61356 Mercruiser NUT, (#10-32) Reduced Hex

61356 NUT, (#10-32) Reduced Hex Mercruiser 02602347, 02608427, 4111021L1, 430B00001, 430L000JS, 4350104JS, 4350104KS, 4350111HS, 4350118JS, 4350118KS, 443B0002S, 443B1003S, 443B100JS, 4441027LE, 444106AM1, 44541101S, 4454118JT, 45021102S, 4502111FE, 457B101JS, 457B101KS, 457B111GS, 457L101JS, NUT
61356 NUT, (#10-32) Reduced Hex Mercruiser

Buy NUT, (#10-32) Reduced Hex 61356 Mercruiser genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 13

Mercruiser entire parts catalog list:

02602347 1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995
02608427 1987
4111021L1 1998
430B00001 1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995
430L000JS 1996,1997
4350104JS 1996
4350104KS 1997
4350111HS 1995
4350118JS 1996
4350118KS 1997
443B0002S 1992,1993
443B1003S 1993,1994,1995
443B100JS 1996
4441027LE 1998
444106AM1 1998
44541101S 1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996
4454118JT 1996,1997
45021102S 1992,1993
4502111FE 1993,1994,1995,1996
457B101JS 1996
457B101KS 1997
457B111GS 1994,1995
457L101JS 1996
4652027LE 1998
4652027M1 1998
474L111JS 1996,1997
474L118JS 1996
474L118JT 1996,1997
4M31027LS 1998


At operating temperature, the hydraulic oil tank is hot and under pressure. Hot oil can cause burns. To prevent possible personal injury, release the pressure in the implement hydraulic circuits (the boom, the stick and the bucket) before any of the hydraulic lines or any of the components are disconnected or removed.
1. Release the pressure in the implement hydraulic circuits (the boom, the stick and the bucket) before any of the hydraulic lines or any of the components are disconnected or removed. Release the pressure as follows:a. Shut off the engine and place key in the "ON" position. Put the hydraulic activation control lever in the "UNLOCK" position.b. Move the control levers for the boom, the stick and the swing to all full stroke positions. This will release any pressure that might be present in the pilot system.c. Return the key to "OFF" position.d. Slowly loosen the fill plug on the hydraulic tank, and release the pressure.e. Tighten the fill plug on the hydraulic tank.f. The pressure in the hydraulic system has been released, the lines and the components can be removed. Drain the hydraulic tank oil in a suitable container for storage or disposal.2. Drain the oil from the hydraulic oil tank into a suitable container for storage or disposal. The capacity of the hydraulic oil tank is 99 liters (26 U.S. gal).
At operating temperature, the engine coolant is hot and under pressure. Steam can cause personal injury. Drain the coolant only after the engine has been stopped and the fill cap is cool enough to touch with your bare hand. Remove the fill cap from the radiator slowly to relieve pressure. Cooling system conditioner contains alkali. Avoid contact with the skin and eyes to avoid personal injury.
3. Drain the coolant in a suitable container for disposal or storage. The capacity of the coolant system is 15.5 liters (4.0 U. S. gal). 4. Remove two bolts (1) and the washers that secure plate (2). Remove plate (2) from the machine. 5. Remove five bolts (3) and the washers that secure plate (4). Remove plate (4) from the machine. 6. Remove four bolts (5) and the washers that secure plate (6). Remove plate (6) from the machine. 7. Disconnect electrical connector (7) from the governor motor control. 8. Remove two bolts (8) and the washers that secures the governor cable clamp. 9. Remove two bolts (9) and the washers that secures the governor cable clamp. 10. Remove three bolts (12) and the washers that secure the governor motor control (10) to support (11).11. Remove three bolts (13) and the washers that secure support (11) to the machine. 12. Remove the final two bolts (14) and the washers that secure support (11) the machine. Remove support (11) from the machine. 13. Remove four bolts (15) that secure guard (16).14. Remove bolts (17) that secures the wire clamp to guard (16). Remove guard (16). 15. Remove two hose assemblies (19) and (20) from pilot pump (18). 16. Remove five hose assemblies (21), (22), (23), (25), and (26) from the main hydraulic pump (24). 17. Disconnect electrical connector (27) from the main hydraulic pump (24).18. Remove bolt (28) and the washer that secures the wire clamp. 19. Remove hose assembly (29) from the main hydraulic pump (24).20. Remove four bolts (30) and the washers that secure the suction line to main hydraulic pump (24). 21. Slide rubber boot (34) away from the starter motor to expose nut (32).22. Remove nut (32) and the washer that secures two wires (31). Remove wires (31) washer (not shown) and rubber boot (33). 23. Remove bolt (36) that secures wire (35) to the electric starting motor. 24. Disconnect two electrical connectors (40) and electrical connector (37).25. Remove bolt (38) and the washers that secure wire clamp (39). 26. Remove bolt (41) and the washer that secures the wire clip. 27. Disconnect electrical connector (42) from the alternator. Disconnect electrical connector (43). 28. Slide rubber boot (44) away from the alternator to expose nut (45).29. Remove nut (45) and the washer that secures wire (46) to the alternator.30. Remove bolt (47) that secures two grounding wires (49).31. Remove bolt (48) that secures the p-clamp. 32. Disconnect electrical connection (50). Remove the connector from the wire clamp (51). 33. Remove four bolts (52) and the washers that secure the refrigerant compressor to the engine. Place the compressor on the frame of the machine. It is not necessary to remove the suction and the discharge lines from the compressor. 34. Disconnect electrical connector (53).35. Remove two wire ties (54) from the alternator mounting bracket. 36. Disconnect two electrical connections (55). 37. Remove bolt (56) and the washer that secure the hose clamp.38. Loosen hose clamp (58), and remove hose (57).39. Remove two bolts (59) that secure hose assembly (60). 40. Loosen hose clamp (62), and remove hose (61). 41. Loosen hose clamp (63), and remove fuel hose (64).42. Loosen hose clamp (65), and remove fuel hose (66).43. Loosen two hose clamps (67) and (69) that secure air inlet hose (68) to the engine. Remove air inlet hose (68). 44. Remove two nuts (70) that secure governor control linkage (72) to the fuel pump.45. Loosen two nuts (70) that secure governor control linkage (72) to the engine. 46. Loosen hose clamp (73) and remove air inlet hose (76).47. Remove four bolts (74) and the washers that secure air inlet pipe (75). Remove air inlet pipe (75).

Parts nut Mercruiser:

00014332, 01206002, 01207333, 01326013, 01402414, 01406002, 01407333, 01751347, 01851333, 01854335, 02287333, 02297343, 02602347, 02607333, 02608427, 07711346, 08986342, 08987343, 2165203, 2165208, 228801, 257B021JS, 260801, 30001854, 32001876, 40500
00014332, 01206002, 01207333, 01321017, 01326013, 01406002, 01407333, 01701335, 01751347, 01851333, 01854335, 02287333, 02602347, 02607333, 02608427, 03301310, 04544347, 04706002, 04707333, 04708004, 04856332, 04881333, 06661346, 07711346, 08987343,
42768 NUT
00014332, 01207333, 01402414, 01407333, 01751347, 01851333, 01854335, 02287333, 02602347, 02607333, 02608427, 03307332, 03308333, 04544347, 06661346, 07711346, 08987343, 257B021JS, 4052110CR, 4111021L1, 411102KN2, 4211015L1, 430B00001, 430L000JS, 435
01751347, 02297343, 02602347, 02608427, 03307332, 03308333, 04544347, 06661346, 257B021JS, 40420001D, 4052110CR, 4111021L1, 411102KN2, 4211015L1, 4231017L1, 4262C01JT, 428B116KD, 430B00001, 430L000JS, 4332087N1, 4350100KS, 4350104JS, 4350104KS, 43501
02602347, 02608427, 04544347, 06661346, 4052110CR, 4350111HS, 44541101S, 4454110AS, 4454110GE, 4454110JT, 4454118JT, 45021102S, 4502111FE, 457B101JS, 457B111GS, 473B116KD, 473B1F0GS, 474H110AR, 474L111JS, 474L118JS, 474L118JT
811878 NUT
02602347, 02608427, 257B021JS, 4111021L1, 411102KN2, 4211015L1, 430B00001, 430L000JS, 4350100KS, 443B0002S, 443B1003S, 443B100JS, 443HC00JT, 44541101S, 4454110GE, 4454110JT, 45021102S, 457B100KS, 4M11025LS
58056 NUT
4052110CR, 44541101S, 4454110AS, 4454110GE, 4454110JT, 4454118JT, 45021102S, 4502111FE, 4652027LE, 4652027M1, 4652227MW
807082 NUT
4350111HS, 4350118JS, 4350118KS
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