
Buy CHOKE KNOB & ROD 0381491 JOHNSON genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 22

Compatible models:

9R69S   MQ-14D   JOHNSON

BRP JOHNSON entire parts catalog list:

9R69S, 9RL69S 1969
MQ-14D, MQ-14E, MQL-14D, MQL-14E 1968


1. Disconnect two lines (1) to the governor plate. Cap or plug immediately. 2. Remove bolts (3) and (5). Remove brackets (4). Remove bolts (2).3. Fasten a hoist to the fuel injection pump housing and governor. Move the pump housing and governor toward the rear of the engine until the pump housing is clear of the timing advance housing.4. Remove the fuel injection pump housing and governor. The weight of housing and governor is 54 kg (120 lb.).Install Fuel Injection Pump Housing & Governor
1. Put a light layer of 1P808 General Purpose Lubricant on O-ring seal (3) and on the two O-ring seals found on the bottom (2) of the pump housing (oil inlet and oil outlet).2. Put the fuel engine pump housing into position on the top of the engine. Install the bolts in location (1).
Make sure there is no paint, dirt or other foreign material on the machined surfaces of the engine or fuel injection pump housing. Be careful not to damage the O-ring seals for the oil inlet and oil outlet as the pump is put into position on the engine.
3. Install bracket (5) and bolts (4) and (6). Tighten bolts (6) finger tight. Tighten bolts (4) to standard torque. Tighten bolts (6) to 43 7 N m (32 5 lb ft). 4. Connect fuel lines (7) and (8) to the governor plate.End By:a. install fuel transfer pumpb. install fuel injection linesc. install automatic timing advanceDisassemble Fuel Injection Pump Housing
Start By:a. remove fuel injection pump housing and governorb. remove governor
Be careful not to damage the inlet and outlet ports on the bottom of the pump housing. The pump housing must be put on blocks before disassembly.
1. Remove bolts (1) from rear cover (2). Remove cover (2) and gasket. 2. Remove shaft (6) from the rear cover (2). Remove the gear from shaft (6). Remove the bushing from rear cover (2).3. Remove retainer (4). Remove gear (5).4. Remove oil pump cover (3). 5. Remove idler gear (7). Remove pinion gear assembly (9) from the pump housing with a soft hammer as shown. Remove drive gear (8). When pinion gear assembly (9) is removed, make a replacement of drive gear (8) with a new part.6. Remove cover (10). 7. Remove the bolts from levers (14) and (11). Remove shaft (16), lever (14), lever (11), bearing (15) and spring washer (12). Step (7) is only necessary on earlier fuel systems. Later systems have shutoff in governor housing.8. Remove bypass valve (13). Remove the O-ring seal, pin, piston and spring from the valve body. 9. Remove the felt washer from bushing (17). Remove bushing (17) from each of the injection pumps with Tool (A). 10. Install Tool (D) in the pump housing with the square end down (end with taper will be up). Hold the racks against Tool (D) and remove each of the injection pumps (18) with Tool (B). For more details, see Remove Fuel Injection Pumps. 11. Remove bolt (19) that holds bracket (23) to the fuel injection pump housing. Remove bracket (23) and link (20).12. Put identification on the left rack (21) and right rack (22). Remove racks (21) and (22). 13. Remove spacers (24) and lifters (25) from the injection pump housing. Put identification on each of the spacers and lifters as to their location in the pump housing. 14. Remove camshaft (26) from the pump housing.
Be careful not to damage the camshaft bearings as the camshaft is removed.
15. Remove dowel (27), shaft (28) and dowel (29) with tool (C).16. Remove lower and upper bearings (30) that are supports for the pinion assembly.17. Remove bearing (31) and the lip type seal. Remove bearing (32) and the lip type seal. 18. Remove the rack bearings from locations (33).19. Remove the camshaft bearings with Tool (E).Assemble Fuel Injection Pump Housing
1. Put fixture assembly (3) (part of Tool (A)) on the pump housing with the dowel in fixture (3) engaged in the right rack bore. Install bolt (4).2. Put a new bearing (2) in position between fixture (3) and the rack bore with the tab of the bearing up. Install the bearing with driver (1) until the shoulder of the driver makes contact with the fixture.3. Turn the fixture and make alignment of the dowels on the fixture with the left rack bore. Install the right rack bearing according to the instructions in Step 2. 4. Install O-ring seal (5). 5. Install the camshaft front bearing (7) with Tool (B). Install the bearing until it is 1.02 0.51 mm (.04 .02 in) from front surface (6) of the pump housing. Install a camshaft bearings with the bearing joint in area "X". This will put the oil hole in area "Y". For more complete illustration of bearing installation make reference to Specifications. 6. Install center bearing (9) with Tool (B) until the rear edge of the bearing is 127.00 0.51 mm (5.00 .02 in) from rear surface (8) of the pump housing.7. Install rear bearing (10) with Tool (B) until it is 4.83 0.51 mm (.19 .02 in) from rear surface (8). 8. Install the lower and upper bearings for the pinion gear assembly with Tool (C). Install the upper bearing until it is even with the top of the bearing bore and the bottom bearing until it is even with the bottom of the bearing bore.9. Install shaft (11) in the pump housing until it is extended 16.76 0.51 mm (.66 .02 in) from the top of the pump housing. Install dowel (12) until it is extended 11.18 0.51 mm (.44 .02 in) from the top of the pump housing. Steps 10 thru 13 and Step 24 apply only to earlier fuel systems with fuel shutoff shaft in injection pump housing. 10. Install bearing (13) with Tool (D) until dimension "Z" is 38.23 0.51 mm (1.505 .020 in) Dimension "Z" is taken from the end of bearing (13) to the outside as shown.11. Install

Parts choke JOHNSON:

9R69S, 9R70A, 9R71R, 9R72M, 9R73B, MQ-14D
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