89236 1 Mercruiser SEAL, Oil, SHIFT SHAFT BUSHING

89236 1 SEAL, Oil, SHIFT SHAFT BUSHING Mercruiser 00019003, 01321017, 01326013, 5000147JS, 5000165CE, 5S21800TS SEAL
89236 1 SEAL, Oil, SHIFT SHAFT BUSHING Mercruiser

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Diesel Engine Oil
Cat oils have been developed and tested to provide the full performance and life that has been designed and built into Cat engines.Cat DEO-ULS or oils that meet the Cat ECF-3 specification and the API CJ-4 are required for use in the applications listed below. Cat DEO-ULS and oils meeting Cat ECF-3 specification and the API CJ-4 and ACEA E9 oil categories have been developed with limited sulfated ash, phosphorus, and sulfur. These chemical limits are designed to maintain the expected aftertreatment devices life, performance, and service interval. If oils meeting the Cat ECF-3 specification and the API CJ-4 specifications are not available, oils meeting ACEA E9 may be used. ACEA E9 oils meet the chemical limits designed to maintain aftertreatment device life. ACEA E9 oils are validated using some but not all ECF-3 and API CJ-4 standard engine performance tests. Consult your oil supplier when considering use of an oil that is not Cat ECF-3 API CJ-4, or newer API CK-4 qualified.Failure to meet the listed requirements will damage engines equipped with aftertreatment and can negatively impact the performance of the aftertreatment devices.Other systems may apply.
Table 1
Cat Diesel Engines Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures(1)(2)
Compartment or System Oil Type and Performance Requirements Oil Viscosities °C °F
Min Max Min Max
Engine Crankcase for all Direct Injection (DI) Engines Cat DEO Cold Weather (API CK-4) SAE 0W-40 −40 40 −40 104
Cat DEO-ULS SYN (API CK-4) SAE 5W-40 −30 50 −22 122
Cat DEO-ULS (API CK-4) SAE 10W-30 −18 40 0 104
SAE 15W-40 −10 50 14 122
(1) Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250, "Engine Oil" for information on the recommended and required engine oils for Tier 4 emissions certified engines.
(2) Commercial oils of viscosity grades that are not included in this table may be used if the oils are per Cat ECF specifications. Refer to the “Cat Engine Crankcase Fluids (ECF) Definitions” table in this Special Publication, "Engine Oil" for more information. Commercial oils are second choice.When fuels of sulfur level of 0.1 percent (1000 ppm) or higher are used, Cat DEO-ULS may be used if S O S oil analysis program is followed. Base the oil change interval on the oil analysis.Note: Failure to follow oil analysis recommended oil change interval, may result in reduced engine component life.Commercial Oil
Note: Non-Cat commercial oils are, as a group, second choice oils. Within this grouping of second choice oils there are tiered levels of performance.
Caterpillar does not warrant the quality or performance of non-Cat fluids.
The three current Caterpillar ECF specifications are: Cat ECF-1-a, CatECF-2, and Cat ECF-3. Each higher Cat ECF specification provides increased performance over lower Cat ECF specifications.A commercial oil must meet the following standards to be considered an equivalent of a Cat diesel engine oil:
Table 2
Cat Engine Crankcase Fluids (ECF) Definitions
Cat Performance Requirement API Oil Category
Cat ECF-3 API CJ-4 Oil Category performance requirements
Cat ECF-2 API CI-4 / CI-4 PLUS Oil Category performance requirements and
Passing standard Cat C13 engine test per API requirements and
Oils of sulfated ash > 1.50 percent are not allowed
Cat ECF-1-a API CH-4 Oil Category performance requirements and
For oils that are between 1.30 percent and 1.50 percent sulfated ash, passing one more Cat 1P SCOTE test ("ASTM D6681") is required and
Oils of sulfated ash > 1.50 percent are not allowed
Lubricant Viscosity
In selecting oil for any engine application, both of the following must be satisfied: the oil viscosity and the category of oil performance or the specification for oil performance . Using only one of these parameters will not sufficiently define oil for an engine application.The proper SAE viscosity grade of oil is determined by the following temperatures: minimum ambient temperature during cold engine start-up and maximum ambient temperature during engine operation.Refer to Table 3 (minimum temperature) to determine the required oil viscosity for starting a cold engine.Refer to Table 3 (maximum temperature) to select the oil viscosity for engine operation at the highest ambient temperature that is anticipated.Note: Generally, use the highest oil viscosity that is available to meet the requirement for the temperature at start-up.
Table 3
Cat Diesel Engines Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures(1)(2)
Compartment or System Oil Type and Performance Requirements Oil Viscosities °C °F
Min Max Min Max
Engine Crankcase for all Direct Injection (DI) Engines Cat DEO Cold Weather (API CK-4)&n

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