0307063 JOHNSON "O" RING

0307063 "O" RING JOHNSON 100ESL71A, 100ESL72R, 115ESL69E, 115ESL70D, 115ESL73M, 125ESL71C, 125ESL72R, 135ESL73M, 40ES69R, 40ES70A, 50ES71S, 50ES72C, 50ES73R, 55ES69A, 60ES70B, 60ES71C, 65ES72S, 65ES73R, 85ESL69E, 85ESL70B, 85ESL71A, 85ESL72R, 85ESL73M, RK-30A, TR-10R, V4A-20 O
0307063 "O" RING JOHNSON

Buy "O" RING 0307063 JOHNSON genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 93

BRP JOHNSON entire parts catalog list:

100ESL71A, 100ESL71C 1971
100ESL72R 1972
115ESL69E, 115ESL69S 1969
115ESL70D 1970
115ESL73M 1973
125ESL71C 1971
125ESL72R 1972
135ESL73M 1973
40ES69R, 40ESL69R 1969
40ES70A, 40ESL70A 1970
50ES71S, 50ESL71S 1971
50ES72C, 50ESL72C, 50R72C, 50RL72C 1972
50ES73R, 50ESL73R, 50R73R, 50RL73R 1973
55ES69A, 55ES69C, 55ESL69A, 55ESL69C 1969
60ES70B, 60ES70D, 60ESL70B, 60ESL70D 1970
60ES71C, 60ES71E, 60ESL71C, 60ESL71E 1971
65ES72S, 65ESL72S 1972
65ES73R, 65ESL73R 1973
85ESL69E, 85ESL69M, 85ESL69S 1969
85ESL70B, 85ESL70D 1970
85ESL71A, 85ESL71H 1971
85ESL72R 1972
85ESL73M 1973
RK-30A, RK-30C, RK-30D, RKL-30A, RKL-30C, RKL-30D 1968
TR-10R, TR-10S, TRL-10R, TRL-10S 1968
V4A-20A, V4AL-20A 1968
V4T-14B, V4TL-14B 1968


1. Remove the aftercooler water inlet line (1).2. Remove the exhaust elbow mounting bolts (2). Remove the elbow. 3. Remove bracket (3) and shield (4). Remove the water bypass line. 4. Remove the remaining three bolts (5) that hold the exhaust support on left head. Loosen the bolts (6) that hold the exhaust support to the right head.5. Disconnect the governor linkage. Remove the governor control channel.6. On left side only, remove the bracket that holds the governor to the left head. 7. On left side only, remove the tachometer cable (8). Disconnect the oil gauge from the oil block on the aftercooler housing. Remove the gauge panel mounting bolts. Lay the gauge panel to the side.8. Remove the expansion tank support brace (7). Disconnect the aftercooler water outlet line (9) from aftercooler housing.9. Remove the bolts (10) that hold the aftercooler housing on the heads. Two of the bolts on the front can be left loose for support of the housing. Raise the housing enough to remove the cylinder head from the block.
Do not let any foreign material drop in the cylinder heads while aftercooler housing is raised. Damage to the engine can result.
10. Remove the water ferrule that connects the two cylinder heads together. 11. Remove the cylinder head retaining bolts (11). On right side only, remove the two camshaft housing studs and the dowel. Connect a hoist and remove the cylinder head assembly-weight 300 lbs. (136 kg). Always replace the gasket between the spacer plate and cylinder block before reinstalling cylinder head assembly. See REMOVE SPACER PLATES.Install Right Rear Or Left Rear Cylinder Head Assembly (Alternate Method with Limited Overhead Clearance)
1. Clean the top surface of spacer plate and mating surface of cylinder head. Install a new head gasket and seals (1). Be sure the gasket between spacer plate and cylinder block has been replaced before installing cylinder head assembly. Refer to REMOVE AND INSTALL SPACER PLATES. 2. Connect a hoist and position the cylinder head on engine. On right side only, put 9S3264 Sealant Compound on the threads of the camshaft housing studs and install the two camshaft housing studs and the dowel. Tighten the studs to 20 3 lb.ft. (2.77 .42 mkg).3. Coat the threads of the cylinder head bolts with 9M3710 Anti-Seize Compound. Install the cylinder head bolts and washers. Tighten the head bolts in following step sequence: 1 Tighten all bolts in numerical order to 175 lb. ft. (24,2 mkg).2 Retighten all bolts in numerical order to 250 lb. ft. (34,6 mkg).3 Finally, retighten all bolts by hand in numerical order to 250 lb. ft. (34,6 mkg).4 Again tighten bolt (9) between the two heads to 250 10 lb.ft. (34.6 1.38 mkg). 4. Install the water ferrule seal and clamp that connects the two cylinder heads together. Tighten the bolt in the clamp for the water ferrule and seal to 30 5 lb.in. (34.56 5.76 cm.kg).
Do not tighten the bolt more than the specification. If the bolt is tightened more, the seal will be damaged.
5. Check the gaskets between the aftercooler and cylinder heads.
If these gaskets were damaged during removal, install new ones. Do not let foreign material drop in the cylinder heads. Damage to the engine can result.
6. Install the bolts that hold the aftercooler to the cylinder heads. 7. Connect the aftercooler water outlet line (4) to the aftercooler housing. Install the turbocharger heat shield water line (2). Install the expansion tank support brace (3).8. On left side only, position the gauge panel on aftercooler and install the mounting bolts. Install the tachometer cable. Connect the oil gauge line to the oil block on aftercooler housing. Install bracket, holding governor to left cylinder head.9. Install the governor control channel. Connect the governor linkage. 10. Check gaskets (5) between manifold and cylinder heads. Replace with new ones if necessary. Install and tighten bolts that hold manifold to the cylinder heads. 11. Install bracket and shield. Install the water bypass line. Install the exhaust elbow (6). Install the aftercooler water inlet line.concluding steps: a) install water cooled exhaust manifoldb) install left front and left rear camshaft housings (for left cylinder head)c) install right front and right rear camshaft housings (for right cylinder head)d) install left turbocharger (for left cylinder head)e) install right turbocharger (for right cylinder head)

Parts o JOHNSON:

0303360 "O" RING, Gearcase head
100ESL71A, 115ESL69E, 115ESL70D, 125ESL71C, 50ES71S, 55ES69A, 60ES70B, 60ES71C, 6R69M, 6R70B, 6R71E, 6R72D, 6R73S, 6R74C, 6R75R, 6R76A, 6R77M, 6R78B, 6R79E, 85ESL69E, 85ESL70B, 85ESL71A, 9R69S, 9R70A, 9R71R, 9R72M, 9R73B, CD-25A, MQ-14D, TR-10R
0302537 "O"RING,Outer
20R69B, 20R70C, 20R71S, 20R72R, 20R73A, 25E72R, 25E73A, 25E74M, 25E75B, 25E76E, 25R69B, 25R70C, 25R71S, 33E69A, 33E69A, 33E70M, 33E70M, 40E69R, 40E70A, 40E71B, 40E72E, 40E73D, 40ES69R, 40ES70A, 40R69R, 40R70A, FD-22A, RD-30A, RDS-30A, RK-30A
0308458 "O"RING,Top journal
10E74G, 10E75C, 10E76G, 10E77A, 10E78M, 10EL79B, 15E74G, 15E75C, 15E76A, 15E77M, 15E78B, 15E79E, 33E69A, 33E69A, 33E70M, 33E70M, 40E69R, 40E70A, 40E71B, 40E72E, 40E73D, 40ES69R, 40ES70A, 40R69R, 40R70A, BJ10EEDD, BJ10RELEUS, BJ10RHLSDA, BJ10RHLSOR, B
0310996 "O" RING,Armatrue
33E69A, 33E69A, 33E70M, 33E70M, 40E69R, 40E70A, 40E71B, 40E72E, 40E73D, 40E74S, 40E75C, 40E76A, 40ES69R, 40ES70A, RDS-30A, RK-30A, RX-16M, V4A-20A, V4S-20A, V4T-14B, VX-14B
40E74S, 40E75C, 40E76A, 50ES71S, 50ES72C, 50ES73R, 50ES74M, 50ES75B, 50R79C, 55E76E, 55E77D, 55E78S, 55E79C, 55ES69A, 60ES70B, 60ES71C, 65ES72S, 65ES73R, 70EL76D, 70EL77S, 70EL78C, 70EL79R, 70ES74M, 70ES75B, 75ELR76D, 75ELR77S, 75ELR78C, 75ELR79R, 75
0313754 "O" RING, Upper bearing
40E74S, 40E75C, 40E76A, 50ES71S, 50ES72C, 50ES73R, 50ES74M, 50ES75B, 50R79C, 55E76E, 55E77D, 55E78S, 55E79C, 55ES69A, 60ES70B, 60ES71C, 65ES72S, 65ES73R, 70EL76D, 70EL77S, 70EL78C, 70EL79R, 70ES74M, 70ES75B, 75ELR76D, 75ELR77S, 75ELR78C, 75ELR79R, 75
0314728 "O" RING, Driveshaft brg.
100ESL71A, 100ESL72R, 100ML79S, 115EL77S, 115ESL69E, 115ESL70D, 115ESL73M, 115ESL74B, 115ESL75E, 115ETZ78C, 115ML79R, 115TXL77S, 125ESL71C, 125ESL72R, 135ESL73M, 135ESL74B, 135ESL75E, 140ML77S, 140ML78C, 140ML79R, 150TL78S, 150TL79C, 175TL77S, 175TL7
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