14019 Mercruiser PARTS MANUAL

14019 PARTS MANUAL Mercruiser 37011856 PARTS
14019 PARTS MANUAL Mercruiser

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Certain 950F Loaders may experience excessive engine oil sooting or failure of the turbocharger.
Affected Product
Group 1 (950F's With Engine S/N 4TF1-5321 Or 1CK1-6182)
Model & Identification Number
950F (4DJ1-1059; 6YG1-1839, 6YG1841-1876, 6YG1878-1892, 6YG1906; 7ZF1-388, 7ZF390, 7ZF392, 7ZF394-586, 7ZF588-937, 7ZF946, 7ZF951, 7ZF1045; 6LJ1-177)
Group 2 (950F's With Engine S/N 4TF5322-8415, 1CK6183-7169, 98Z1-1031)
Model & Identification Number
950F (4DJ1060-1213; 6YG1877, 6YG1893-1905, 6YG1907-2697, 6YG2699-2701; 7ZF391, 7ZF938-945, 7ZF947-950, 7ZF952-1044, 7ZF1046-Up; 5PJ1-45 (with engine S/N 4TF1-8415); 6LJ178-251)
950F Series II (5SK191-327
Parts Needed
Group 1
1 - 7C7431 Gasket - Turbocharger Mounting1 - 5P1263 Hose Stock (15 cm long)1 - 5P1506 Hose Stock (66 cm long)**1 - 1R0739 Filter Assembly1 - 1S7057 Gasket - Turbocharger Oil Supply1 - 4W5140 Plate - Engine Information1 - 7W2398 Gasket - Turbocharger Oil Drain1 - 7W8860 Gasket - Oil Pan1 - 1005865 Turbocharger Group1 - 1051542 Gasket - Valve Cover1 - 1051556 Oil Pan Group1 - 1058919 Oil Level Gauge (for engine S/N 4TF5322 and Up, and 1CK5455 and Up)*- or -1 - 1059776 Oil Level Gauge (for engine S/N 4TF1-5321 and 1CK1-5454)*1 - 1066584 Tube Assembly **1 - SEES6492 Chart-Refill Capacities (order from Corporate Literature)Group 2
1 - 5P1506 Hose Stock (66 cm long)**1 - 1R0739 Filter Assembly1 - 7W8860 Gasket - Oil Pan1 - 1051542 Gasket - Valve Cover (if needed)1 - 1051556 Oil Pan Group1 - 1058919 Oil Level Gauge*1 - 1066584 Tube Assembly**1 - SEES6492 Chart-Refill Capacities (order from Corporate Literature)*The 1058919 Gauge replaces the 6I1958 Gauge and the 1059776 Gauge replaces the 7E4501 Gauge. The part number is stamped on each gauge. Check the part number of the gauge being replaced, to ensure the correct new gauge is installed. Refer to the rework procedure.**950F's with a S/N prefix of 6YG, 5PJ, or 6LJ need to use a new 1066584 Tube with 60 cm of 5P1506 Hose. Refer to the rework procedure.Action Required
See the attached rework procedure for installing the new parts.
Service Claim Allowances
Group 1
This is a 9.0-hour job if performed in a shop using an overhead crane. 1.0 additional hour may be an overhead crane. 1.0 additional hour may be claimed if the job is performed without the use of an overhead crane.
Group 2
This is a 5.0-hour job if performed in a shop using an overhead crane. 1.0 additional hour may be claimed if the job is performed without the use of an overhead crane.
Parts Disposition
U.S. And Canadian Dealers
Turbochargers removed from affected product in Group 1 should be packaged in the container from the new turbocharger and be shipped, along with a copy of the warranty claim, to:
Caterpillar Inc.
Attn: Supplier Recovery Supervisor/PS4903
Warehouse #4 Docks 7 thru 10
8201 N. University
Peoria, IL 61615
All Other Dealers
Handle the parts in accordance with your Warranty Bulletin on warranty parts handling.
Attach. (1-Rework Procedure)Rework Procedure
In addition to parts listed, the following special supply items will be needed to perform the engine rework:
31L (8.25 U.S. Gallons) Engine Oil, API Specification CF-45H2471 or 8T9021 Gasket Cement1P3704 Seal-Rectangular (if needed) for 4-bolt flanged tube.5P3931 Anti-Seize Compound6V1541 Cleaner/Primer1U8846 Sealant (Gasket Maker)1U6680 Tool Group-Fuel Timing Adjustment Service ManualDealer Seal and lockwire for Fuel Setting (Group 1)Machines In Group 1
Install New Turbocharger
Before removing the existing turbocharger, check the part number on the turbocharger identification plate (refer to Illustration 1). If the part number is 1005864 or 1005865, DO NOT install a new turbocharger. If a machine in Group 1 has a turbocharger with a part number of 4P4677, 9Y4230, or the identification plate is missing, install a new turbocharger.
1. Remove the former turbocharger and air intake hose. Inspect hose and piping for signs of dirt entry, and correct as needed. Inspect condition of 8T7044 mounting studs and 8C8734 Locknuts and replace if needed.2. Install the new 1005865 Turbocharger. Use 5P3931 Antiseize Compound on the threads of the mounting studs. Install the new mounting gasket and oil supply/drain gasket. Tighten the locknuts to 54 5 N m (40 4 lb. ft).3. Install the new air inlet hose (15 cm of 5P1263 Hose). The hose is slightly shorter than the former air inlet hose because the compressor housing of the new turbo is slightly longer. Tighten the 8T6675 Constant-Torque-Type Clamps to 11 2 N m (9 2 lb. ft). Refer to the Service Manual, Engine Disassembly & Assembly section concerning the Turbocharger removal and installation.Adjust Fuel Injector Timing - Check/Adjust Fuel Setting - Check/Adjust Low Idle Rpm To 950 Rpm
Refer to the Service Manual, Engine Section, Testing and Adjusting for the correct procedure to set injector Fuel Timing and valve clearance, and the Fuel Setting procedure.
1. Remove the valve cover sound suppression cover and valve cover.2. Check the Fuel Setting. The correct Fuel Setting is shown on the Engine Information plate, "Full Load Static Fuel" Refer to Illustration 2. Set the Fuel Setting as closely as possible to the specified setting. DO NOT set Fuel Settings "to the high side" of tolerance. If Fuel Setting is adjusted, install lockwire and a dealer seal.3. Set the fuel timing to a specification of 64.16 mm. Also, check and adjust the valve clearance. The tightening specification for the injector rocker arm adjusting nuts is 39 7 N m (29 5 lb. ft). Half of the injectors and half of the valves can be adjusted at each top-dead- center (TDC) position of the crankshaft. Refer to the Service Manual procedure for "Fuel Timing".4. Stamp the new fuel timing specification of 64.16 mm on the new 4W5140 Information Plate. The plate is 'scored' lengthwise (to be easily broken lengthwise) so that only the part of the plate with new information can be applied over the original Engine Information Plate allowing the other information to remain showing (refer to Illustration 2). This plate has a self-stick adhesive on the back, which is exposed by removing the protective covering. The original engine information plate may be located on top of the valve cover, on the side of the engine between the governor and the fuel filter, or on the side of the engine on the rear side-cover.. The part of the new 4W5140 Plate with the ne

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