0310475 RETAINER, Solenoid JOHNSON
40E69R, 40E70A, 40E72E, 40E73D, 40E74S, 40E75C, 40E76A, 40ES69R, 40ES70A, RDS-30A, RK-30A
Price: query
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Beta 1 Filters Replacement Spin-On Oil Filter Compatible with HYDAC/HYCON 0310475 (2-Pack)
Beta 1 Filters Filter compatible with 0310475 HYDAC/HYCON || Contains 2 spin-on hydraulic/oil filter(s). || Easy installation and replacement for hassle-free maintenance. || Designed with efficiency and reliability in mind. || Designed for various applications, including hydraulic systems and oil filtration.
Beta 1 Filters Filter compatible with 0310475 HYDAC/HYCON || Contains 2 spin-on hydraulic/oil filter(s). || Easy installation and replacement for hassle-free maintenance. || Designed with efficiency and reliability in mind. || Designed for various applications, including hydraulic systems and oil filtration.
-: -
Aftermarket Direct Replacement for HYDAC/HYCON 0310475
Brand NEW direct replacement for HYDAC/HYCON - 0310475 from your friends at Aftermarket Direct || All parts listed are manufactured to ISO/TS quality specifications || Made with best materials and manufacturing equipment available today || Images may be general representations of product but are updated occasionally || Brand Names and part numbers are used for interchange only and are the property of the respective owners
Brand NEW direct replacement for HYDAC/HYCON - 0310475 from your friends at Aftermarket Direct || All parts listed are manufactured to ISO/TS quality specifications || Made with best materials and manufacturing equipment available today || Images may be general representations of product but are updated occasionally || Brand Names and part numbers are used for interchange only and are the property of the respective owners
-: -
Main Filter Spin-On Filter Replacement for HYDAC/HYCON 0310475
Interchange/replacement for OEM HYDAC/HYCON p/n 0310475 || Compatible with OEM filter in fit, form and function || Manufactured in USA or Canada. All of our elements are manufactured according to several ISO specifications. See product details for list. || Buy hydraulic filters direct from the manufacturer || Images may be general representations of products and may vary from image
Interchange/replacement for OEM HYDAC/HYCON p/n 0310475 || Compatible with OEM filter in fit, form and function || Manufactured in USA or Canada. All of our elements are manufactured according to several ISO specifications. See product details for list. || Buy hydraulic filters direct from the manufacturer || Images may be general representations of products and may vary from image
Compatible models:
BRP JOHNSON entire parts catalog list:
40E72E, 40EL72E, 40R72E, 40RL72E 1972
40E73D, 40EL73D, 40R73D, 40RL73D 1973
40E74S, 40EL74S, 40R74S, 40RL74S 1974
40E75C, 40EL75C, 40R75C, 40RL75C 1975
40E76A, 40E76R, 40EL76A, 40EL76R, 40R76A, 40R76R, 40RL76A, 40RL76R 1976
40ES69R, 40ESL69R 1969
40ES70A, 40ESL70A 1970
RDS-30A, RDS-30C, RDS-30D, RDS-30S, RDSL-30A, RDSL-30C, RDSL-30D, RDSL-30S 1968
RK-30A, RK-30C, RK-30D, RKL-30A, RKL-30C, RKL-30D 1968
April 10, 2001
(Revised July 2001)
1902 PI30154
This Program must be administered assoon as possible. When reporting the repair, use "PI30154" as the Partnumber and "7751" as the Group Number, "56" as the Warranty Claim DescriptionCode and "T" as the SIMS Description Code. Exception: If the repair isdone after failure, use "PI30154" as the Part Number, "7751" as the GroupNumber, "96" as the Warranty Claim Description Code, and "Z" as the SIMSDescription Code. The information supplied in this serviceletter may not be valid after the termination date of this program. Donot perform the work outlined in this Service Letter after the terminationdate without first contacting your Caterpillar product analyst. This Revised Service Letter replacesthe April 10, 2001 Service Letter. Changes have been made to include theAU Mail Code. AU-102 is not in order since it was addedat the July 2001 revision.
October 31, 2001 April 30, 2002PROBLEM
When the boat's ignition switch is turned to theON position the engine's air inlet heater is also activated. The air inletheater will not deactivate after 30 seconds, if the ignition isleft in the ON position. If the ignition is left in the ON position, theair inlet heater will continue to draw current from the boat's batteriesand cause them to become discharged, and possibly cause damage to the heaterribbons.
When the boat's ignition switch is turned to theON position, "Active Codes" are not displayed on Electronic Technician(ET), as is common with other electronic engine modules.
Some engines may have power settings less thannominal power.
Model Identification Number3126B HEUI 3GS1-424 (PROBLEMS #1 & #2-SOFTWARE)
9ZF105-132, 135-1363126B HEUI 3GS164-446 (PROBLEM #3-POWER)PARTS NEEDED
(Flash Files are available on SIS WEB)3126B 420HP Flash File #20729663126B 450HP Flash File #2072967 Call 309-578-9015 for new InformationPlate with new FLS/FTS settings before going to boat. If no answer, callJerry Anderson?s cell phone 309-256-2143. Factory passwords will be required toreset the FLS/FTS settings. The 420hp rating (software P/N 207-2966) hasa different interlock code. Engines shipped from Greenville with software(P/N 202-6639) will have to use the factory passwords to change the interlockcode to the new setting when the P/N 207-2966 is flashed. JUZ109 (CALCULATE PASSWORD) is availablein the AIMS System. If not available at your Dealership, call the ClaimsHelp Desk 309-675-4695 to get it. The Technician will have to go onto theboat, power up the ECM, and provide information to the T.C. at the Dealershipto calculate the passwords.ACTION REQUIRED
After downloading the appropriate flash file fromSIS WEB, flash the ECM using Caterpillar Electronic Technician and CommunicationAdapter.
Call Pat Flatley, Caterpillar, at 309-578-9015.Give him Dealer code and mailing address. He can ship the corrected EngineRating Information Label with the corrected FLS/FTS settings, and FlashFile. If no answer, call Jerry Anderson?s cell phone 309-256-2143.
3. After changing FLS/FTS, shut the poweroff to the engine and then power backup making sure the FLS/FTS changed. This software will enable the air inletheater to deactivate after 30 seconds if the ignition is left in the ONposition. The new flash files will also allow "Active Codes" to be displayedon Electronic Technician, when the ignition is in the ON position.OWNER NOTIFICATION
U.S. and Canadian owners will receive the attachedOwner Notification.SERVICE CLAIM ALLOWANCES
Caterpillar Dealer Suggested Customer Suggested
Parts Labor Hrs. Parts Labor Hrs. Parts Labor Hrs.
100% 1 0 0 0 0
This is a 1.0- hour job. U.S. and Canadian Dealers Only - Eligibledealers may enter a Type 2 SIMS ReportPARTS DISPOSITION
Handle the parts in accordance with your WarrantyBulletin on warranty parts handling.MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO COMPLETE THIS PROGRAMAS SOON AS POSSIBLE.Attach. (1-Owner Notification)COPY OF OWNER NOTIFICATION FOR U.S. AND CANADIAN OWNERS
XYZ Corporation
3240 Arrow Drive
(Revised July 2001)
1902 PI30154
This Program must be administered assoon as possible. When reporting the repair, use "PI30154" as the Partnumber and "7751" as the Group Number, "56" as the Warranty Claim DescriptionCode and "T" as the SIMS Description Code. Exception: If the repair isdone after failure, use "PI30154" as the Part Number, "7751" as the GroupNumber, "96" as the Warranty Claim Description Code, and "Z" as the SIMSDescription Code. The information supplied in this serviceletter may not be valid after the termination date of this program. Donot perform the work outlined in this Service Letter after the terminationdate without first contacting your Caterpillar product analyst. This Revised Service Letter replacesthe April 10, 2001 Service Letter. Changes have been made to include theAU Mail Code. AU-102 is not in order since it was addedat the July 2001 revision.
October 31, 2001 April 30, 2002PROBLEM
When the boat's ignition switch is turned to theON position the engine's air inlet heater is also activated. The air inletheater will not deactivate after 30 seconds, if the ignition isleft in the ON position. If the ignition is left in the ON position, theair inlet heater will continue to draw current from the boat's batteriesand cause them to become discharged, and possibly cause damage to the heaterribbons.
When the boat's ignition switch is turned to theON position, "Active Codes" are not displayed on Electronic Technician(ET), as is common with other electronic engine modules.
Some engines may have power settings less thannominal power.
Model Identification Number3126B HEUI 3GS1-424 (PROBLEMS #1 & #2-SOFTWARE)
9ZF105-132, 135-1363126B HEUI 3GS164-446 (PROBLEM #3-POWER)PARTS NEEDED
(Flash Files are available on SIS WEB)3126B 420HP Flash File #20729663126B 450HP Flash File #2072967 Call 309-578-9015 for new InformationPlate with new FLS/FTS settings before going to boat. If no answer, callJerry Anderson?s cell phone 309-256-2143. Factory passwords will be required toreset the FLS/FTS settings. The 420hp rating (software P/N 207-2966) hasa different interlock code. Engines shipped from Greenville with software(P/N 202-6639) will have to use the factory passwords to change the interlockcode to the new setting when the P/N 207-2966 is flashed. JUZ109 (CALCULATE PASSWORD) is availablein the AIMS System. If not available at your Dealership, call the ClaimsHelp Desk 309-675-4695 to get it. The Technician will have to go onto theboat, power up the ECM, and provide information to the T.C. at the Dealershipto calculate the passwords.ACTION REQUIRED
After downloading the appropriate flash file fromSIS WEB, flash the ECM using Caterpillar Electronic Technician and CommunicationAdapter.
Call Pat Flatley, Caterpillar, at 309-578-9015.Give him Dealer code and mailing address. He can ship the corrected EngineRating Information Label with the corrected FLS/FTS settings, and FlashFile. If no answer, call Jerry Anderson?s cell phone 309-256-2143.
3. After changing FLS/FTS, shut the poweroff to the engine and then power backup making sure the FLS/FTS changed. This software will enable the air inletheater to deactivate after 30 seconds if the ignition is left in the ONposition. The new flash files will also allow "Active Codes" to be displayedon Electronic Technician, when the ignition is in the ON position.OWNER NOTIFICATION
U.S. and Canadian owners will receive the attachedOwner Notification.SERVICE CLAIM ALLOWANCES
Caterpillar Dealer Suggested Customer Suggested
Parts Labor Hrs. Parts Labor Hrs. Parts Labor Hrs.
100% 1 0 0 0 0
This is a 1.0- hour job. U.S. and Canadian Dealers Only - Eligibledealers may enter a Type 2 SIMS ReportPARTS DISPOSITION
Handle the parts in accordance with your WarrantyBulletin on warranty parts handling.MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO COMPLETE THIS PROGRAMAS SOON AS POSSIBLE.Attach. (1-Owner Notification)COPY OF OWNER NOTIFICATION FOR U.S. AND CANADIAN OWNERS
XYZ Corporation
3240 Arrow Drive
Parts retainer JOHNSON:
0302420 RETAINER
10E74G, 10E75C, 10E76G, 15E75C, 15E76A, 1R69C, 1R70R, 20R69B, 20R70C, 20R71S, 20R72R, 20R73A, 25E72R, 25E73A, 25E74M, 25E75B, 25E76E, 25R69B, 25R70C, 25R71S, 2R71A, 2R72M, 2R73B, 2R74E, 2R75D, 2R76S, 33E69A, 33E69A, 33E70M, 33E70M, 35E76G, 40E69R, 40
0307861 RETAINER, Disc valve spring
100ESL71A, 100ESL72R, 100ML79S, 10E74G, 10E75C, 10E76G, 10E77A, 10E78M, 10EL79B, 115EL77S, 115ESL69E, 115ESL70D, 115ESL73M, 115ESL74B, 115ESL75E, 115ETZ78C, 115ML79R, 115TXL77S, 125ESL71C, 125ESL72R, 135ESL73M, 135ESL74B, 135ESL75E, 140ML77S, 140ML78
0307857 RETAINER, Valve
100ESL71A, 100ESL72R, 100ML79S, 10E74G, 10E75C, 10E76G, 10E77A, 10E78M, 10EL79B, 115EL77S, 115ESL69E, 115ESL70D, 115ESL73M, 115ESL74B, 115ESL75E, 115ETZ78C, 115ML79R, 115TXL77S, 125ESL71C, 125ESL72R, 135ESL73M, 135ESL74B, 135ESL75E, 140ML77S, 140ML78
0204708 RETAINER,Link
20R69B, 20R70C, 20R71S, 20R72R, 20R73A, 25E72R, 25E73A, 25E74M, 25E75B, 25E76E, 25R69B, 25R70C, 25R71S, 40E69R, 40E70A, 40E72E, 40E73D, 40E74S, 40E75C, 40E76A, 40ES69R, 40ES70A, 40R69R, 40R70A, 55ES69A, 9R69S, 9R70A, 9R71R, 9R72M, 9R73B, J40RSLR, J40
0313329 RETAINER,Choke to bellcrank
100ESL71A, 100ESL72R, 100ML79S, 115EL77S, 115ESL69E, 115ESL70D, 115ESL73M, 115ESL74B, 115ESL75E, 115ETZ78C, 115ML79R, 115TXL77S, 125ESL71C, 125ESL72R, 135ESL73M, 135ESL74B, 135ESL75E, 140ML77S, 140ML78C, 140ML79R, 150TL78S, 150TL79C, 175TL77S, 175TL7