817869A 1 PISTON RINGS (2 PER SET) STANDARD Force H0507A90A, H0507A90B, H0507A90C, H0507A90D, H0507A91A, H0507A91C, H0507A92A, H0853F89F, H0853F89G, H0856A89H, H0856L89D, H0906A90A, H090LD90A, H1201A90A, H120LD90A, H1501E89A PISTON

Buy PISTON RINGS (2 PER SET) STANDARD 817869A 1 Force genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 15

Force entire parts catalog list:

H0507A90A 1990
H0507A90B 1990
H0507A90C 1990
H0507A90D 1990
H0507A91A 1991
H0507A91C 1991
H0507A92A 1992
H0853F89F 1989
H0853F89G 1989
H0856A89H 1989
H0856L89D 1989
H0906A90A 1990
H090LD90A 1990
H1201A90A 1990,1991,1992,1993,1994
H120LD90A 1990
H1501E89A 1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994


Table 1
Diagnostic Codes Table
Code and Description Conditions which Generate this Code System Response
549-2 Throttle Lock Switch : Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects an invalid signal from the throttle lock switch. The code is logged. The ECM will disable the automatic control of engine speed. Throttle hold mode and the throttle lock feature are disabled.
The ECM will illuminate the check engine lamp. The ECM will pulse the action lamp and the action alarm at a rate of .5 Hz per second.
2770-3 Throttle Lock Resume/Decel Switch : Voltage Above Normal Both contacts of the "throttle lock resume/decel switch"are in the open state. The code is logged. The ECM will disable the automatic control of engine speed. Throttle hold mode and the throttle lock feature are disabled.
The ECM will illuminate the check engine lamp. The ECM will pulse the action lamp and the action alarm at a rate of .5 Hz per second.
2770-4 Throttle Lock Resume/Decel Switch : Voltage Below Normal Both contacts of the "throttle lock resume/decel switch" are in the closed state.
2771-3 Throttle Lock Set/Accel Switch : Voltage Above Normal Both contacts of the "throttle lock set/accel switch" are in the open state. The code is logged. The ECM will disable the automatic control of engine speed. Throttle hold mode and the throttle lock feature are disabled.
The ECM will illuminate the check engine lamp. The ECM will pulse the action lamp and the action alarm at a rate of .5 Hz per second.
2771-4 Throttle Lock Set/Accel Switch : Voltage Below Normal Both contacts of the "throttle lock set/accel switch" are in the closed state. The throttle lock feature is activated through the use of the throttle hold mode switch and the throttle speed set switch in order to maintain a desired engine speed. The throttle hold mode switch is a three-position rocker switch that is used to select the mode of operation. The throttle speed set switch is a two-position momentary rocker switch. This switch is for setting the engine speed and/or adjusting the engine speed. The throttle lock feature has the following three modes of operation:
OFFAutomatic ModeDepress the throttle hold mode switch in the forward direction to the AUTO position in order to select the automatic mode. Use the throttle pedal to achieve the desired engine speed and then depress the throttle speed set switch in the forward direction (SET/ACCEL) in order to set the desired engine speed.Note: The throttle lock lamp will be illuminated when the engine speed is sustained in the automatic mode.Acceleration - Moving the throttle speed set switch in the forward direction (SET/ACCEL) will increase the desired engine speed. Momentarily bumping the throttle speed set switch will increase the desired engine speed by 100 rpm. Holding the throttle speed set switch for more than 250 milliseconds will increase the desired engine speed at a rate of 700 rpm per second. Moving the throttle pedal past the engine speed setpoint will increase the engine speed. This will deactivate the automatic throttle.Deceleration - Moving the throttle speed set switch in the backward direction (RESUME/DECEL) will decrease the desired engine speed. Momentarily bumping the throttle speed set switch will decrease the desired engine speed by 100 rpm. Holding the throttle speed set switch for more than 250 milliseconds will decrease the desired engine speed at a rate of 700 rpm per second.Note: Actual engine speed may ramp at a

Parts piston Force:

H0032H84G, H0042081C, H0042082D, H0042083E, H0042C84L, H0043F85A, H0202B80L, H0202B81M, H0202H79K, H0202H82N, H0252B83G, H0252H77B, H0252H78C, H0252H78D, H0254H75A, H0257F88A, H0257F88B, H0306B80C, H0307H81D, H0350H78L, H0351H76K, H0352F90B, H0352F90
H0559H77H, H0559H77J, H0559H78K, H0659B78B, H0700H79A, H0709B79A, H0750H79A, H0756H80F, H0756H81G, H0756H82H, H0757B79E, H0757H75A, H0757H76C, H0757H78D, H0758H80B, H0758H82E, H0759H79A, H0850H79A, H0850H80A, H0850H81C, H0851H79A, H0851X88A, H0853F88
H0853F89C, H0853F89E, H0853F89F, H0853F89G, H0856A89H, H0856L89D, H0906A90A, H1201A90A, H1501E89A
H0853F89C, H0853F89E, H0853F89F, H0853F89G, H0856A89H, H0856L89D, H0906A90A, H1201A90A, H1251A89A, H1251A89B, H1251A89C, H1251A89D, H1251A89E, H1501E89A
818133A 1
818133A 1 PISTON .030 OVERSIZE
H0853F89C, H0853F89E, H0853F89F, H0853F89G, H0856A89H, H0856L89D, H0906A90A, H1201A90A, H1251A89A, H1251A89B, H1251A89C, H1251A89D, H1251A89E, H1501E89A
819690A 1
819690A 1 PISTON KIT (Standard)
H0706A91B, H0903E91H, H1201A90A, H1501E89A
819690A 2
819690A 2 PISTON KIT (.010 Oversize)
H0706A91B, H0903E91H, H0903F90C, H0903F91A, H0903F91C, H1201A90A, H1501E89A
819690A 3
819690A 3 PISTON KIT (.030 Oversize)
H0706A91B, H0903E91H, H0903F90B, H0903F90C, H0903F91A, H0903F91C, H1201A90A, H1501E89A
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