0305937 JOHNSON SCREW,Slide & pin

0305937 SCREW,Slide & pin JOHNSON 25E74M, 25E75B, 25E76E, 25E77S, 25E78C, 25E79R, 35E76G, 35E77C, 35E78R, 35E79A, J25RCSA, J35ECSM, J40RWCOM SCREW
0305937 SCREW,Slide & pin JOHNSON

Buy SCREW,Slide & pin 0305937 JOHNSON genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 8

BRP JOHNSON entire parts catalog list:

25E74M, 25EL74M, 25R74M, 25RL74M 1974
25E75B, 25EL75B, 25R75B, 25RL75B 1975
25E76E, 25EL76E, 25R76E, 25RL76E 1976
25E77S, 25EL77H, 25EL77S, 25R77H, 25R77S, 25RL77H, 25RL77S 1977
25E78C, 25EL78C, 25R78C, 25RL78C 1978
25E79R, 25EL79R, 25R79R, 25RL79R 1979
35E76G, 35E76S, 35EL76G, 35EL76S, 35R76G, 35R76S, 35RL76G, 35RL76S 1976
35E77C, 35E77H, 35EL77C, 35EL77H, 35R77C, 35R77H, 35RL77C, 35RL77H 1977
35E78R, 35EL78R, 35R78R, 35RL78R 1978
35E79A, 35EL79A, 35R79A, 35RL79A 1979


Table 1
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the DPF Differential Pressure
J1939 Code Description Notes
3251-7 Particulate Trap Differential Pressure : Not Responding Properly The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following conditions:
The measured differential pressure from the DPF differential pressure sensor is invalid.
The battery voltage is at least 10 VDC.
This fault can be caused by damaged or blocked pipes to the DPF differential pressure sensor.
If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The engine will be derated.
3251-10 Particulate Trap Differential Pressure : Abnormal Rate of Change The ECM detects the following conditions:
The differential pressure across the DPF does not drop below 2.5 kPa (0.36 psi) after the engine has stopped.
This code will be active when the defect has been detected for at least 6 seconds.
The battery voltage is at least 10 VDC.
If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The engine will be derated.
3251-17 Particulate Trap Differential Pressure : Low - least severe (1) The ECM detects the following conditions:
There is no differential pressure across the DPF for at least 100 seconds.
The battery voltage is at least 10 VDC.
The engine will be derated.
The fault will be cleared if the differential pressure is within the acceptable range for at least 10 seconds.
3251-18 Particulate Trap Differential Pressure : Low - moderate severity (2) The Electronic Control Module (ECM) uses the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) differential pressure sensor to monitor the soot load in the DPF. An excessive accumulation of soot in the DPF can be caused by the following faults:Probable Causes
Diagnostic codes
Exhaust leaks
Connections to the DPF differential pressure sensor
Incorrect installation of the DPF
Faulty DPF differential pressure sensorRecommended Actions
Note: The procedures have been listed in order of probability. Complete the procedures in order.
Table 2
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
1. Diagnostic Codes
A. Establish communication between -the electronic service tool and the Electronic Control Module (ECM).
B. Check for active diagnostic codes. Check specifically for an active 3251-3 or 3251-4 diagnostic code.
Diagnostic codes
Result: A 3251-3 or 3251-4 diagnostic code is active
Refer to Troubleshooting, "Sensor Signal (Analog, Active) - Test" before returning to this procedure.
Result: A related diagnostic trouble code is not active or logged.
Proceed to Test Step 2.
2. Exhaust Leaks
A. Thoroughly inspect the exhaust duct between the engine and the DPF for leaks. Ensure that all connections are secure and no leaks are present.
Exhaust leaks
Result: There are leaks in the exhaust system.
Make any necessary repairs.
Result: The exhaust system is OK.
Proceed to Test Step 3.
Illustration 1 g02726855
Typical view of the DPF differential pressure sensor
(1) Connection to the DPF inlet
(2) Connection to the DPF outlet
Table 3
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
3. Connections to the DPF Differential Pressure Sensor
A. Thoroughly inspect the following components for blockages and/or damage:
Connection (1) on the DPF differential pressure sensor
Connection (2) on the DPF differential pressure sensor
The pipes between the DPF differential pressure sensor and the DPF
The pipe connections on the DPF for the differential pressure sensor
Damage and/or blockages
Result: One of the connections is damaged and/or blocked
Replace any damaged or blocked components.
Result: All connections are OK.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
4. Incorrect Installation of the DPF
A. Check that the DPF is installed correctly. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Diesel Particulate Filter - Install" for the correct installation method for the DPF.
Result: The DPF is not installed correctly.
Remove the DPF and install the DPF correctly. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Diesel Particulate Filter - Remove" andDisassembly and Assembly, "Diesel Particulate Filter - Install".
Result: The DPF is installed correctly.
Install a replacement DPF differential pressure sensor.
Run the engine and use the electronic service tool to check for active 3251 diagnostic codes.
If the fault has not been eliminated, contact the Dealer Solution Network (DSN).

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0312189 SCREW,Sems
20R69B, 20R70C, 20R71S, 20R72R, 20R73A, 25E72R, 25E73A, 25E74M, 25E75B, 25E76E, 25R69B, 25R70C, 25R71S, FD-22A
0552421 SCREW
10E74G, 10E75C, 10E76G, 10E77A, 10E78M, 10EL79B, 15E74G, 15E75C, 15E76A, 15E77M, 15E78B, 15E79E, 20R69B, 20R70C, 20R71S, 20R72R, 20R73A, 25E72R, 25E73A, 25E74M, 25E75B, 25E76E, 25E77S, 25E78C, 25E79R, 25R69B, 25R70C, 25R71S, 35E76G, 35E77C, 35E78R, 3
SCREW, Exhaust cover
0314979 SCREW, Exhaust cover
20R69B, 20R70C, 20R71S, 20R72R, 20R73A, 25E72R, 25E73A, 25E74M, 25E75B, 25E76E, 25E77S, 25E78C, 25E79R, 25R69B, 25R70C, 25R71S, 35E76G, 35E77C, 35E78R, 35E79A, 4R77B, BJ20SEECB, BJ20SEEDA, BJ20SEEUM, BJ20SRECB, BJ20SREDA, BJ20SREUM, BJ25BAECM, BJ25BA
0311516 SCREW, Clip
100ESL71A, 100ESL72R, 100ML79S, 115EL77S, 115ESL69E, 115ESL70D, 115ESL73M, 115ESL74B, 115ESL75E, 115ETZ78C, 115ML79R, 115TXL77S, 125ESL71C, 125ESL72R, 135ESL73M, 135ESL74B, 135ESL75E, 140ML77S, 140ML78C, 140ML79R, 150TL78S, 150TL79C, 175TL77S, 175TL7
0316440 SCREW, Mount housing
20R71S, 20R72R, 20R73A, 25E72R, 25E73A, 25E74M, 25E75B, 25E76E, 25E77S, 25E78C, 25E79R, 25R71S, 35E76G, 35E77C, 35E78R, 35E79A, BJ20SEECB, BJ20SEEDA, BJ20SEEUM, BJ25EECE, BJ25EEDM, BJ25EEUB, BJ30EECS, BJ30EEDE, BJ30EEUD, D25RWA, J20CRCCA, J20CRCDC, J
0312288 SCREW,Switch to bracket
25E77S, 25E78C, 25E79R, 35E76G, 35E77C, 35E78R, 35E79A, J25RCSA, J35ECSM
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