821351A 2 Force PUMP KIT, WATER

821351A 2 PUMP KIT, WATER Force H040312RD, H040312SD PUMP
821351A 2 PUMP KIT, WATER Force

Buy PUMP KIT, WATER 821351A 2 Force genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 13

Compatible models:

Force entire parts catalog list:

H040312RD 1995
H040312SD 1996,1997


Table 1
Minimum     Maximum     Default    
2485 PPKM (4000 PPM)     238080 PPKM (384000 PPM)     "Not Programmed"    " Vehicle Speed Cal (J1939-Trans)"
The "Vehicle Speed Cal (J1939-Trans)" is used when the ECM is configured to use the speed of the transmission output shaft in order to calculate vehicle speed. The "Vehicle Speed Input" parameter must be programmed to "J1939-Trans". This value represents the revolution of the transmission output shaft as revolutions per kilometer (revolutions per mile). This parameter must be programmed. If this parameter is not programmed, the diagnostic code 253-02 that is Check Customer or System Parameters (56) will occur. This parameter affects the cruise control and the ECM speedometer signal. Also, this parameter can affect the PTO operation, extended idle and trip totals.
Table 2
Minimum     Maximum     Default    
0 revolutions per km (0 revolutions per mile)     43000 revolutions per km (65000 revolutions per mile)     "Not Programmed"    "Vehicle Speed Cal (J1939 ABS)"
The "Vehicle Speed Cal (J1939-ABS)" is used to calculate vehicle speed with the input from the wheel speed. The data from the wheel speed is transmitted via the J1939 data link. The "Vehicle Speed Input" parameter must be programmed to "Vehicle Speed Cal J1939-ABS". The manufacturer of the ABS system must transmit tire revolutions per mile that is based on the tire size. If the tire size is changed from tire size that is programmed in the ABS system, the "Vehicle Speed Cal (J1939-ABS)" must be changed. The value that is contained in the "Vehicle Speed Cal (J1939-ABS)" parameter is a ratio. If the actual tire size is equal to the tire size that is programmed in the ABS system, the "Vehicle Speed Cal (J1939-ABS)" parameter will be "1". The ratio can be found by dividing the tire revolutions per mile that is transmitted by the ABS system by the actual tire revolutions per mile. Contact the manufacturer of the ABS system in order to verify that this message is supported.If the "Vehicle Speed Input" parameter is programmed to "Vehicle Speed Cal J1939-ABS", this parameter must be programmed. If this parameter is not programmed, the diagnostic code 253-02 that is Check Customer or System Parameters (56) will occur. This parameter affects the cruise control and the ECM speedometer signal. Also, this parameter can affect the PTO operation, extended idle and trip totals.
Table 3
Minimum     Maximum     Default    
0     6.550     "Not Programmed"    "Vehicle Speed Limit (VSL)"
The "Vehicle Speed Limit" (VSL) is the maximum vehicle speed that is allowed by the ECM. The ECM will shut off fuel above this speed. An inexperienced driver may think that something is wrong with the engine because the ECM will not fuel the engine above this vehicle speed limit. Vehicle speed limiting allows the implementation of a gear fast/run slow specification for the truck. The gear fast/run slow specification for the truck improves fuel economy while the parameter for the vehicle speed limit limits the maximum vehicle speed of the truck.
Table 4
Minimum     Maximum     Default    
48 km/h (30 mph)    
204 km/h (127 mph)    
204 km/h (127 mph)    "VSL Protection"
The "VSL Protection" is the maximum engine rpm when there is a problem with the vehicle speed signal that is detected by the ECM. The ECM limits the engine to this engine rpm when the ECM senses no vehicle speed signal, and a load on the engine. This is a feature that is used to prevent tampering by running without a Vehicle Speed input to the ECM.Note: When this parameter is programmed to the TEL rpm, the ECM disables the diagnostic code 84-01 that is Loss Of Vehicle Speed Signal (31) and 84-10 that is Vehicle Speed Rate of Change (36) and the "VSL Protection" can be exceeded by disconnecting the vehicle speed sensor.
Table 5
Minimum     Maximum     Default    
1700 rpm     TEL rpm     TEL rpm    "Tachometer Calibration"
The "Tachometer Calibration" is used by the ECM to translate the engine speed signal into revolutions per minute for a tachometer. The "Tachometer Calibration" is programmed in pulses per revolution (PPR). The programmable range is from 2.0 to 500.0 in increments of 0.1 PPR.
Table 6
Minimum     Maximum     Default    
2.0 PPR     500.0 PPR     134.0 PPR    "Soft Vehicle Speed Limit"
The "Soft Vehicle Speed Limit" operates in conjunction with the "Vehicle Speed Limit". The "Soft Vehicle Speed Limit" limits the vehicle speed within the following range:
The minimum value is 4 km/h (2.5 mph) below the programmed "Vehicle Speed Limit" at full load.
The maximum value is 4 km/h (2.5 mph) above the selected "Vehicle Speed Limit" at no load.
Table 7
Alternative     Default    
"Yes"     "No"    "Low Speed Range Axle Ratio"
The "Low Speed Range Axle Ratio" parameter must be programmed when a two-speed axle on/off switch is used by the ECM to adjust the vehicle speed calibration. When a two-speed axle is used, the change in gear ratios from the high speed range to the low speed range alters the calibration of the vehicle speed signal. Since the vehicle speed signal has been altered, a calibration adjustment is required to ensure that the ECM driven speedometer and the information that is stored in the ECM correctly ref

Parts pump Force:

14360A49 PUMP KIT-Fuel
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827674A 1
H040312RD, H040312SD, H040312UD
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