H0091H83C, H0091H84D, H0095B80F, H0095B81G, H0095H82H, H0125H79E
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Start By:a. remove engine or cylinder head *b. remove camshaft Fluid Spillage ContainmentCare must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting and repair of the machine. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers before opening any compartment or disassembling any component containing fluids. Refer to the Tools And Shop Products Guide, NENG2500, for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain fluids in Caterpillar machines. Dispose fluids according to local regulations and mandates.*The cylinder head must be out of the truck to allow the cam bearing removal and installation tooling to be installed. 1. Remove the bolts and rear cover (1) from the cylinder head. Check the condition of O-ring seal (2). If the part is worn or damaged, replace the part. The procedure to remove the cam bearing is the same for each of the seven bearings. However, each bearing requires a different combination of tooling. 2. Remove cam bearing No. 7 (the rear cam bearing) as follows:a. Screw the 8M-8778 stud into the 9U-7222 cam bearing pilot, as shown. b. Insert the small diameter of cam bearing pilot Tool (B) into the cam bearing, as shown.c. Position Tooling (A) on the back of the cylinder head, as shown. Note that the cylinder is rod retracted, and positioned against the cylinder head.d. Screw the 6V-4013 threaded rod into tool (B). Install the 5P-8248 washer and 2J-3506 nut. Screw the nut onto the threaded rod until it contacts the cylinder, as shown. e. Actuate the hydraulic cylinder to remove the cam bearing from the cylinder head.f. Separate Tooling (B) from the 6V-4013 threaded rod. Remove the old cambearing from Tooling (B).
Use the 9U-7223 alignment bushing when extensions 8S-8292 or 8S-8293 are attached to Tooling (B). The 9U-7223 alignment bushing will guide the extensions and help support weight of the tooling. Install 9U-7223 in the inside diameter of any cam bearing between the hydraulic cylinder and Tooling (B).
Example: Tooling (H) used to remove No.1 camshaft bearing.3. Repeat Step 2 using Tooling (B) and:a. Tooling (C) to remove camshaft bearing No. 6.b. Tooling (D) to remove camshaft bearing No. 5.c. Tooling (E) to remove camshaft bearing No. 4.d. Tooling (F) to remove camshaft bearing No. 3.e. Tooling (G) to remove camshaft bearing No. 2.f. Tooling (H) to remove camshaft bearing No. 1 (front camshaft bearing).Install Camshaft Bearings
Ensure that the inside of the cylinder head is clean. Check the cam bores to ensure that there are no burrs. Put a thin film of clean engine oil on the cam bearing bore and on each new camshaft bearing prior to installing.
The procedure to install the cam bearings is the same for each of the bearings. However, each bearing requires a different combination of tooling. The depth that the cam shaft bearing is installed into the cam bore is controlled by the tooling. All bearing depths are the same EXCEPT for the No. 1 cam shaft bearing. Be sure to use the correct tooling when installing the camshaft bearings. 1. Do the following to install camshaft bearing No. 7:a. Screw the 8M-8778 stud into the 9U-7222 cam bearing pilot, as shown.b. Install the camshaft bearing onto the 9U-7222 cam bearing pilot. Note the camshaft bearing fits over the small diameter of the 9U-7222 cam bearing pilot, and is held in place by the 9U-7213 backup plate and OS-0509 bolt. Ensure that the 9U-7213 backup plate is positioned with the large chamfer contacting the camshaft bearing, as shown.c. Insert the large diameter of cam bearing pilot Tool (B) into the cam bearing bore, as shown. d. Attach Tooling (A) to Tooling (B) with the 6V-4013 threaded rod and 2J-3506 nut. Screw the nut onto the threaded rod until it contacts the hydraulic cylinder. Note that the cylinder is rod retracted, and positioned against the cylinder head. e. Actuate the hydraulic cylinder to pull the camshaft bearing into the cam bore. When the chamfer of Tooling (B) contacts the cam bore face, the camshaft bearing is properly seated.f. Remove Tooling (A) from tooling (B).g. Remove Tooling (B) from the No. 7 camshaft bearing.
Example: Tooling (E) used to install the No. 5 camshaft bearing.2. Repeat Step 1 using Tooling (B) and:a. Tooling (C) to install camshaft bearing No. 6.b. Tooling (D) to install camshaft bearing No. 5.c. Tooling (E) to install camshaft bearing No. 4.d. Tooling (F) to install camshaft bearing No. 3.e. Tooling (G) to install camshaft bearing No. 2.
When installing camshaft bearing No. 1, use the 9U-7214 spacer plate [Tool (J)] installed with Tooling (B) as described below. Tool (J) is used to seat the No. 1 camshaft bearing to the correct depth in the cam bore.
3. Do the following steps to install No. 1 camshaft bearing:a. Install the camshaft bearing onto the small diameter of the 9U-7222 cam bearing pilot. The 9U-7214 spacer plate is positioned against camshaft bearing (3), and held in place by the 9U-7213 backup plate and 0S-0509 bolt. Ensure that the 9U-7213 backup plate is positioned with the large chamfer contacting the 9U-7214 spacer plate.b. Insert the large diameter of cam bearing pilot Tool (B) into the No. 1 cam bearing bore. c. Attach Tooling (B) and Tool (J) to Tooling (H). Actuate the hydraulic cylinder to pull the camshaft bearing into cam bore No. (1). When the chamfer of Tooling (B) contacts the cam bore face, the camshaft bearing is properly seated.d. Remove Tooling (H) from Tooling (B).e. Remove Tooling (B) from cam bearing No. 1. 4. Install the bolts and rear cover (1) and O-ring seal (2) onto the cylinder head.End By:a. install camshaftb. install engine (or cylinder head)
Use the 9U-7223 alignment bushing when extensions 8S-8292 or 8S-8293 are attached to Tooling (B). The 9U-7223 alignment bushing will guide the extensions and help support weight of the tooling. Install 9U-7223 in the inside diameter of any cam bearing between the hydraulic cylinder and Tooling (B).
Example: Tooling (H) used to remove No.1 camshaft bearing.3. Repeat Step 2 using Tooling (B) and:a. Tooling (C) to remove camshaft bearing No. 6.b. Tooling (D) to remove camshaft bearing No. 5.c. Tooling (E) to remove camshaft bearing No. 4.d. Tooling (F) to remove camshaft bearing No. 3.e. Tooling (G) to remove camshaft bearing No. 2.f. Tooling (H) to remove camshaft bearing No. 1 (front camshaft bearing).Install Camshaft Bearings
Ensure that the inside of the cylinder head is clean. Check the cam bores to ensure that there are no burrs. Put a thin film of clean engine oil on the cam bearing bore and on each new camshaft bearing prior to installing.
The procedure to install the cam bearings is the same for each of the bearings. However, each bearing requires a different combination of tooling. The depth that the cam shaft bearing is installed into the cam bore is controlled by the tooling. All bearing depths are the same EXCEPT for the No. 1 cam shaft bearing. Be sure to use the correct tooling when installing the camshaft bearings. 1. Do the following to install camshaft bearing No. 7:a. Screw the 8M-8778 stud into the 9U-7222 cam bearing pilot, as shown.b. Install the camshaft bearing onto the 9U-7222 cam bearing pilot. Note the camshaft bearing fits over the small diameter of the 9U-7222 cam bearing pilot, and is held in place by the 9U-7213 backup plate and OS-0509 bolt. Ensure that the 9U-7213 backup plate is positioned with the large chamfer contacting the camshaft bearing, as shown.c. Insert the large diameter of cam bearing pilot Tool (B) into the cam bearing bore, as shown. d. Attach Tooling (A) to Tooling (B) with the 6V-4013 threaded rod and 2J-3506 nut. Screw the nut onto the threaded rod until it contacts the hydraulic cylinder. Note that the cylinder is rod retracted, and positioned against the cylinder head. e. Actuate the hydraulic cylinder to pull the camshaft bearing into the cam bore. When the chamfer of Tooling (B) contacts the cam bore face, the camshaft bearing is properly seated.f. Remove Tooling (A) from tooling (B).g. Remove Tooling (B) from the No. 7 camshaft bearing.
Example: Tooling (E) used to install the No. 5 camshaft bearing.2. Repeat Step 1 using Tooling (B) and:a. Tooling (C) to install camshaft bearing No. 6.b. Tooling (D) to install camshaft bearing No. 5.c. Tooling (E) to install camshaft bearing No. 4.d. Tooling (F) to install camshaft bearing No. 3.e. Tooling (G) to install camshaft bearing No. 2.
When installing camshaft bearing No. 1, use the 9U-7214 spacer plate [Tool (J)] installed with Tooling (B) as described below. Tool (J) is used to seat the No. 1 camshaft bearing to the correct depth in the cam bore.
3. Do the following steps to install No. 1 camshaft bearing:a. Install the camshaft bearing onto the small diameter of the 9U-7222 cam bearing pilot. The 9U-7214 spacer plate is positioned against camshaft bearing (3), and held in place by the 9U-7213 backup plate and 0S-0509 bolt. Ensure that the 9U-7213 backup plate is positioned with the large chamfer contacting the 9U-7214 spacer plate.b. Insert the large diameter of cam bearing pilot Tool (B) into the No. 1 cam bearing bore. c. Attach Tooling (B) and Tool (J) to Tooling (H). Actuate the hydraulic cylinder to pull the camshaft bearing into cam bore No. (1). When the chamfer of Tooling (B) contacts the cam bore face, the camshaft bearing is properly seated.d. Remove Tooling (H) from Tooling (B).e. Remove Tooling (B) from cam bearing No. 1. 4. Install the bolts and rear cover (1) and O-ring seal (2) onto the cylinder head.End By:a. install camshaftb. install engine (or cylinder head)
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