current
Line-to-line voltage, frequency of the generator, and line current for any phase
Line-to-line voltage for all three phases
Line current for all three phases
Line to neutral voltage for all three phasesNote: When the total current increases to more than 9999 amperes, the current is displayed in KA.Note: For delta generator sets, the line to neutral voltage is not shown when the "P032" setpoint is programmed to "1".Lower display
The lower display shows values for these items:
Power output of the generator
Status of engine parameters
Status of the relaysThe left side of the lower display serves as a power meter for the generator set. The following parameters scroll automatically: total real power (kW), total reactive power (KVAR), percentage of rated power (% kW), average power and total output of energy (kW/h).In order to display a particular parameter continuously, press "POWER METER" key (1) (Illustration 3) for less than five seconds.If the "POWER METER" key is pressed for more than five seconds and then released, these additional parameters scroll on the display: total real power (kW), real power of each phase, total apparent power (kVA), total reactive power (KVAR), percentage of rated power (% kW), average power, power factor of each phase, total output of energy (kW/h) and total reactive power output (KVAR/h).Note: All of the real values for power are identified with a positive "+" sign or a negative "-" sign. A negative sign indicates reverse power.Note: For delta generator sets, the real power and the power factor for all three phases are not displayed when the "P032" setpoint is programmed to "1".The right side of the lower display shows the value of the following engine parameters:
Exhaust temperature (left)
Exhaust temperature (right)
Engine oil temperature (option)
System battery voltage
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