81381M SCREW, TRANSOM CLAMP Mariner 7048207, 7048227, 7048321, 7055324, 7055524, 7060507, 7060522, 7060528 SCREW

Buy SCREW, TRANSOM CLAMP 81381M Mariner genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 6

Mariner entire parts catalog list:

7048207 1977
7048227 1977
7048321 1981
7055324 1984,1985,1988,1989
7055524 1984,1985
7060507 1977
7060522 1982
7060528 1978


Illustration 1 g06060440
Rear view of engine
Table 1
Specification for 456-6313 Cylinder Block
Item Qty Part Specification Description
- During assembly, bottom of the plate, top of the block, and both the sides of the gasket plate must be free of all visible fuel, oil, water and gasket adhesives, assembly compounds, or any other contaminates.
A 24 8T-0099 Dowel Extension of the dowel from the top face of the cylinder block is 21.0 0.5 mm (0.83 0.02 inch).
1 2 5F-9657 O-Ring Seal Lubricate the bore lightly with the lubricant that is being sealed.
C 12 197-7008 Dowel Extension of the dowel from the top face of the cylinder block is 21.0 0.5 mm (0.83 0.02 inch).
2 14 101-1198 Camshaft Bearing All centerlines through oil holes in the camshaft bearings and the camshaft bearing junctions must be positioned as shown in Illustration 1 on each side of cylinder block.
Oil holes must be positioned from horizontal at an angle (D) of 20 5 degrees as shown in Illustration 1.
Bore in the cylinder block for camshaft bearing is 98.00 0.02 mm (3.858 0.001 inch).
E 7 223-1696 Crankshaft Bearing Cap Width of the crankshaft bearing cap is 340.030 0.015 mm (13.3870 0.0006 inch).
Width of cylinder block for main bearing cap is 339.985 0.015 mm (13.3852 0.0006 inch).
3 8 6V-3348 O-Ring Seal Lubricate the bore lightly with the lubricant that is being sealed.
F - - New dimension from centerline of crankshaft bearing bore to the top of the cylinder block is 586 mm (23.1 inch).
G - - New dimension from centerline of crankshaft bearing bore to bottom of cylinder block (pan rails) is 230 mm (9.1 inch).
H - - Bore in the cylinder block for the main bearings is 169.742 0.020 mm (6.6827 0.0008 inch).
Illustration 2 g03497817
Section B-B
Table 2
Item Qty Part Specification Description
J 1 7N-2047 Dowel Extension of the dowel from the rear face of the cylinder block is 6.0 0.5 mm (0.24 0.02 inch).
K 2 7N-2047 Dowel Extension of the dowel from the front face of the cylinder block is 6.0 0.5 mm (0.24 0.02 inch).
L 2 4N-0683 Dowel Extension of the dowel from the rear face of the cylinder block is 19.0 0.5 mm (0.75 0.02 inch).
M 2 7N-2044 Dowel Extension of the dowel from the front face of the cylinder block is 40.0 0.5 mm (1.57 0.02 inch).
Illustration 3 g06060441
Front view
Table 3
Item Qty Part Specification Description
4 3 4W-4813 Plug Torque to 100 15 N m (74 11 lb ft).
5 3 8T-2929 O-Ring Seal During assembly, apply Krytox GPL-205 to secure O-rings.
6 3 8T-2928 O-Ring Seal Lightly lubricate the bore with 5P-3975 Rubber Lubricant.
7 28 7X-7925 Bolt Use the following procedure to tighten the crankshaft bearing cap bolts:
1. Before assembly, lubricate the threads completely with clean engine oil.
2. Hand tighten the bolts in the tapped holes.
3. Tighten the bolts in the numerical sequence as shown in Illustration 3 to 190 14 N m (140 10 lb ft).
4. Again, tighten the bolts for an extra angle of 180 5 degrees.

Parts screw Mariner:

83509M SCREW
7002200, 7002207, 7004201, 7008204, 7008218EW, 7008226, 7008425, 7010209, 7015327, 7015529, 7025207PW, 7040207, 7040507, 7055524, 7060507, 7F08203HF, 7F08261DF, 7F75411JD, 7F75412RD
25575 SCREW
7004201, 7005201, 7005207, 7005227, 7008204, 7008208, 7008226, 7008238, 7008247, 7008248, 7008305, 7010209, 7015207, 7015307, 7015327, 7015529, 7020201, 7025200, 7025207NW, 7025500, 7026226, 7028207, 7028527, 7030200, 7030205, 7030301, 7040202, 70402
84300M SCREW
7004201, 7005201, 7005207, 7008204, 7008226, 7008305, 7010209, 7015327, 7015529, 7025207PW, 7025500, 7026226, 7030205, 7030320, 7040202, 7040716, 7055324
7008208, 7008238, 7008247, 7008248, 7015207, 7015307, 7015327, 7020201, 7025200, 7025207NW, 7025500, 7028207, 7028527, 7030200, 7040207, 7040208, 7040328, 7040507, 7048207, 7048227, 7048321
7015207, 7015307, 7015327, 7020201, 7025200, 7025500, 7028207, 7028527, 7030200, 7048207, 7048227, 7048321, 7060507, 7060522, 7060528
82436M SCREW
7025200, 7025500, 7028527, 7030200, 7030205, 7030301, 7030320, 7040207, 7040208, 7040328, 7040507, 7048207, 7048227, 7048321, 7055324, 7060507
80164M SCREW
7020201, 7025200, 7025500, 7026226, 7028527, 7030200, 7030205, 7040202, 7040207, 7040208, 7040507, 7040716, 7060507, 7060528
7040207, 7040208, 7040328, 7040507, 7048207, 7048227, 7048321, 7055324, 7055524, 7060507, 7060522, 7060528
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