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Compatible models:
BRP JOHNSON entire parts catalog list:
J70ELCSA 1980
Data Sheet, PEHJ0067, "Cat ELC (Worldwide Formulation)"
Data Sheet, PEHP7057, "Coolant Analysis"
Data Sheet, PEHP9554, "Diesel Engine Antifreeze/Coolant (DEAC)"
Special Publication, PMEP5027, "Label - ELC Coolant/AntiFreeze Label"
Special Publication, SEBD0518, "Know Your Cooling System"
Special Publication, SEBD0970, "Coolant and Your Engine"Fuels
Special Publication, SEBD0717, "Diesel Fuels and Your Engine"
Special Publication, SENR9620, "Improving Fuel System Durability"Greases
Data Sheet, NEHP6010, "Cat Ultra 5Moly Grease"
Special Instruction, NEHP6011, "Arctic Platinum Grease Spec Sheet"
Data Sheet, NEHP6012, "Cat Desert Gold Grease"
Data Sheet, NEHP6015, "Caterpillar Special Purpose Grease"
Special Publication, PEGJ0035, "Grease Selection Guide"
Data Sheet, PEHP0002, "Molybdenum Grease Data Sheet"
Data Sheet, PEHJ0088, "Cat Multipurpose Grease"Lubricants
Datasheet, PEHJ0159, "Cat DEO-ULS (SAE 15W-40)" (North America - Canada, Mexico, and United States)
Datasheet, PEHJ0059, "Cat DEO (SAE 10W-30 and SAE 15W-40)" (North America - Canada, Mexico, and United States)
Special Instruction, PEHP6001, "How To Take A Good Oil Sample"
Datasheet, PEHJ0008, "Cat Arctic DEO (SAE 0W-30)" (Canada and United States)
Special Publication, SEBD0640, "Oil and Your Engine"S O S Services
Special Publication, PEHJ0191, "S O S Coolant Analysis"
Special Publication, PEGJ0047, "How To Take A Good Oil Sample"
Special Publications, PEDP7036, "S O S Fluids Analysis Cornerstone"
Special Publications, PEHP7076, "Understanding S O S Services Tests"
Special Publication, PEHP7052, "Making the Most of S O S Services"
Special Publication, PEGJ0045, "Reporting Particle Count by ISO Code"
Special Publication, PEGJ0046, "Understanding Your S O S Services Results"Miscellaneous
Special Publication, SEBU6385, "Cat On-highway Diesel Engine Fluids Recommendations"
Special Instruction, LEDT2254, "Cat Answers Your Questions About Truck Performance"
Special Publication, NEHS0526, "Service Technology Application Guide"
Special Instruction, NENG2500, "Cat dealer Service Tool Catalog"
Special Publication, PECP9067, "One Safe Source"
Special Instruction, REHS0354, "Charging System Troubleshooting for All Engines"
Special Instruction, REHS0871, "Electronic Installation Guide".
Special Instruction, REHS1413, "Installation and Operation of Cat Messenger for On-highway Engines"
Special Instruction, REHS1807, "Diesel Particulate Filter Installation Guide"
Service Manual, RENR1282, "Truck Engines Electronic PTO Installation and Applications"
Service Manual, RENR9815, "C7 On-highway Engine (2007 Emissions)"
Service Manual, RENR9820, "C9 On-highway Engine (2007 Emissions)"
Special Publication, SEBF8029, "Index to Guidelines for Reusable Parts and Salvage Operations"
Special Publication, SEBF8062, "Guideline for Reusable Parts - Procedure to Inspect and Clean Air Filters"
Special Publication, SEBU6385, "Caterpillar On-highway Diesel Engine Fluids Recommendations"
Special Instruction, SEHS7332, "Warning Tag - Danger Do Not Operate"
Special Instruction, SEHS7633, "Battery Test Procedure"
Special Instruction, SEHS8622, "Using the FT-1984 Aftercooler Testing Group"
Special Instruction, SEHS9031, "Storage Procedure for Caterpillar Products"
Specifications, SENR3130, "Torque Specifications Module"
Special Instruction, SMHS7001, "Assembly of Fan Drive Pulley Assemblies"
Special Publication, "Truck Engine Application and Installation Guide" (See your Caterpillar dealer.)Additional Reference Material
The "Engine Fluids Data Book" can be obtained from the following locations: local technological society, local library and local college. If necessary, consult EMA at the following address:Engine Manufacturers Association
Two North LaSalle Street, Suite 2200
Chicago, Illinois, USA 60602
E-mail: ema@enginemanufacturers.org
(312) 827-8700
Facsimile: (312) 827-8737
The "Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Specifications" can be found in your SAE handbook. This publication can also be obtained from the following locations: local technological society, local library and local college. If necessary, consult SAE at the following address:SAE International
400 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA, USA 15096-0001
Telephone (724) 776-4841
The "American Petroleum Institute Publication No. 1509" can be obtained from the following locations: local technological society, local library and local college. If necessary, consult API at the following address:American Petroleum Institute
1220 L St. N.W.
Washington, DC, USA 20005
Telephone (202) 682-8000
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) offers information and customer service regarding international standards and standardizing activities. ISO can also supply information on the following subjects that are not controlled by ISO: national standards, regional standards, regulations, certification and related activities. Consult the member of ISO in your country.International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
1, rue de Varembé
Case postale 56
CH-1211 Genève 20
Telephone +41 22 749 01 11
Facsimile +41 22 733 34 30
E-mail central@iso.ch
Web site http://www.iso.ch
European classifications are established by the Counseil International Des Machines a Combustion (CIMAC) (International Council on Combustion Engines).CIMAC Central Secretariat
Lyoner Strasse 18
60528 Frankfurt
Telephone +49 69 6603 1567
Facsimile +49 69 6603 1566
Emissions Warranty
This engine may be Certified and this engine may be covered by an Emissions Warranty. The engine is certified if the engine has a special label that states that the engine is certified. A Caterpillar dealer can also inform you if the engine is Certified.
Data Sheet, PEHJ0067, "Cat ELC (Worldwide Formulation)"
Data Sheet, PEHP7057, "Coolant Analysis"
Data Sheet, PEHP9554, "Diesel Engine Antifreeze/Coolant (DEAC)"
Special Publication, PMEP5027, "Label - ELC Coolant/AntiFreeze Label"
Special Publication, SEBD0518, "Know Your Cooling System"
Special Publication, SEBD0970, "Coolant and Your Engine"Fuels
Special Publication, SEBD0717, "Diesel Fuels and Your Engine"
Special Publication, SENR9620, "Improving Fuel System Durability"Greases
Data Sheet, NEHP6010, "Cat Ultra 5Moly Grease"
Special Instruction, NEHP6011, "Arctic Platinum Grease Spec Sheet"
Data Sheet, NEHP6012, "Cat Desert Gold Grease"
Data Sheet, NEHP6015, "Caterpillar Special Purpose Grease"
Special Publication, PEGJ0035, "Grease Selection Guide"
Data Sheet, PEHP0002, "Molybdenum Grease Data Sheet"
Data Sheet, PEHJ0088, "Cat Multipurpose Grease"Lubricants
Datasheet, PEHJ0159, "Cat DEO-ULS (SAE 15W-40)" (North America - Canada, Mexico, and United States)
Datasheet, PEHJ0059, "Cat DEO (SAE 10W-30 and SAE 15W-40)" (North America - Canada, Mexico, and United States)
Special Instruction, PEHP6001, "How To Take A Good Oil Sample"
Datasheet, PEHJ0008, "Cat Arctic DEO (SAE 0W-30)" (Canada and United States)
Special Publication, SEBD0640, "Oil and Your Engine"S O S Services
Special Publication, PEHJ0191, "S O S Coolant Analysis"
Special Publication, PEGJ0047, "How To Take A Good Oil Sample"
Special Publications, PEDP7036, "S O S Fluids Analysis Cornerstone"
Special Publications, PEHP7076, "Understanding S O S Services Tests"
Special Publication, PEHP7052, "Making the Most of S O S Services"
Special Publication, PEGJ0045, "Reporting Particle Count by ISO Code"
Special Publication, PEGJ0046, "Understanding Your S O S Services Results"Miscellaneous
Special Publication, SEBU6385, "Cat On-highway Diesel Engine Fluids Recommendations"
Special Instruction, LEDT2254, "Cat Answers Your Questions About Truck Performance"
Special Publication, NEHS0526, "Service Technology Application Guide"
Special Instruction, NENG2500, "Cat dealer Service Tool Catalog"
Special Publication, PECP9067, "One Safe Source"
Special Instruction, REHS0354, "Charging System Troubleshooting for All Engines"
Special Instruction, REHS0871, "Electronic Installation Guide".
Special Instruction, REHS1413, "Installation and Operation of Cat Messenger for On-highway Engines"
Special Instruction, REHS1807, "Diesel Particulate Filter Installation Guide"
Service Manual, RENR1282, "Truck Engines Electronic PTO Installation and Applications"
Service Manual, RENR9815, "C7 On-highway Engine (2007 Emissions)"
Service Manual, RENR9820, "C9 On-highway Engine (2007 Emissions)"
Special Publication, SEBF8029, "Index to Guidelines for Reusable Parts and Salvage Operations"
Special Publication, SEBF8062, "Guideline for Reusable Parts - Procedure to Inspect and Clean Air Filters"
Special Publication, SEBU6385, "Caterpillar On-highway Diesel Engine Fluids Recommendations"
Special Instruction, SEHS7332, "Warning Tag - Danger Do Not Operate"
Special Instruction, SEHS7633, "Battery Test Procedure"
Special Instruction, SEHS8622, "Using the FT-1984 Aftercooler Testing Group"
Special Instruction, SEHS9031, "Storage Procedure for Caterpillar Products"
Specifications, SENR3130, "Torque Specifications Module"
Special Instruction, SMHS7001, "Assembly of Fan Drive Pulley Assemblies"
Special Publication, "Truck Engine Application and Installation Guide" (See your Caterpillar dealer.)Additional Reference Material
The "Engine Fluids Data Book" can be obtained from the following locations: local technological society, local library and local college. If necessary, consult EMA at the following address:Engine Manufacturers Association
Two North LaSalle Street, Suite 2200
Chicago, Illinois, USA 60602
E-mail: ema@enginemanufacturers.org
(312) 827-8700
Facsimile: (312) 827-8737
The "Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Specifications" can be found in your SAE handbook. This publication can also be obtained from the following locations: local technological society, local library and local college. If necessary, consult SAE at the following address:SAE International
400 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA, USA 15096-0001
Telephone (724) 776-4841
The "American Petroleum Institute Publication No. 1509" can be obtained from the following locations: local technological society, local library and local college. If necessary, consult API at the following address:American Petroleum Institute
1220 L St. N.W.
Washington, DC, USA 20005
Telephone (202) 682-8000
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) offers information and customer service regarding international standards and standardizing activities. ISO can also supply information on the following subjects that are not controlled by ISO: national standards, regional standards, regulations, certification and related activities. Consult the member of ISO in your country.International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
1, rue de Varembé
Case postale 56
CH-1211 Genève 20
Telephone +41 22 749 01 11
Facsimile +41 22 733 34 30
E-mail central@iso.ch
Web site http://www.iso.ch
European classifications are established by the Counseil International Des Machines a Combustion (CIMAC) (International Council on Combustion Engines).CIMAC Central Secretariat
Lyoner Strasse 18
60528 Frankfurt
Telephone +49 69 6603 1567
Facsimile +49 69 6603 1566
Emissions Warranty
This engine may be Certified and this engine may be covered by an Emissions Warranty. The engine is certified if the engine has a special label that states that the engine is certified. A Caterpillar dealer can also inform you if the engine is Certified.