47516 6 Mercruiser HOSE, TRANSMISSION TO OIL COOLER (30")

47516 6 HOSE, TRANSMISSION TO OIL COOLER (30") Mercruiser 02287333, 03302336, 03307332, 03308333, 04544347, 04706002, 04707333, 228801, 37011856, 4441027LE, 444106AM1, 473B1F0GS, 4M31027LS HOSE
47516 6 HOSE, TRANSMISSION TO OIL COOLER (30") Mercruiser

Buy HOSE, TRANSMISSION TO OIL COOLER (30") 47516 6 Mercruiser genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 7

Mercruiser entire parts catalog list:

02287333 1983
03302336 1986
03307332 1982
03308333 1983,1984,1985,1987
04544347 1987
04706002 1982,1983
04707333 1983
228801 1981,1982
37011856 1986,1987
4441027LE 1998
444106AM1 1998
473B1F0GS 1994,1995,1996
4M31027LS 1998


Table 2
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A 431-7087 Refractometer 1
B 481-8593 Kit - Test 1
C 470-7263 Adapter 1
Table 3
Associated Diagnostic Trouble Codes
J1939 Code CDL Code
412-15 E1092 (1)
412-16 E1092 (2)
4364-2 E1410 (2)
4360-16 E946 (2)
4360-17 E947 (1)
4360-18 E947 (2)
4765-17 E2165 (1)
5298-17 2180-1 Complete the procedure in the order in which the steps are listed.
Table 4
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
1. Check that the latest available software is installed and there are no applicable Technical Information Bulletins or Special Instruction documentation released
A. Ensure that the latest software is installed on the engine ECM.
B. Ensure that the latest software is installed on the Dosing Control Unit (DCU)
If necessary, refer to Troubleshooting, "ECM Software - Install" for the correct procedure.
C. Ensure all Technical Information Bulletins and/or Special Instruction documented for the issue and/or product are reviewed and followed.
Software and Publications
Result: The latest software is not installed.
Repair: Install the latest engine ECM software and then install the latest DCU software. If necessary, refer to Troubleshooting, "ECM Software - Install" for the correct procedure.
Start the engine and wait for 2 minutes.
If the fault is cleared, return the engine to service.
If the fault is still present, proceed to Test Step 2.
Result: Applicable Technical Information Bulletin/Special Instruction publication is available.
Repair: Review and follow instructions provided in the available publication.
Result: The latest software is installed.
Proceed to Test Step 2.
2. Determine the Code
A. Establish communication between the electronic service tool and the Electronic Control Module (ECM). Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electronic Service Tools", if necessary.
B. Download the "Warranty Report" from the ECM before troubleshooting or clearing any diagnostic trouble codes.
C. Determine the diagnostic trouble code that is active.
Diagnostic trouble code
Result: An associated code is active or logged.
Note: Troubleshoot associated codes before continuing with this procedure.
Refer to Troubleshooting, "Diagnostic Trouble Codes" and Troubleshooting, "Event Codes" for further information.
Result: A 7105-31 (E1585 (2)) code is active or logged.
Proceed to Test Step 19.
Result: One of the other codes in Table 1 is active or logged.
Proceed to Test Step 3.
3. Check the DEF Quality
A. Use Tooling A to measure the Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) quality.
Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, "Diesel Exhaust Fluid Quality - Test" for the correct procedure.
DEF quality standards
Result: The DEF quality is within the acceptable range and a 4364-18 (E1309 (2)) is active.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
Result: The DEF quality is within the acceptable range and a 3516-12 (3100-12), 3516-16 (E1365 (2)) or 3516-18 (E1364 (2)) is active.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
Result: The DEF quality is not within the acceptable range.
Repair: Drain the DEF fluid from the tank. Refill the tank with DEF that meets ISO 22241 quality standards.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank - Flush" for the correct procedure.
Proceed to Test Step 15.
4. Check the Installation Status of the DEF Quality Sensor
A. Use the electronic service tool to check the "Aftertreatment #1 DEF Quality Sensor Installation Status".
Sensor installation status
Result:The installation status is set to "Not Installed".
Use the electronic service tool to change the "Aftertreatment #1 DEF Quality Sensor Installation Status" to "Installed".
Repeat this procedure from Test Step 2.
Result: The installation status is set to "Installed".
Proceed to Test Step 5.
Result: The installation status is set to "Installed" with a 3516-12 (3100-12), 3516-16 (E1365 (2)) or 3516-18 (E1364 (2)) code present.
Proceed to Test Step 10
5. Determine the Diagnostic Code
A. Use the electronic service tool to check active or logged diagnostic codes.
Diagnostic codes
Result : A 3516-16 (E1365 (2)) or 3516-18 (E1364 (2)) code is active or logged.
Repair : Repair the DEF Tank header sensor with the DEF Manifold Sensor Kit. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Manifold (DEF Heater) Sensor - Disassemble (Temperature, Level, Quality DEF Manifold Sensor) and Manifold (DEF Heater) Sensor -Assemble (Temperature, Level, Quality DEF Manifold Sensor).
Flush the system, refer to Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank - Flush.
Proceed to Test Step 15.
Result : A 4364-18 (E1309 (2)) or 3516–12 (3100–12) code is active or logged.
Proceed to Test Step 6.

Parts hose Mercruiser:

93315 12
93315 12 HOSE, VENT-CARBURTOR (10")
00014332, 01207333, 01402414, 01407333, 01701335, 01751347, 01851333, 01854335, 02287333, 02297343, 02602347, 02607333, 02608427, 03302336, 03307332, 03308333, 04544347, 04706002, 04707333, 04708004, 04856332, 04881333, 06661346, 07711346, 08986342,
47516 11
01206002, 01207333, 01326013, 01406002, 01407333, 04706002, 04707333, 04856332
01701335, 04706002, 04707333, 04708004, 04856332, 04881333
02297343, 03307332, 03308333, 04544347
00014332, 01751347, 01851333, 01854335, 02287333, 02297343, 02602347, 02607333, 02608427, 07711346, 08987343, 30001854, 32001876
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