82275M O-RING, WATER PUMP BASE Mariner 7040202, 7040206, 7040208, 7040328, 7040706, 7040716, 7048207, 7048227, 7048321, 7055324, 7055524, 7060507, 7060522, 7060528 O

Buy O-RING, WATER PUMP BASE 82275M Mariner genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 16

Mariner entire parts catalog list:

7040202 1982,1985,1986
7040206 1986,1987,1988,1989
7040208 1978
7040328 1978,1980
7040706 1986,1990,1992
7040716 1986
7048207 1977
7048227 1977
7048321 1981
7055324 1984,1985,1988,1989
7055524 1984,1985
7060507 1977
7060522 1982
7060528 1978


Note: Use this procedure only if the engine shut down completely and it was necessary to restart the engine.Probable Causes
Diagnostic codes or event codes
Engine parameters
Electrical connections
Electronic unit injector connector
Fuel supply
Injection actuation pressure control system
Remote shutdown switch (if equipped)Note: If the problem only occurs under certain conditions such as high engine speed, full load or engine operating temperature, then perform the test under those operating conditions.Recommended Actions
Diagnostic Codes or Event Codes
Certain diagnostic codes and/or event codes may cause the engine to shutdown. Connect the Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) and check for active codes and/or for logged codes. Troubleshoot any codes that are present before continuing with this procedure.Engine Parameters
The engine may be shut down due to low pressure levels or to other factors. Connect Cat ET and check for active shutdowns or for diagnostic codes.If a shutdown is active, Cat ET will display "Injection Disabled".An engine shutdown event will appear on a CAN J1939 device if the device is capable of displaying diagnostic codes.Electrical Connections to the ECM
Thoroughly inspect the J1/P1 and the J2/P2 ECM connectors. Inspect both of the connectors for the engine speed/timing sensor. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electrical Connectors - Inspect".
Check Cat ET for a 168-02 System Voltage intermittent/erratic that is active or logged.Check the battery connections at the J1/P1 ECM connector and the J3 customer connector. Refer to the Electrical System Schematic for your engine.Perform a pull test on the following power terminals:
P1-4 Unswitched +Battery
P1-5 -Battery
P1-6 Unswitched +Battery
P1-11 -Battery
P1-23 Switched +Battery
P3-1 Unswitched +Battery
P3-2 Unswitched +Battery
P3-26 Switched +BatteryRefer to Troubleshooting, " Electrical Connectors - Inspect".Note: The problem may only occur when the engine is at normal operating temperature. As the engine cools, the problem may disappear. The circuit breakers may be exceeding the trip point because of the overheating. Check the circuit breakers on the engine. If necessary, reset the circuit breakers.Note: Aftermarket engine protection devices usually interrupt power to the ECM. Check for correct installation and for operation of aftermarket engine protection devices. It may be necessary to bypass aftermarket devices in order to continue testing.Electronic Unit Injector Connector
Thoroughly inspect the connections for the unit injector connectors for damage. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electrical Connectors - Inspect".Check the Fuel Supply
Check the fuel level.
Monitor the exhaust for smoke while the engine is being cranked.If no smoke is present, there may be a problem with the fuel quality or there may be a problem with the fuel supply.
Check the fuel pressure. Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting, "Fuel System Pressure - Test".
Ensure that the fuel system has been primed. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Fuel System - Prime".
Check for fuel supply lines that are restricted.
Check the fuel filters.
Cold weather adversely affects the characteristics of the fuel. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual for information on improving the characteristics of the fuel during cold weather operation.Injection Actuation Pressure Control System
Use Cat ET to check the injection actuation pressure.
Crank the engine and monitor the injection actuation pressure.
Monitor the output of the injection actuation pressure control valve.The high pressure oil system is operating properly if the pressure output is a minimum of 6 MPa (875 psi).
Check for a 164-11 injection actuation pressure system fault. If the diagnostic code has been logged recently, refer to Troubleshooting, "Injection Actuation Pressure Control Valve Circuit - Test".
If higher than actual pressure is being indicated, then disconnect the injection actuation pressure sensor and try to start the engine. If the engine starts, refer to Troubleshooting, "Injector Actuation Pressure Sensor -Test".Remote Shutdown Switch (If Equipped)
Access the Cat ET screen that displays the remote shutdown switch status. The remote shutdown switch status on the Cat ET is called "User Shutdown".
Table 1
"User Shutdown Status"     Switch Status     Measured Voltage at P1-2 and P3-27    
ON     Negative battery     <0.9 VDC    
OFF     Open circuit     >10 VDC    If the voltage is not in the proper range, refer to the appropriate reference material for more information.

Parts o Mariner:

82276M O-RING
7004201, 7005201, 7005207, 7008204, 7008208, 7008218EW, 7008226, 7008238, 7008247, 7008248, 7008305, 7008425, 7015307, 7015327, 7025208CW, 7040202, 7040206, 7040207, 7040208, 7040328, 7040507, 7040706, 7040716, 7048207, 7048227, 7048321, 7055324, 705
83362M O-RING
7040202, 7040206, 7040207, 7040208, 7040328, 7040507, 7040706, 7040716
7048207, 7048227, 7048321, 7055324, 7055524, 7060507, 7060522, 7060528
82288M O-RING
7048207, 7048227, 7048321, 7055324, 7055524, 7060507, 7060522, 7060528
81695M O-RING
7048207, 7048227, 7048321, 7060507, 7060528
7045217, 7050200, 7050716, 7060312PC, 7060507, 7060524, 7060528, 7070520, 7080629, 7090520, 7090529, 7115520, 7115528, 7115529, 7140528, 7140629
7045217, 7050200, 7050716, 7060312PC, 7060507, 7060524, 7060528, 7070520, 7080629, 7090520, 7090529, 7115520, 7115528, 7115529, 7140528, 7140629
814582M O-RING
7040706, 7040716
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