881761A04 Mercruiser DECAL SET, Bravo-III X Gas and Diesel

881761A04 DECAL SET, Bravo-III X Gas and Diesel Mercruiser 5232100TP, 6311002NZ, 6315002NZ, 6811001N1 DECAL
881761A04 DECAL SET, Bravo-III X Gas and Diesel Mercruiser

Buy DECAL SET, Bravo-III X Gas and Diesel 881761A04 Mercruiser genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
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Compatible models:

Mercruiser entire parts catalog list:

5232100TP 1998
6311002NZ 1998
6315002NZ 1998
6811001N1 1998


Description Of Engine Control Switches
Mounted on the inside of the engine control panel door is a group of switches which aid in the control of the engine. These switches should only be operated by a properly trained operator. The following is a brief description of the operation of each switch. Switches (1, 2, and 3) are a maintained-position type switch. Once a position is selected, the switch will remain there until manually changed.
Engine Control Switches
(1) Engine Control Switch. (2) Engine Maintenance Control Switch. (3) Engine Maintenance Speed Control Switch. (4) Electronic Ignition Reset Push-Button.Engine Control Switch (1)
The Engine Control switch communicates the status of the system to the Engine Status Control Module. The switch has three positions: OFF/RESET, MAINTENANCE, and AUTO. Each position is described in the following paragraphs.OFF/RESETThis position is used when a system shutdown has occurred or the system is not required to run at the present time. Placing the Engine Control switch (ECS) in this position will reset shutdown alarm conditions if all shutdown conditions have been eliminated.MAINTENANCE (MAINT)This position is used when the operator intends to run only the engine. When this position is selected the Engine Maintenance Control switch becomes "active".AUTOThis position is the "normal" position when running the engine as part of the Chiller System. The switch must be in this position for the York MicroPanel to operate the Chiller. Moving the switch from the AUTO position, during normal operation, will result in system shutdown.Engine Maintenance Control Switch (2)
The Engine Maintenance Control switch (EMCS) is a two-position (Stop or Start/Run), switch. This switch is only active when the Engine Control switch is in the "MAINT" position and initially, this switch must be in the STOP position.
Never manually engage the clutch and attempt to run the system without the York MicroPanel controls. Manually engaging the clutch can cause severe damage to the compressor and possibly result in personal injury.
STOPThis position is the same as OFF/RESET on the Engine Control switch when the Engine Maintenance Control switch is active. This switch must be in the STOP position to activate the switch and prevents unintentional engine starts when moving the ECS from AUTO to OFF/RESET.START/RUNThis position should be selected to run the engine only. The engine can be run at Idle or rated speed for engine maintenance. Selecting this position will immediately pre-lube (if equipped) and start the engine.Engine Maintenance Speed Control Switch (3)
The Engine Maintenance Speed Control switch (EMSC) is a three-position switch. The switch has a PURGE, IDLE, and RATED function. The switch is only active when the Engine Control switch is in the "MAINT" position, except for the PURGE function.PURGEThis function is used to purge the system of any fuel. This helps avoid the accidental ignition of gas left in fuel lines or exhaust system. This gas could cause an explosion during restart after a system shutdown. Anytime there is an Emergency Stop, either initiated by the York MicroPanel, Cat ECP, or the operator, the operator must purge the engine before attempting a restart. The operator should run the purge function for 15 seconds to make sure that all the gas is out of the fuel system. (See the "Emergency Stop Reset Sequence" for additional information.)IDLEThis position should be selected to run the engine manually at low idle speed.RATEDThis position should be selected to run the engine manually at rated speed.Electronic Ignition System (4) (Not On G3406)
DIAGNOSTIC RESETAfter an EIS alarm or shutdown, the Diagnostic Reset push-button must be pressed to reset the EIS system for the Caterpillar Gas Engine. For additional information on resetting, refer to the "Alarm Reset Sequence" or the "Emergency Stop Reset Sequence" sections in this manual.Operating Procedure
To operate the Chiller System:1. Place the Engine Control switch, located inside the Caterpillar ECP, in the AUTO position. Make sure the Engine Maintenance Control switch is in the STOP position and the Engine Maintenance Speed Control switch is in the IDLE position, as shown below.
Typical Interior Control Panel (except G3406)
G3406 Interior Control Panel2. Push the Start switch on the York MicroPanel (not shown) to the RUN position. The system is now ready to start.Engine Monitoring
The engine control panel contains an Engine Status Control Module (1), a Shutdown Module (2), and an Alarm Module (3). These modules provide the operator with information on vital engine parameters, alarms, and shutdown signals. An Emergency Stop button (4) is also provided on the control panel. The following is a detailed description of the function and logic of these modules.
Engine Control Panel
(1) Engine Status Control Module. (2) Shutdown Module. (3) Alarm Module. (4) Emergency Stop Button.Engine Status Control Module (1)
Engine Status Control Module (ESCM)The Engine Status Control Module (ESCM) provides engine monitoring and protection. The ESCM displays real time values for engine hours, engine speed, battery voltage, engine oil pressure, and engine coolant temperature. The ESCM will toggle through the various engine parameters, while an arrow on the LCD display (1) indicates which parameter is currently being displayed.To monitor an individual parameter, simply press select button (2) on the ESCM while that parameter is displayed. Press the button again to return to the display function.The ESCM has six built-in safety shutdown indicator LEDs (3). They include overcrank, overspeed, high coolant temperature, low engine oil pressure, emergency stop, and an auxiliary shutdown. Each shutdown is described in this section.If, during the operation of the engine, a fault occurs which stops the engine, a red LED on the ESCM will be illuminated. This red LED indicates, to the operator, that the engine has been shut down for a fault condition, and will not be restarted until the condition has been eliminated, or the source of the fault has been located and corrected.Overcrank
When the Cycle Crank feature is enabled, the ECM automatically cranks-rests-cranks the engine for the selected time period. If the engine fails to start within the selected total crank time, the ECM executes an overcrank fault.Overspeed
An Overspeed Shutdown will occur when the engine speed exceeds the maximum speed setting of the ESCM. If engine speed exceeds

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