100ESL71A, 100ESL72R, 115ESL70D, 125ESL71C, 125ESL72R, 50ES71S, 50ES72C, 60ES70B, 60ES71C, 65ES72S, 85ESL70B, 85ESL71A, 85ESL72R
Price: query
Compatible models:
BRP JOHNSON entire parts catalog list:
- REMOTE CONTROL » 0315647
115ESL70D 1970
125ESL71C 1971
125ESL72R 1972
50ES71S, 50ESL71S 1971
50ES72C, 50ESL72C, 50R72C, 50RL72C 1972
60ES70B, 60ES70D, 60ESL70B, 60ESL70D 1970
60ES71C, 60ES71E, 60ESL71C, 60ESL71E 1971
65ES72S, 65ESL72S 1972
85ESL70B, 85ESL70D 1970
85ESL71A, 85ESL71H 1971
85ESL72R 1972
Table 1
Event Code
CDL Code Code Description Comments
E361(1) Engine Coolant Temperature High- Least Severe (1) The engine coolant temperature has exceeded the trip point and the delay time has expired.
The code is logged.
E361(2) High Engine Coolant Temperature High - Moderate Severity (2) The engine coolant temperature has exceeded the trip point and the delay time has expired.
Engine power is derated. The code is logged.
E361(3) Engine Coolant Temperature High - Most Severe (3) Probable Causes
Low Coolant Level and/or Coolant Leakage
Coolant Temperature Sensor
Water Temperature Regulator and/or Pressure Relief Valve
Engine Cooling Fan (if equipped)
Coolant Pump
Cylinder Head GasketRecommended Actions
Note: The procedures have been listed in order of probability. Complete the procedures in order.
Table 2
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
1. Inspect the Coolant Level
Coolant Level
Result: The coolant level is low.
Repair: Add coolant to the cooling system.
2. Check the Cooling System for Leaks
Result: There are leaks in the cooling system.
Repair: Repair or replace the parts that are leaking.
Result: There are no leaks in the cooling system.
Proceed to Test Step 3
3. Check the Coolant Temperature Sensor
1. Check the reading of the coolant temperature on Cat ET. The temperature should rise steadily as the engine is warmed. Ensure that the temperature is reasonable. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Sensor Signal (Analog, Passive) - Test".
Coolant Temperature Sensor
Result: The coolant temperature sensor reading is not reasonable.
Repair: Repair or replace the coolant temperature sensor.
Result: The coolant temperature sensor reading is reasonable.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
4. Pressure Test the Cooling System
A. Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting for the correct procedure.
B. Check that the seating surfaces of the pressure relief valve and the radiator cap are clean and undamaged.
C. Check operation of the pressure relief valve and/or the water temperature regulator.
Pressure Test
Result: The pressure test results are NOT OK.
Repair: If necessary, clean the components and/or replace the components.
Result: The pressure test results are OK.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
5. Check the Radiator
A. Check the radiator fins for dirt, debris, and/or damage.
B. Check the radiator for internal blockage.
C. Ensure that the radiator size is according to the OEM specifications. An undersized radiator does not have enough area for the effective release of heat. An undersized radiator may cause the engine to run at a temperature that is higher than normal. The normal temperature is dependent on the ambient temperature.
Result: The radiator is NOT OK.
Repair: Repair or replace the radiator.
Result: The radiator is OK.
Proceed to Test Step 6.
6. Check the Engine Cooling Fan
A. If the fan is belt driven, check for loose drive belts. A loose fan drive belt will cause a reduction in the air flow across the radiator. Check the fan drive belt for proper belt tension.
B. Check the fan clutch, if equipped. A fan clutch or a hydraulic driven fan that is not turning at the correct speed can cause improper air speed across the radiator core. The lack of proper air flow across the radiator core can cause the coolant not to cool to the proper temperature differential. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Cooling Fan Control - Test" for troubleshooting information.
Engine Cooling Fan
Result: The engine cooling fan is NOT OK.
Repair: Repair or replace the engine cooling fan.
Result: The engine cooling fan is OK.
Proceed to Test Step 7.
7. Inspect the Water Pump
A. Inspect the impeller of the water pump for damage and/or erosion.
B. Make sure that the drive gear is not loose on the drive shaft of the water pump.
Water Pump
(Result:) The water pump is NOT OK.
Repair: Repair or replace the water pump. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly for the correct procedure.
Result: The water pump is OK.
Proceed to Test Step 8.
8. Inspect the Cylinder Head Gasket
A. Remove the cylinder head. Refer to the Disassembly and Assembly manual.
B. Check the cylinder liner projection. Refer to the Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting manual.
C. Pressure test the head for leaks. Refer to the Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting manual for testing procedures.
Cylinder Head Gasket
Result: The cylinder head gasket is NOT OK.
Repair: Install a new cylinder head gasket and new water seals in the spacer plate. Refer to the Disassembly and Assembly manual.
Parts lock JOHNSON:
0301830 LOCK,Connector
100ESL71A, 115ESL69E, 115ESL70D, 125ESL71C, 20R69B, 20R70C, 20R71S, 25R69B, 25R70C, 25R71S, 33E69A, 33E69A, 33E70M, 33E70M, 40E69R, 40E70A, 40E71B, 40ES69R, 40ES70A, 40R69R, 40R70A, 4R69B, 4R70E, 4R71D, 50ES71S, 55ES69A, 60ES70B, 6R69M, 6R70B, 6R71E,