8M8023810 PROPELLER, 4 Pitch, Right Hand, 4 Blade, Rear Mercruiser
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Table 1
J1939 Code and Description CDL Code and Description Comments
DPF Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Low Exhaust Gas Temperature E593 (2)
Aftertreatment Insufficient Temperature to Complete Regeneration Active regeneration failed due to an inability of the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) to reach a high enough temperature. The code is logged. Engine power is derated.
Table 2
Associated Codes
E1053 Note: The ARD Ignition Test cannot be performed if the DPF soot loading is above 80%. When the DPF soot loading is above 80%, the Manual DPF Regeneration must be performed using Cat ET.
Table 3
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
1. Check for Associated Codes
A. Establish communication between Cat ET and the Electronic Control Module (ECM). Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electronic Service Tools", if necessary.
B. Download the "Warranty Report" from the engine ECM before performing any troubleshooting or clearing associated diagnostic trouble codes.
C. Table 2 lists the diagnostic trouble codes that are associated with the E593 (2) or 3711-31 code. Determine if any of the codes in Table 2 are present.
Associated Codes
Result: An associated code is not present.
Proceed to Test Step 2.
Result: An associated code is present.
Repair: Troubleshoot the associated code.
2. Check the Current Flow Through the Heater
A. Verify that the engine is off. Check the current flow through the heater. Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting, "ARD Nozzle Heater (Current) - Test" for the correct procedure.
Note: Between 7.0 A and 14 A for a 12 V system. Or, between 3.5 A and 7 A for a 24 V system
Result: The current flow is OK.
Proceed to Test Step 3.
Result: The current flow is not between 7.0 A and 14 A for a 12 V system. Or, the current flow is not between 3.5 A and 7 A for a 24 V system.
Repair: There may be a problem with the ARD nozzle. Refer to Troubleshooting, "ARD Nozzle Heater - Test".
3. Inspect the Tubing Between the Compressor and the Combustion Air Valve
A. Check for cracks in the tubing.
B. Check for loose or damaged hardware.
Result: The tubing is not damaged or cracked.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
Result: The tubing is damaged or cracked.
Repair: Replace or repair the tubing.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
4. Inspect the tubing from the Combustion Air Valve to the Combustion Air Absolute Pressure Sensor.
A. Check for cracks in the tubing.
B. Check for any air leaks.
C. Check the clamps on the tube and ensure that the clamps are tightened.
Result: The tubing is damaged or cracked.
Repair: Replace or repair the tubing.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
Result: The tubing is not damaged or cracked.
Repair: Replace the combustion air valve. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Air Control Valve - Remove and Install.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
5. Perform the "ARD Air System Service Test"
A. Reset all active codes and clear all logged codes. Use Cat ET to perform an "ARD Air System Service Test" to verify that the problem is resolved.
ARD Air System Service Test
Result: The "ARD Air System Service Test" passed.
Proceed to Test Step 6.
Result: The "ARD Air System Service Test" failed.
Repair: There is a problem with the ARD combustion air system. Refer to Troubleshooting, "ARD Combustion Air - Test".
6. Perform a "Manual DPF Regeneration"
Note: This test must be performed through Cat ET. The Cat ET service tool enhances the diagnostics during the service test.
A. Clear all codes.
B. Start the engine. Allow the engine to idle for 3 minutes.
Note: Do not use the operators switch for a stationary regeneration. The service tests provide enhanced diagnostics that are necessary for proper troubleshooting and repair.
C. Start a "Manual DPF Regeneration" in Cat ET.
Manual DPF Regeneration
Result: The "Manual DPF Regeneration" completed successfully. There are no additional codes.
Return the unit to service.
Result: The "Manual DPF Regeneration" did not complete successfully.
Repair: Check the list of active diagnostic codes. Troubleshoot the code that applies to the failed regeneration. Refer to Table 2 for associated codes.
Result: The "Manual DPF Regeneration" did not complete successfully and there are no associated codes.
Proceed to Test Step 7.
7. Replace the ARD Combustion Head
A. Replace the ARD combustion head. Refer to Special Instruction, REHS4824, "Replacement of the ARD Combustion Head on Caterpillar Products with Clean Emissions Modules".
B. Clean the ARD combustion canister.
ARD Combustion Head
Result: The ARD head was replaced.
Proceed to Test Step 8.
8. Perform an ARD Ignition Test
A. Reset and clear all codes. Perform an ARD Ignition Test. Refer to System Operation and Testing and Adjusting, "ARD Fuel System - Test".
ARD Ignition Test
Result: The ARD Ignition Test was successful.
Proceed to Test Step 9.
9. Perform a "Manual DPF Regeneration"
Note: This test must be performed through Cat ET. The Cat ET service tool enhances the diagnostics during the service test.
A. Clear all codes.
B. Start the engine. Allow the engine to idle for 3 minutes.
Note: Do not use the operators switch for a stationary regeneration. The service tests provide enhanced diagnostics that are necessary for proper troubleshooting and repair.
C. Start a "Manual DPF Regeneration" in Cat ET.
Manual DPF Regeneration
Result: The "Manual DPF Regeneration" completed successfully. There are no additional codes.
Return the unit to service.
Result: The "Manual DPF Regeneration" did not complete successfully.
There are more codes.
Repair: Troubleshoot the additional codes before returning the unit to service. Refer to Troubleshooting for the correct procedure.
Verify that the problem is resolved.
If the procedure did not correct the issue, contact your Cat dealer Technical Communicator (TC). For further assistance, your TC can confer with the Dealer Solutions Network (DSN).
Parts propeller Mercruiser: