FA523301 Force UNIT W/DECAL

FA523301 UNIT W/DECAL Force H0709B79A, H0757H78D, H0857B78F, H0857H79G, H0859B79B, H0859H77A, H0859H78A, H1057B78H, H1059H77G, H1157H78A, H1159H77A, H1159H78B, H1400H79A, H1401H79A, H1405H79A, H1407H78A, H1409H78A, H1409H79B UNIT
FA523301 UNIT W/DECAL Force

Buy UNIT W/DECAL FA523301 Force genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery

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US: Pwc Engine, Inc.
Magneto Ignition Pack compatible with Chrysler Force 115 Hp 1977-1982 Model# MangaPower WSM 115-3301 OEM# 523301, F523301, 523301-1, F523301-1, FA523301 see description
Pwc Engine High Performace Quality OEM Style Magneto Ignition Coils. || Magneto Ignition Coils meet OEM standards or higher. || PWC Engine brings Higher Quality for an awesome price!


US: Pwc Engine, Inc.
Magneto Ignition Pack compatible with Chrysler Force 120Hp 1977 Model# MangaPower WSM 115-3301 OEM# F404301-2, 523301, F523301, 523301-1, F523301-1, FA523301, 817855A 1, FK1123, FK523301
Pwc Engine High Performace Quality OEM Style Magneto Ignition Coils. || Magneto Ignition Coils meet OEM standards or higher. || PWC Engine brings Higher Quality for an awesome price!


US: Pwc Engine, Inc.
Magneto Ignition Pack compatible with Chrysler Force 45Hp 1974-1978 Model# MagnaPower WSM 115-3301 OEM# F404301-2, 523301, F523301, 523301-1, F523301-1, FA523301, 817855A 1, FK1123, FK523301
Pwc Engine High Performace Quality OEM Style Magneto Ignition Coils. || Magneto Ignition Coils meet OEM standards or higher. || PWC Engine brings Higher Quality for an awesome price!
Number on catalog scheme: 45

Force entire parts catalog list:

H0709B79A 1979
H0757H78D 1978
H0857B78F 1978
H0857H79G 1979
H0859B79B 1979
H0859H77A 1977
H0859H78A 1978
H1057B78H 1978
H1059H77G 1977
H1157H78A 1978
H1159H77A 1977
H1159H78B 1978
H1400H79A 1979
H1401H79A 1979
H1405H79A 1979
H1407H78A 1978
H1409H78A 1978
H1409H79B 1979


Table 1
Revision History
Revision Summary of Changes
14 Changes throughout the document. This special instruction includes the recommended methods for verifying and measuring fuel dilution, and troubleshooting for sources of fuel dilution of the engine oil.Before you perform any procedure in this Special Instruction, read the information and understand the information that is contained in this instruction.Safety
Work safely. Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance, and repair are caused by failure to observe basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations before an accident occurs.A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the necessary training, skills, and tools to perform these functions properly.Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this instruction and on the product. If these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons. Caterpillar cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard.Therefore, the warnings in this publication and the warnings that are on the product are not all inclusive. Ensure that any tool, procedure, work method, or operating technique you use that is not recommended by Caterpillar is safe.Ensure that the product will not be damaged or the product will not be made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance, or repair procedures used.
Do not operate or work on this product unless you have read and understood the instruction and warnings in the relevant Operation and Maintenance Manuals and relevant service literature. Failure to follow the instructions or heed the warnings could result in injury or death. Proper care is your responsibility.
Failure to follow all safety guidelines prescribed in this document and by governing authorities and regulatory agencies may result in severe injury or death of personnel or machine damage.
Personal injury or death can result from improper maintenance procedures. To avoid injury or death, follow the procedures exactly as stated below.
Required Tools
Table 2
Required Tools
Qty Part Number Part Name
1 1U-5566 Ultraviolet Lamp Gp
1 1U-5575 Additive
19 L (5 US gal) - Container for Fuel
1 164-3310
166-9030 Infrared Thermometer Gp Verifying and Measuring Fuel Dilution
Always determine fuel dilution by analyzing combination of low oil viscosity and percent of fuel in oil. The flash test does not accurately detect fuel dilution. Perform the two tests listed below to verify fuel dilution:
Oil Viscosity Test at 100° C (212° F)
Percent fuel content using Gas Chromatograph Fuel Dilution TestNote: Both the tests should be performed to analyze and compare the result for verifying fuel dilution.Fuel in oil in excess of 6% is required before troubleshooting fuel dilution.If a gas chromatograph dilution test cannot be performed at the dealership, an oil sample can be submitted to a Caterpillar regional SOS Service lab for analysis.Note: Low viscosity does not necessarily mean fuel dilution.Refer to Table 3 for minimum viscosity by oil grade.
Table 3
Viscosity Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Oil Viscosity at 100° C (212° F) Fuel Dilution as Measured by Gas Chromatograph Action
0W-40 Less than 11.0 cSt Greater than 6% If conditions in Step 1 AND Step 2 are both met, investigate the cause of fuel dilution or reduce the engine oil change interval.
Refer to Section "Troubleshooting for Sources of Fuel Dilution".
0W-30 Less than 8.0 cSt Greater than 6%
10W-30 Troubleshooting for Sources of Fuel Dilution
The following troubleshooting procedures can be performed to find the source of fuel dilution:Note: Caterpillar recommends performing these procedure one after the other and record the values to help further troubleshooting, if required.
Duty cycle of the Engine/Machine
Fuel system
Oil qualityDuty Cycle of the Engine/Machine
For engines operating normally, the machine application or the duty cycle may be contributing to unacceptable fuel dilution.
Engines with higher idle time
Engines with higher fuel and ambient temperatures
Engines that run cold
Engines operating under light loadsUse the following procedure to determine the cause:
Verify the fuel dilution by low viscosity and gas chromatograph fuel dilution test. The fuel dilution percent must be equal to or greater than 6%. Refer to Table 3 for minimum viscosity by oil grade.
Initially, reduce the engine oil change interval by 50 hours. Submit oil samples for evaluation at one half of the new interval and at the time of the new interval.
If the reduced interval produces acceptable results from the oil analysis, continue operation with the same interval.
If viscosity and fuel dilution are still unacceptable, reduce the service by another 50 hours. Evaluate the results from each oil sample. Refer to Step 2.
Continue the above process until acceptable results for gas chromatograph fuel dilution test and oil viscosity are obtained.Investigating Fuel System Leaks
Use the following procedure to determine the locations or sources of fuel dilution around the electronic unit injectors under the valve cover.The required tools are listed below:
1U-5566 Ultraviolet Lamp Gp
1U-5575 Additive
19 L (5 US gal) container fo

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