0303939 BUSHING,Needle valve,slow speed JOHNSON
33E69A, 33E69A, 33E70M, 33E70M, 40E69R, 40E70A, 40E71B, 40E72E, 40E73D, 40E74S, 40E75C, 40E76A, 40ES69R, 40ES70A, 40R69R, 40R70A, RD-30A, RDS-30A, RK-30A, RX-16M
Price: query
Compatible models:
BRP JOHNSON entire parts catalog list:
33E69A, 33EL69A, 33R69A, 33RL69A 1969
33E70M, 33EL70M, 33R70M, 33RL70M 1970
33E70M, 33EL70M, 33R70M, 33RL70M 1970
40E69R, 40EL69R 1969
40E70A, 40EL70A 1970
40E71B, 40E71G, 40EL71B, 40EL71G, 40R71B, 40R71G, 40RL71B, 40RL71G 1971
40E72E, 40EL72E, 40R72E, 40RL72E 1972
40E73D, 40EL73D, 40R73D, 40RL73D 1973
40E74S, 40EL74S, 40R74S, 40RL74S 1974
40E75C, 40EL75C, 40R75C, 40RL75C 1975
40E76A, 40E76R, 40EL76A, 40EL76R, 40R76A, 40R76R, 40RL76A, 40RL76R 1976
40ES69R, 40ESL69R 1969
40ES70A, 40ESL70A 1970
40R69R, 40RL69R 1969
40R70A, 40RL70A 1970
RD-30A, RD-30D, RD-30S, RDL-30A, RDL-30D, RDL-30S 1968
RDS-30A, RDS-30C, RDS-30D, RDS-30S, RDSL-30A, RDSL-30C, RDSL-30D, RDSL-30S 1968
RK-30A, RK-30C, RK-30D, RKL-30A, RKL-30C, RKL-30D 1968
RX-16M, RX-16R, RXE-16M, RXE-16R, RXEL-16M, RXEL-16R, RXL-16M, RXL-16R 1968
Table 1
J1939 Code and Description CDL Code and Description Comments
Aftertreatment #1 Loss of Combustion : Special Instruction E1026 (1)
Aftertreatment #1 Loss of Combustion The Aftertreatment Regeneration Device (ARD) has stopped generating heat at least four times during an active high-speed regeneration.
Associated codes may indicate the system that caused the loss of combustion to occur.
The code must be cleared with the "Reset All" button on the active diagnostics screen in Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET). If an active regeneration is initiated with the operator forced regeneration switch, the Engine Control Module (ECM) clears this code automatically.
Aftertreatment #1 Loss of Combustion E1026 (2)
Aftertreatment #1 Loss of Combustion The ARD has stopped generating heat at least four times during an active regeneration.
Associated codes may indicate the system that caused the loss of combustion to occur.
The code must be cleared with the "Reset All" button on the active diagnostics screen in Cat® Electronic Technician (ET). If an active regeneration is initiated with the operator forced regeneration switch, the ECM clears this code automatically.
Table 2
Associated Diagnostic Trouble Codes
J1939 Code CDL Code
102-18 E1045
3480-15 or -16 E1050
3480-17 or -18 E1052
3487-7 E1041 (1)
4077-15 or -16 E1051
4077-17 or -18 E1053
Table 3
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
1. Check for Associated Codes
A. Establish communication between Cat ET and the Electronic Control Module (ECM). Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electronic Service Tools", if necessary.
B. Download the "Warranty Report" from the ECM before performing any troubleshooting or clearing diagnostic trouble codes.
C. If troubleshooting a E1026 or a 3474 code, access the Aftertreatment Regeneration History in Cat ET. Click the "Information" tab, then click "History", and then click "Aftertreatment Regeneration History". If there were three successful regenerations since the code was logged, do not troubleshoot this code. Clear the code and return the unit to service.
Note: Table 2 lists the codes that are associated with a E1026 code. Determine if any of the codes in Table 2 are present.
Result: An associated diagnostic trouble code is not present.
Proceed to Test Step 2.
Result: An associated diagnostic trouble code is present.
Repair: Refer to Troubleshooting, "Diagnostic Trouble Codes" to troubleshoot the associated diagnostic code.
2. Check the Current Flow Through the Heater
A. Verify that the engine is off. Check the current flow through the heater. Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting, "ARD Nozzle Heater (Current) - Test" for the correct procedure.
Between 7.0 A and 14 A for a 12 V system
Between 3.5 A and 7 A for a 24 V system
Result: The current flow is OK.
Proceed to Test Step 3.
Result: The current flow is not between 7.0 A and 14 A for a 12 V system. Or, the current flow is not between 3.5 A and 7 A for a 24 V system.
Repair: There may be a problem with the ARD nozzle. Refer to Troubleshooting, "ARD Nozzle Heater - Test".
3. Perform the "ARD Air System Service Test"
A. Reset all active codes and clear all logged codes. Use Cat ET to perform an "ARD Air System Service Test" to verify that the problem is resolved.
ARD Air System Service Test
Result: The "ARD Air System Service Test" passed.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
Result: The "ARD Air System Service Test" failed.
Repair: There is a problem with the ARD combustion air system. Refer to Troubleshooting, "ARD Combustion Air - Test".
4. Clean the Flame Detection Temperature Sensor
A. Remove flame detection temperature sensor (2).
B. Clean the flame detection temperature sensor. Use a nonmetallic cleaning pad to clean the sensor.
Flame Detection Temperature Sensor
Result: The components are clean. The flame detection temperature sensor is not damaged.
Repair: Install the flame detection sensor.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
Result: The flame detection temperature is damaged.
Repair: Replace flame detection temperature sensor.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
5. Check the ARD for Proper Operation
A. Reset all active codes and clear all logged codes. Use Cat ET to perform an "ARD Ignition Test" to verify that the problem is resolved.
The ARD Ignition Test cannot be performed if the DPF soot loading is above 80%. When the DPF soot loading is above 80%, the Manual DPF Regeneration must be performed using Cat ET.
ARD Ignition Test
Result: The test is successful.
Proceed to Test Step 7.
Result: The test is not successful.
Proceed to Test Step 6.
6. Inspect ARD Swirl Plate
A. Remove ARD head. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Combustion Head Group (ARD) - Remove and Install - Clean Emissions Module" for the proper procedure to remove the ARD combustion head.
Soot accumulation is normal. Slot fouling is defined as more than 1/2 the inner row slots being blocked. Partially blocked inner row slots are normal and do not affect regeneration performance.
B. Inspect the swirl plate for fouled slots.
Swirl Plate
Result: The swirl plate is fouled.
Repair: Clean the swirl plate. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Swirl Plate (ARD Combustion) - Inspect/Clean".
Reset all active codes and clear all logged codes. Perform the "ARD Ignition Test" in Cat ET and verify that there are no fuel leaks.
The ARD Ignition Test cannot be performed if the DPF soot loading is above 80%. When the DPF soot loading is above 80%, the Manual DPF Regeneration must be performed using Cat ET.
Proceed to Test Step 7.
Result: The swirl plate is not fouled.
Repair: Replace the ARD combustion head. Refer to Special Instruction, REHS4824, "Replacement of the ARD Combustion Head on Caterpillar Products with Clean Emissions Modules".
Reset all active codes and clear all logged codes. Perform the "ARD Ignition Test" in Cat ET and verify that there are no fuel leaks.
The ARD Ignition Test cannot be performed if the DPF soot loading is above 80%. When the DPF soot loading is above 80%, the Manual DPF Regeneration must be performed using Cat ET.
Proceed to Test Step 7.
7. Perform a "Manual DPF Regeneration"
Note: This test must be performed through Cat ET. The Cat ET service tool enhances the diagnostics during the service test.
A. Clear all codes using Cat ET.
B. Start the engine. Allow the engine to idle for 3 minutes.
Note: Do not use the operators switch for a stationary regeneration. The service tests provide enhanced diagnostics that are necessary for proper troubleshooting and repair.
C. Start a "Manual DPF Regeneration" in Cat ET.
Manual DPF Regeneration
Result: The "Manual
Parts bushing JOHNSON:
0308532 BUSHING
100ESL71A, 100ESL72R, 100ML79S, 115EL77S, 115ESL69E, 115ESL70D, 115ESL73M, 115ESL74B, 115ESL75E, 115ETZ78C, 115ML79R, 115TXL77S, 125ESL71C, 125ESL72R, 135ESL73M, 135ESL74B, 135ESL75E, 140ML77S, 140ML78C, 140ML79R, 150TL78S, 150TL79C, 175TL77S, 175TL7
0304216 BUSHING,Throttle control rod
33E69A, 33E69A, 33E70M, 33E70M, 40E71B, 50ES71S, 50ES72C, 50ES73R, FD-22A, RX-16M, VX-14B
0304765 BUSHING,Shift rod
10E74G, 10E75C, 10E76G, 10E77A, 10E78M, 10EL79B, 15E74G, 15E75C, 15E76A, 15E77M, 15E78B, 15E79E, 20R69B, 20R70C, 20R71S, 20R72R, 20R73A, 25E72R, 25E73A, 25E74M, 25E75B, 25E76E, 25E77S, 25E78C, 25E79R, 25R69B, 25R70C, 25R71S, 33E69A, 33E69A, 33E70M, 3
0305265 BUSHING, Pivot shaft, lower
40E69R, 40E70A, 40ES69R, 40ES70A, 40R69R, 40R70A, RD-30A, RDS-30A, RK-30A