16060 CLAMP Mariner
7004201HB, 7004201UB, 7004211SK, 7F042016B, 7F04201JB
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This instruction is made available to provide the correct procedures for handling, cleaning, assembly, installation and protection of a service replacement crankshaft for Caterpillar 3600 Family engines.If the replacement crankshaft is processed with the same procedures as outlined in this Special Instruction, it can be expected to give good performance during normal operating conditions.All replacement crankshafts must be thoroughly cleaned before installation into a cylinder block.Do not perform any procedure, outlined in this publication, or order any parts until you read and understand the information contained within.Reference: Service ManualRemoval of the Crankshaft from the Shipping Crate
The crankshaft is a precision finished part. Every precaution must be taken while working near or with the crankshaft. Be especially careful when removing the crankshaft from its shipping crate, or when moving it.These precautions are necessary to prevent damage to any surface that can result in a total failure of the crankshaft, or early hour bearing failure. Replacement crankshafts are shipped from the Caterpillar Inc. Parts Department using either one of the two methods that follow:Method No. 1:
* The shipping crate is lined with VCI paper, the crankshaft is coated with a rust preventative and wrapped with clear polyethylene.Method No. 2:
* The shipping crate has a crankshaft, without any rust preventative, sealed inside a VCI clear polyethylene bag. This sealed bag should not be opened until the cylinder block is cleaned, and the crankshaft is ready for installation.All crankshafts are shipped in a wooden crate with supports that protect the crankshaft and keep it from moving around inside the crate.If the crankshaft is shipped using Method No. 1, the crankshaft must be processed using all of the procedures given in this guideline with regard to unpacking, cleaning, inspection and plug installation before the crankshaft is installed in the cylinder block.If the crankshaft is shipped using Method No. 2, it will be necessary to clean the bearing journal surfaces on the crankshaft before the crankshaft can be installed in the cylinder block.The threaded plugs are already installed in the threaded holes at the opening of the drilled oil passages. Remove all plastic plugs from the crankshaft oil passages before crankshaft installation. Put a coat of clean engine oil on all crankshaft surfaces before the crankshaft is installed in the cylinder block.1. Remove only enough of the support blocking from inside the crate to allow the crankshaft to be lifted "straight up".
To prevent damage to the crankshaft, do not turn the crankshaft while it is in the crate.
2. Remove the protective cover from two of the connecting rod journals that are facing "UP".Fold a clean chamois, thick cloth, or sheep hide (with the fleece side toward the journal) around the two connecting rod journals, as shown. This will prevent any damage to the bearing journal surfaces. 3. Use nylon straps and a hoist to remove the crankshaft from the shipping crate.
When the crankshaft is in storage, always protect it with a clean canvas or polyethylene cover.
Crankshaft Cleaning
Always wear protective clothing and eye protection when removing and installing crankshaft plugs, cleaning oil passages with a brush and electric drill, pressure air, or, when using the cleaning gun with the hot cleaning solution. Sludge, metal chips and/or other foreign material that is forced from the oil passages under pressure can cause injury if proper protective measures are not used.
For those replacement crankshafts shipped from Caterpillar with a coating of rust preventative, the 7W1632 Plugs are in a package in the crate.All external and internal surfaces of the crankshaft must be completely cleaned, and the 7W1632 Plugs for the oil passages must be installed and tightened to the specified torque, before the crankshaft is installed in a cylinder block.
Jumbo Jiffy Gun with Air Boost.For thorough cleaning, a nozzle with a high aerated flow or pulsing flow is recommended. One aerated nozzle that can be used for cleaning crankshaft passages is the "Jumbo Jiffy Gun" with "Air Boost" from the Elliot Company. Refer to the back of this instruction for address, etc.All drilled oil passages should be cleaned using a spray system with compressed air at 620 kPa (90 psi), hot water at 65°C (150°F) and Hydrosol 4165 (available from Caterpillar).
Use only the brushes given, or their equivalent for this procedure. Replace worn brushes, or brushes with loose bristles. Do not use wire brushes because the bristles can cause damage to the machined surfaces. The wire strands can also break off and become lodged in the oil passages, later flowing into the bearings, resulting in bearing and crankshaft failures.
1. Use a small brush to clean the threads of each tapped hole. If the threads are damaged, or if there are burrs, use a 11/4"-7 tap to repair the threads.If it is necessary to repair the threads with the tap, both the threads and passages must be cleaned with a brush and solvent.2. Use a petroleum solvent, in a well ventilated area, and one of the recommended brushes to clean all oil passages. Each oil passage must be brushed from every possible direction. Be especially careful to clean cross-drilled (intersecting) passages in the crankshaft. 3. Wrap a protective covering around the crankshaft to prevent overspray of the cleaning solution. 4. After the cleaning procedure is completed, use pressure air and a nozzle extension to blow dry each passage. Pressure air that is used to blow dry the crankshaft must be filtered and free of any moisture to prevent any possibility of contaminating the crankshaft after it is cleaned.Crankshaft Inspection and Plug Installation
1. Use the 8T9290 Borescope to inspect the inside surfaces of all drilled holes to ensure that no rust preventive, foreign material and/or debris is left in the passages. Bearing and crankshaft failure can occur from material left in the passages.2. Flush all oil passages with clean engine oil (Caterpillar S.A.E. 40 DEO). 3. Install the required number of 7W1632 Plugs (1) in the crankshaft as shown. Tighten each plug to a torque of 260 to 340 N m (190 to 250 lb ft).If it is necessary to
This instruction is made available to provide the correct procedures for handling, cleaning, assembly, installation and protection of a service replacement crankshaft for Caterpillar 3600 Family engines.If the replacement crankshaft is processed with the same procedures as outlined in this Special Instruction, it can be expected to give good performance during normal operating conditions.All replacement crankshafts must be thoroughly cleaned before installation into a cylinder block.Do not perform any procedure, outlined in this publication, or order any parts until you read and understand the information contained within.Reference: Service ManualRemoval of the Crankshaft from the Shipping Crate
The crankshaft is a precision finished part. Every precaution must be taken while working near or with the crankshaft. Be especially careful when removing the crankshaft from its shipping crate, or when moving it.These precautions are necessary to prevent damage to any surface that can result in a total failure of the crankshaft, or early hour bearing failure. Replacement crankshafts are shipped from the Caterpillar Inc. Parts Department using either one of the two methods that follow:Method No. 1:
* The shipping crate is lined with VCI paper, the crankshaft is coated with a rust preventative and wrapped with clear polyethylene.Method No. 2:
* The shipping crate has a crankshaft, without any rust preventative, sealed inside a VCI clear polyethylene bag. This sealed bag should not be opened until the cylinder block is cleaned, and the crankshaft is ready for installation.All crankshafts are shipped in a wooden crate with supports that protect the crankshaft and keep it from moving around inside the crate.If the crankshaft is shipped using Method No. 1, the crankshaft must be processed using all of the procedures given in this guideline with regard to unpacking, cleaning, inspection and plug installation before the crankshaft is installed in the cylinder block.If the crankshaft is shipped using Method No. 2, it will be necessary to clean the bearing journal surfaces on the crankshaft before the crankshaft can be installed in the cylinder block.The threaded plugs are already installed in the threaded holes at the opening of the drilled oil passages. Remove all plastic plugs from the crankshaft oil passages before crankshaft installation. Put a coat of clean engine oil on all crankshaft surfaces before the crankshaft is installed in the cylinder block.1. Remove only enough of the support blocking from inside the crate to allow the crankshaft to be lifted "straight up".
To prevent damage to the crankshaft, do not turn the crankshaft while it is in the crate.
2. Remove the protective cover from two of the connecting rod journals that are facing "UP".Fold a clean chamois, thick cloth, or sheep hide (with the fleece side toward the journal) around the two connecting rod journals, as shown. This will prevent any damage to the bearing journal surfaces. 3. Use nylon straps and a hoist to remove the crankshaft from the shipping crate.
When the crankshaft is in storage, always protect it with a clean canvas or polyethylene cover.
Crankshaft Cleaning
Always wear protective clothing and eye protection when removing and installing crankshaft plugs, cleaning oil passages with a brush and electric drill, pressure air, or, when using the cleaning gun with the hot cleaning solution. Sludge, metal chips and/or other foreign material that is forced from the oil passages under pressure can cause injury if proper protective measures are not used.
For those replacement crankshafts shipped from Caterpillar with a coating of rust preventative, the 7W1632 Plugs are in a package in the crate.All external and internal surfaces of the crankshaft must be completely cleaned, and the 7W1632 Plugs for the oil passages must be installed and tightened to the specified torque, before the crankshaft is installed in a cylinder block.
Jumbo Jiffy Gun with Air Boost.For thorough cleaning, a nozzle with a high aerated flow or pulsing flow is recommended. One aerated nozzle that can be used for cleaning crankshaft passages is the "Jumbo Jiffy Gun" with "Air Boost" from the Elliot Company. Refer to the back of this instruction for address, etc.All drilled oil passages should be cleaned using a spray system with compressed air at 620 kPa (90 psi), hot water at 65°C (150°F) and Hydrosol 4165 (available from Caterpillar).
Use only the brushes given, or their equivalent for this procedure. Replace worn brushes, or brushes with loose bristles. Do not use wire brushes because the bristles can cause damage to the machined surfaces. The wire strands can also break off and become lodged in the oil passages, later flowing into the bearings, resulting in bearing and crankshaft failures.
1. Use a small brush to clean the threads of each tapped hole. If the threads are damaged, or if there are burrs, use a 11/4"-7 tap to repair the threads.If it is necessary to repair the threads with the tap, both the threads and passages must be cleaned with a brush and solvent.2. Use a petroleum solvent, in a well ventilated area, and one of the recommended brushes to clean all oil passages. Each oil passage must be brushed from every possible direction. Be especially careful to clean cross-drilled (intersecting) passages in the crankshaft. 3. Wrap a protective covering around the crankshaft to prevent overspray of the cleaning solution. 4. After the cleaning procedure is completed, use pressure air and a nozzle extension to blow dry each passage. Pressure air that is used to blow dry the crankshaft must be filtered and free of any moisture to prevent any possibility of contaminating the crankshaft after it is cleaned.Crankshaft Inspection and Plug Installation
1. Use the 8T9290 Borescope to inspect the inside surfaces of all drilled holes to ensure that no rust preventive, foreign material and/or debris is left in the passages. Bearing and crankshaft failure can occur from material left in the passages.2. Flush all oil passages with clean engine oil (Caterpillar S.A.E. 40 DEO). 3. Install the required number of 7W1632 Plugs (1) in the crankshaft as shown. Tighten each plug to a torque of 260 to 340 N m (190 to 250 lb ft).If it is necessary to
Parts clamp Mariner:
95306 CLAMP
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