891829 HARNESS ASSEMBLY, Main Mercruiser
4V71222PD, 4V71222TD
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Programming a Personality Module with Flash Programming
Note: After you program the personality module, the operation of the engine is identical to the operation after you replace the personality module chip. The only difference is the software. The software was already programmed in the chip when you replaced the chip. Now, you are actually performing the programming function.For example, if you are rerating an engine, you will still need factory passwords to change the interlock code for the personality module.
Illustration 1 g00647144
(1) Personal computer (2) 160-0141 Data Link Cable (3) 171-4401 Communication Adapter II (4) 160-0133 Data Link Cable Flash Programming a Personality Module
Start Cat ET.
When possible, write down all of the current engine parameters.
Select "WinFlash" from the "Utilities" menu on Cat ET."WinFlash" will try to detect an ECM.
When an ECM has been detected, the "ECM Selector" window will appear. Select the appropriate ECM and then select "OK".The "Flash File Selection" window will appear.
The flash files are located on a disk drive and in a directory. Select the correct disk drive and the directory from "Drives" and "Directories" on Cat ET.A list of flash files will appear.
Select the correct file from the list of flash files. Read the "Description" and the "File Info" in order to verify that the correct file is selected. Select "OK".
Select the "Begin Flash" button in order to program the personality module.When the flash is completed, this message will appear: "Flash Completed Successfully".
Check all programmable parameters for correct settings.
Access the "Configuration" screen under the "Service" menu in order to determine if any of the parameters require programming. Look under the "Tattletale" column. All of the parameters should have a tattletale of 1 or more. If a parameter has a tattletale of 0, program that parameter.
If a diagnostic code of 268-02 "Check Programmable Parameters" is generated, program any parameters that were not in the old personality module.
Start the engine and check for proper operation."Winflash" Error Messages
"The engine ID in the flash file does not match the engine ID in the ECM."
This message means that the ECM has a personality module for a different engine. For example, the ECM has a personality module for a 3512B Marine Engine and you are attempting to program another personality module into the ECM.If you receive this message, stop the transfer. Access the information about the ECM summary under the "Information Menu". Be certain that you are transferring the correct file for your engine."The application ID in the flash file does not match the application ID in the ECM."
This message means that the ECM has a personality module for a different application.If you receive this message, stop the transfer. Access the information about the ECM summary under the "Information Menu". Be certain that you are transferring the correct file for your engine."The ECM ID in the flash file does not match the ECM ID in the ECM."
This message means that the ECM is not the correct ECM for the engine.If you receive this message, stop the transfer. Access the information about the ECM summary under the "Information Menu". Be certain that you are using the correct ECM for your engine.Note: If a problem occurs, refer to the documentation that accompanies Cat ET.
Note: After you program the personality module, the operation of the engine is identical to the operation after you replace the personality module chip. The only difference is the software. The software was already programmed in the chip when you replaced the chip. Now, you are actually performing the programming function.For example, if you are rerating an engine, you will still need factory passwords to change the interlock code for the personality module.
Illustration 1 g00647144
(1) Personal computer (2) 160-0141 Data Link Cable (3) 171-4401 Communication Adapter II (4) 160-0133 Data Link Cable Flash Programming a Personality Module
Start Cat ET.
When possible, write down all of the current engine parameters.
Select "WinFlash" from the "Utilities" menu on Cat ET."WinFlash" will try to detect an ECM.
When an ECM has been detected, the "ECM Selector" window will appear. Select the appropriate ECM and then select "OK".The "Flash File Selection" window will appear.
The flash files are located on a disk drive and in a directory. Select the correct disk drive and the directory from "Drives" and "Directories" on Cat ET.A list of flash files will appear.
Select the correct file from the list of flash files. Read the "Description" and the "File Info" in order to verify that the correct file is selected. Select "OK".
Select the "Begin Flash" button in order to program the personality module.When the flash is completed, this message will appear: "Flash Completed Successfully".
Check all programmable parameters for correct settings.
Access the "Configuration" screen under the "Service" menu in order to determine if any of the parameters require programming. Look under the "Tattletale" column. All of the parameters should have a tattletale of 1 or more. If a parameter has a tattletale of 0, program that parameter.
If a diagnostic code of 268-02 "Check Programmable Parameters" is generated, program any parameters that were not in the old personality module.
Start the engine and check for proper operation."Winflash" Error Messages
"The engine ID in the flash file does not match the engine ID in the ECM."
This message means that the ECM has a personality module for a different engine. For example, the ECM has a personality module for a 3512B Marine Engine and you are attempting to program another personality module into the ECM.If you receive this message, stop the transfer. Access the information about the ECM summary under the "Information Menu". Be certain that you are transferring the correct file for your engine."The application ID in the flash file does not match the application ID in the ECM."
This message means that the ECM has a personality module for a different application.If you receive this message, stop the transfer. Access the information about the ECM summary under the "Information Menu". Be certain that you are transferring the correct file for your engine."The ECM ID in the flash file does not match the ECM ID in the ECM."
This message means that the ECM is not the correct ECM for the engine.If you receive this message, stop the transfer. Access the information about the ECM summary under the "Information Menu". Be certain that you are using the correct ECM for your engine.Note: If a problem occurs, refer to the documentation that accompanies Cat ET.
Parts harness Mercruiser:
860615002 HARNESS ASSEMBLY, (13 Feet), Instrument Extension
473B116KD, 4C72040TD, 4V71222PD, 4V71222TD
860616002 HARNESS ASSEMBLY, (23 Feet), Instrument Extension
40280001D, 40420001D, 473B116KD, 4A72040ND, 4C72040TD, 4C8204DLD, 4V71222PD, 4V71222TD
863782A 1