816291A96 Mariner DECAL SET

816291A96 DECAL SET Mariner 7010207HB, 7010312DT, 7015201LD DECAL
816291A96 DECAL SET Mariner

Buy DECAL SET 816291A96 Mariner genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
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Compatible models:

Mariner entire parts catalog list:

7010207HB 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004
7010312DT 1995
7015201LD 2002


time. Before you replace a control module, follow the troubleshooting procedures in this manual in order to be sure that replacement of the module will correct the problem.Verify that the control module is the cause of the problem. Install a module that is known to be good in place of the suspect module. Program all the parameters for the good module in order to match the parameters of the suspect module. The parameters must match. Refer to the following test steps for details on programming the parameters.If the good module resolves the problem, reconnect the suspect control module. Verify that the problem recurs. If the problem returns, replace the suspect module with the good module.Either the Digital Diagnostic Tool (DDT) or the Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) may be used to program the parameters. Refer to Tool Operating Manual, SEHS8806 for details on using the DDT. For Cat ET, refer to the instructions that are provided with the software.Note: If the parameters cannot be read from the suspect module, the parameters must be obtained from records or from the factory.Perform the following procedure to replace the control module.Note: Before you replace the control module, record all of the diagnostic codes. Copy the values for all of the parameters from the suspect module. Record the values of the parameters onto paper. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Customer Specified Parameters Worksheet".
Replace the EIS control module.
Set the engine control to the OFF/RESET mode.
Remove the electrical power from the engine. Turn the Engine Control Switch (ECS) to the OFF/RESET position and open the circuit breaker in the terminal box on the side of the engine. Remove the fuse.
Disconnect the EIS connector.Note: Rubber grommets behind the control module are held in place by bolts. The grommets help to reduce vibration. The grommets may fall when the control module is removed. Be sure not to lose the grommets.
Remove the bolts.
Remove the control module from the engine.
Install the replacement control module.
Use the mounting hardware to install the new control module. Use a bolt to fasten the ground strap to the control module. Then install the other three bolts.Check the mounting hardware and the control module for correct installation. A correctly installed control module will move slightly on the rubber grommets. If the module cannot move slightly on the grommets, check that the grommets are positioned correctly.
Connect the EIS connector.
Restore the electrical power to the engine. Install the fuse if the fuse was removed.
Close the circuit breaker in the terminal box and turn the ESC to the STOP position.
Manually enter the values for each parameter.Note: All of the parameters must be reprogrammed even if the values for the parameters appear to be correct. If a parameter has the correct value, enter a value that is incorrect. Then enter the correct value. This process ensures that the control module is programmed with the correct value for every parameter.
Access the "Customer Specified Parameters" on Menu 03 of the DDT.
Use screen 30 to program the "Speed Timing Map".
Use screen 31 to program the "Number of Detonation Sensors".
Use screen 32 to program the "Engine Type".
Use screen 33 to program the "Load Timing Map".
Use screen 35 to program the "Compression Ratio". The "Compression Ratio" requires the tenths of a ratio to be entered. For example, in order to program the compression ratio of 11.0:1, you must first press "<ALT>,1,1,0 and then press <ENTER>".
Scroll to the "Desired Timing" screen on the DDT. This is found on Menu 05 screen 50 in the "Timing Menu" on the DDT. Enter the desired timing. Timing requires the tenths of a ratio to be entered. For example, in order to program 28.0 degrees, you must first press "<ALT>,2,8,0 and then press <ENTER>".
Calibrate the speed/timing sensor.Refer to Troubleshooting, "Engine Speed/Timing Sensor - Calibrate".If you are using Cat ET, program the parameters by performing the following procedure:
Restore the electrical power to the engine.
Set the engine control to the "STOP" mode.
Select "File/Select ECM" from the drop-down menu.
Select the replacement EIS control module and click "OK".
Select "Service/Copy Configuration/ECM Replacement" from the drop-down menu. Click "OK" on the window.
Select "Program ECM" from the lower left corner of the screen. Select the replacement ECM and click "OK". If the correct ECM is shown, select "Yes".
A window with the message "Program ECM Results" will appear. Select "OK".
Calibrate the speed/timing sensor.Refer to Troubleshooting, "Engine Speed/Timing Sensor - Calibrate".

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