96084A 2 GEAR REPLACEMENT KIT, COMPLETE Mercruiser 00014332, 00019003, 01321017, 01326013, 2140208, 2165208, 5000165CE GEAR

Buy GEAR REPLACEMENT KIT, COMPLETE 96084A 2 Mercruiser genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: -

Mercruiser entire parts catalog list:

00014332 1982
00019003 1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990
01321017 1987
01326013 1983
2140208 1978,1979,1980,1981,1982
2165208 1978
5000165CE 1990,1991


Lubricant Recommendations
Due to significant variations in the quality and in the performance of commercially available oils, Caterpillar makes the following recommendations:
Cat NGEO (Natural Gas Engine Oil)
Cat NGEO EL350 (Natural Gas Engine Oil)The proper SAE viscosity grade of oil is determined by the minimum ambient temperature during cold engine start-up. The proper SAE viscosity grade of oil is also determined by the maximum ambient temperature during engine operation. To determine the oil viscosity that is required for starting a cold soaked engine, refer to the minimum temperature in Table 1. To select the oil viscosity for operation at the highest anticipated ambient temperature, refer to the maximum temperature in the Table. Use the highest oil viscosity that is available in order to meet the required temperature during start-up.
Table 1
Engine Oil Viscosity    
Grade of Viscosity     Ambient Temperature    
Minimum Maximum    
SAE 30 (1)    
0 °C (32 °F)    
40 °C (104 °F)    
SAE 40 (1)    
5 °C (41 °F)    
50 °C (122 °F)    
( 1 ) Cat NGEO is available in these grades only. Multigrade oils are NOT recommended for use in Caterpillar Gas Engines. If other grades of viscosity are selected, ensure that the oil meets the requirements for Caterpillar Gas Engines.For further information about oils, see Special Publication, SEBU6400, "Caterpillar Gas Engine Lubricant, Fuel, and Coolant Recommendations".Fuel
Fuel Recommendations
Cat gas engines will operate successfully on a broad range of gaseous fuels. Pipeline natural gas has been used for many years. Commercial fuel gases are mixtures of gases. These fuels consist primarily of hydrocarbons (combinations of hydrogen and carbon) and some inert gases. The compositions of these gas mixtures have extreme variations. Fuels such as wellhead gas, bio-gas, and manufactured gas requires a review for acceptability. Analyze the fuel in order to determine the following characteristics:
Heat value
Methane number
Specific gravityField gas can have varying characteristics of combustion. Field gas can contain numerous harmful impurities. The impurities can alter the BTU content. The impurities can also alter the methane number. The impurities include everything from water up to complex hydrocarbons that can lead to detonation and severe engine damage. To minimize these effects, Caterpillar recommends the following guidelines:
Evaluate the fuel with the Caterpillar Methane Number Program, LEKQ6378. Methane values below 30 are not recommended for use in a Cat engine. Fuels with a methane number that is below 30 must first be processed in order to remove harmful impurities in the fuel and raising the methane number into the acceptable range.
If necessary, use an engine that is configured for a fuel that has a high energy. Consult the appropriate manual for the engine in order to determine the recommended engine timing.
Reduce the oil change interval according to the results of the oil analysis.For further information on fuels, see Special Publication, SEBU6400, "Cat Gas Engine Lubricant, Fuel, and Coolant Recommendations".Cooling System
Coolant Recommendations
During shipping and storage, the engine must be protected from damage that can be caused by freezing of the cooling system. If the engine is shipped to a site with freezing temperatures and/or if the engine is stored in a location with freezing temperatures, the cooling system must contain antifreeze that will withstand the lowest ambient temperature. Frequently check the concentration of glycol in the coolant/antifreeze. Make sure that the concentration is adequate in order to prevent freezing. Otherwise, the cooling system is to be drained.The antifreeze/coolant solution is normally composed of three elements: water, glycol and additives. Each element must meet specific guidelines.Water
Deionized water or distilled water is recommended for use in engine cooling systems. If distilled water or deionized water is not available, use water with the properties that are listed in Table 2.
Table 2
Caterpillar Minimum Acceptable Water Requirements    
Property    Maximum Limit    ASTM Test    
Chloride (Cl)    
40 mg/L (2.4 gr (grains) per US gal)     "D512", "D4327"    
Sulfate (SO4)    
100 mg/L (5.9 gr per US gal)     "D516"    
Total Hardness    
170 mg/L (10 gr per US gal)     "D1126"    
Total Solids    
340 mg/L (20 gr per US gal)     "D1888"    
Acidity     pH of 5.5 to 9.0     "D1293"    
Use of water that does not meet the recommendations for the cooling system will damage the cooling system.Do not use these types of water in the cooling system: sea water, softened water that has been conditioned with salt, hard water and tap water.Only use water that meets the recommendations for the cooling system.
If you are not sure about the properties of your water, consult one of the following sources for a water analysis:
Cat dealer
Local water utility company
Agricultural agent
Independent laboratoryGlycol
Do not use Extended Life Coolant (ELC) with Cat Gas Engines.ELC was not formulated for use in Cat Gas Engines.Do not use heat transfer fluids in Cat Gas Engines.Use only the coolant/antifreeze that is recommended.
Preferred - Cat NGEC (Natural Gas Engine Coolant)Alternatively, use Cat DEAC (Diesel Engine Antifreeze/Coolant) or a commercial heavy-duty coolant/antifreeze that meets "ASTM D6210" or "ASTM D4985" specifications.
Do not use a commercial coolant/antifreeze that only meets the ASTM "D3306" specification. This type of co

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