20110 Mercruiser NUT, THROTTLE STUD

20110 NUT, THROTTLE STUD Mercruiser 00014332, 01206002, 01207333, 01326013, 01402414, 01406002, 01407333, 01701335, 02287333, 02607333, 04706002, 04707333, 04708004, 04856332, 04881333, 08986342, 2140208, 2165203, 2165208, 2250507, 228801, 260801, 2888203, 44031854, 5220200AS, 91331015 NUT
20110 NUT, THROTTLE STUD Mercruiser

Buy NUT, THROTTLE STUD 20110 Mercruiser genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 23

Mercruiser entire parts catalog list:

00014332 1982
01206002 1982,1983
01207333 1983
01326013 1983
01402414 1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,1989
01406002 1982
01407333 1983
01701335 1985,1986,1987,1988,1989
02287333 1983
02607333 1983
04706002 1982,1983
04707333 1983
04708004 1984
04856332 1982
04881333 1983
08986342 1982,1983
2140208 1978,1979,1980,1981,1982
2165203 1973,1974,1975,1976,1977
2165208 1978
2250507 1977
228801 1981,1982
260801 1981,1982,1987
2888203 1973,1974,1975,1976,1977
44031854 1984
5220200AS 1988
91331015 1985,1986,1987


Start By:a. remove governor control slave valveb. remove fuel transfer pumpc. remove secondary fuel filter and based. remove electric starting motor FLUID SPILLAGE CONTAINMENT Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting and repair of the machine. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers before opening any compartment or disassembling any component containing fluids. Refer to "TOOLS AND SHOP PRODUCT GUIDE, NENG2500", for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain fluids in Caterpillar machines. Dispose fluids according to local regulations and mandates. 1. Remove the primary fuel filter and base (7). See section on the primary fuel filter and base removal.2. Disconnect control linkage (1). Remove two bolts (3), and set the control assembly and the bracket out of the way.3. Disconnect linkage (4). Remove two bolts (5), and set slave valve assembly (6) and the bracket out of the way.4. Disconnect all fuel injection lines (2). 5. Remove six nuts (8), the washers, cover (9) and gasket (10). 6. Loosen bolt (12) enough to leave a gap of 3.18 mm (.125 in) between washer (13) and the fuel pump drive gear.7. Install Tooling (A), as shown. Tighten the stud to pull the fuel pump drive gear loose from the taper on the fuel injection pump camshaft.8. Remove Tooling (A), bolt (12) and washer (13) from the engine. 9. Attach a lifting sling and a hoist to the fuel injection pump housing and governor (14).10. Remove two nuts (15) and the fuel injection pump housing and governor (14). The weight of the fuel injection pump housing and the governor is 29 kg (64 lb).Install Fuel Injection Pump Housing & Governor
1. Put clean engine oil on the O-ring seals. Install O-ring seals (1) in the bottom, and O-ring seals (2) in the front of the fuel injection pump housing and the governor.2. Make sure O-ring seals (1) and (2) stay in position in the fuel injection pump housing and the governor. Fasten a hoist to the fuel injection pump housing and the governor, and put it in position on the engine. Install the bolts at location (5) and the nuts on studs (4) to hold the fuel injection pump housing and governor in position.3. Remove the bolts that hold cover (3) in position. Remove cover (3) and the gasket. 4. Put Tool (A) in position, as shown. Install the bolt that holds the fuel pump drive gear to the fuel injection pump camshaft without the washer. This will allow the camshaft in the fuel system to be turned.5. Put pressure on the end of Tool (A), and turn the camshaft slowly until the tool drops in the groove (slot) in the camshaft. Leave Tool (A) in position in the groove (slot). Remove the bolt from the end of the camshaft. 6. Install washer (6) with the large diameter toward the front of the engine. Install bolt (7), and tighten it to a torque of 6.8 N m (60 lb in). Remove Tooling (A) from the fuel injection pump housing.7. Install Tooling (B), as shown, in the flywheel housing. Make sure bolt (7) does not loosen as the flywheel is turned.8. Use Tooling (B), and turn the flywheel in the direction of engine rotation until bolt (8) 3/8 in - 16 NC × 4 in (102 mm) can be installed in the flywheel. Do not turn the crankshaft counterclockwise to get bolt hole alignment.9. If you go past the bolt hole in the flywheel, turn the crankshaft counterclockwise, opposite the direction of the engine, (as seen from the front of the engine) approximately 30 degrees. This procedure will permit the (backlash) gear clearance to be removed from the timing gears when the crankshaft is turned in the direction of engine rotation (clockwise).10. Remove the breather cap from the valve cover to see if the No. 1 piston is at top center. The No. 1 piston is at top center on the compression stroke when the bolt can be put in the flywheel through the hole in the flywheel housing and both rocker arms for the No. 1 piston can be moved by hand (have clearance with the valve stem).11. When both of the rocker arms are loose, tighten bolt (7) to a torque of 270 25 N m (200 18 lb ft).12. Remove Tooling (B) and bolt (8) from the engine.13. Install the breather cap back on the valve cover, and tighten the breather cap bolt to a torque of 13.6 2.8 N m (120 24 lb in). 14. Connect all fuel injection lines (10). Use Tool (C), and torque fuel injection lines to a torque of 40 7 N m (29 5 lb ft).15. Connect linkage (12). Install two bolts (13), and install slave valve assembly (14).16. Connect control linkage (9). Install two bolts (11).17. Install the primary fuel filter and base (15). See section on the primary fuel filter and the base.End By:a. install electric starting motorb. install secondary fuel filter and basec. install fuel transfer pumpd. install governor control slave valve

Parts nut Mercruiser:

00014332, 01206002, 01207333, 01321017, 01326013, 01402414, 01406002, 01407333, 01701335, 02287333, 02602347, 02607333, 02608427, 03301310, 04706002, 04707333, 04708004, 04856332, 04881333, 08986342, 08987343, 2140208, 2165203, 2165208, 2250507, 2288
00014332, 01206002, 01207333, 01326013, 01406002, 01407333, 01851333, 01854335, 02287333, 02607333, 02608427, 03302336, 03307332, 07711346, 08986342, 08987343, 2165203, 2165208, 228801, 260801, 30001854, 32001876, 473B116KD, 473B1F0GS
01206002, 01207333, 01326013, 01406002, 01407333, 03302336, 03307332, 04706002, 04707333, 04856332, 2165203, 2165208
00014332, 00019003, 01207333, 01321017, 01326013, 01402414, 01407333, 01701335, 01751347, 01851333, 01854335, 02287333, 02607333, 02608427, 03302336, 03307332, 03308333, 04544347, 04881333, 08987343, 228801, 260801, 2888203, 32001876, 4111021L1, 430B
00014332, 00019003, 01321017, 01326013, 03301310, 03302336, 03307332, 2140208, 2165208, 2250507, 5000165CE, 6030000ES
00014332, 00019003, 01207333, 01321017, 01326013, 01402414, 01407333, 01851333, 01854335, 02287333, 02602347, 02607333, 02608427, 03301310, 08986342, 08987343, 228801, 260801, 30001854, 5000147JS, 5000150DP, 5000165CE, 5120136JS, 5120150AR, 5120150R1
01206002, 01207333, 01326013, 01406002, 01407333, 08986342
00014332, 01207333, 01402414, 01407333, 01701335, 01751347, 01851333, 01854335, 02287333, 02602347, 02607333, 02608427, 04544347, 04707333, 04708004, 06661346, 07711346, 08987343, 4231017L1, 4262C01JT, 430B00001, 4350100KS, 443HC00JT, 4441027LE, 4441
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