90203 BUSHING, RUBBER - ANCHOR PIN Mercruiser 01321017, 03301310, 5220200AS, 91331015 BUSHING

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Illustration 1 g03735953
(1) Control valve
(2) Pressure sensor
(3) Check valve
(4) Actuators
Table 1
Diagnostic Codes for Mechanical Problems or Electrical Problems with the Intake Valve Actuation System
J1939 Code Description Conditions Which Can Cause The Code
2949-7 Engine Intake Valve Actuation System Oil Pressure Control Valve : Not Responding Properly This code can only occur soon after the engine has started.
This code indicates that the difference in rail pressure is incorrect while the control valve is opened and closed. The following conditions can cause this code:
A control valve that contains debris or a control valve that is not operating correctly
Damaged O-ring seal or missing O-ring seal.
2950-7 Engine Intake Valve Actuator #1 : Not Responding Properly The intake valve actuator is not responding correctly to the commands from the ECM. This error can be caused by the following conditions :
There is an oil leak in the system.
There is a problem with an actuator.
The valve lash is incorrect.
The adjustment of an actuator is incorrect.
2951-7 Engine Intake Valve Actuator #2 : Not Responding Properly
2952-7 Engine Intake Valve Actuator #3 : Not Responding Properly
2953-7 Engine Intake Valve Actuator #4 : Not Responding Properly
2954-7 Engine Intake Valve Actuator #5 : Not Responding Properly
2955-7 Engine Intake Valve Actuator #6 : Not Responding Properly
2948-7 Engine Intake Valve Actuation System Oil Pressure : Not Responding Properly The Engine Intake Valve Actuation System Oil Pressure did not change when the Engine Intake Valve Actuation System Oil Pressure solenoid is toggled.
2948-17 Engine Intake Valve Actuation System Oil Pressure : Low - moderate severity (2) The Engine Intake Valve Actuation System Oil Pressure solenoid is commanded closed, but the oil pressure does not go up. Note: Resolve any electrical problems with the system before you use this procedure.SymptomsThe following symptoms may occur if there is a problem with the intake valve actuation system.
Intermittent check engine light
Intermittent reductions in engine powerYou may need to apply a load to the engine in order to verify that the problem is resolved. The test must be performed at 75 percent of the engine rated fuel rate for at least 30 seconds.
Table 2
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
1. Check the Engine Oil Level
A. Stop the engine. Allow the engine to cool approximately 20 minutes so the oil level can stabilize.
B. Check the engine oil level.
Oil level
Result : The engine oil level is OK.
Repair : Record the engine oil level. Verify that the dipstick is calibrated correctly. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Engine Oil Level Gauge - Calibrate".
Proceed to Test Step 2.
Result : The engine oil level is low.
Repair : Verify that the dipstick is calibrated correctly. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Engine Oil Level Gauge - Calibrate". Add engine oil to the proper level. Record the amount of engine oil that was added. Verify that the repair resolved the problem.
If the problem has not been eliminated, proceed to Test Step 2.
Result : The engine oil level is high.
Repair : Verify that the dipstick is calibrated correctly. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Engine Oil Level Gauge - Calibrate". Record the amount of engine oil that was drained. Verify that the repair resolved the problem.
If the problem has not been eliminated, proceed to Test Step 8.
Table 3
C18 Oil Pressure Table
Engine Speed Pressure kpa Pressure psi
800 233 34
1400 326 47
1800 420 61
2100 503 73
Illustration 2 g02725393
C18 oil pressure map
Table 4
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
2. Check the Engine Oil Pressure
A. Turn the keyswitch OFF.
B. Establish communication between the Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) and the engine ECM. The communication adapter must be communicating on both data links in order to perform this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electronic Service Tools" for more information, if necessary.
C. Install a mechanical gauge to the engine in order to read engine oil pressure. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Engine Oil Pressure - Test".
D. Turn the keyswitch OFF.
Engine oil pressure Refer to Table 3
Result : The engine oil pressure is within specifications.
Proceed to Test Step 3.
Result : The engine oil pressure is low. Record the engine oil pressure. Record the engine rpm.
Repair : If there are any active diagnostic codes that are related to low oil pressure, refer to the appropriate topic in Troubleshooting, "Oil Pressure Is Low".
If the pressure is constant throughout the rpm range, there is a problem with the circuit for the engine oil pressure sensor. Check the wire for the pressure sensor supply terminal A for an open circuit.
If there are no diagnostic codes that are related to low oil pressure, refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Engine Oil Pressure - Test".
Verify that the repair resolved the problem.
3. Determine the Logged Code
A. Connect to Cat ET.
B. Turn the keyswitch ON.
C. Check for active or logged diagnostic codes.
Diagnostic codes
Result : A 2949-7 code is active or logged.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
Result : A 2948-7 or 2948-17 code is active or logged.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
Result : A 2950-7 through 2955-7 code is active or logged.
Proceed to Test Step 8.

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812846 BUSHING
5220200AS, 91331015
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