14172A 2 Mercruiser SENSOR ASSEMBLY

14172A 2 SENSOR ASSEMBLY Mercruiser 32001876 SENSOR
14172A 2 SENSOR ASSEMBLY Mercruiser

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32001876 1986,1987


General Information
SMCS Code: 1000Model Views
(1) Air compressor. (2) Fuel priming pump. (3) Fuel transfer pump. (4) Distribution block. (5) Fuel Filter. (6) Personality module. (7) Electronic control module (ECM).
(8) Exhaust manifold. (9) Turbocharger. (10) Temperature regulator housing. (11) Water pump. (12) Oil cooler. (13) Oil filter.
(1) Air compressor. (2) Fuel priming pump. (3) Fuel transfer pump. (8) Exhaust manifold. (9) Turbocharger. (14) Flywheel housing.
(15) Front timing gear cover housing. (16) Vibration damper.
(14) Flywheel housing. (17) Flywheel.The Caterpillar 3406E Engine is an inline 6 cylinder arrangement with a bore of 137 mm (5.4 in) and a stroke of 165 mm (6.5 in) giving a total displacement of 14.6 liter (893 cu in) displacement. The firing order is 1, 5, 3, 6, 2, 4 and the direction of crankshaft rotation is counterclockwise, as viewed from the flywheel. The engine is turbocharged and air-to-air aftercooled with electronic unit injection.The electronic system was designed to provide electronic governing, automatic fuel ratio control, torque rise shaping, injection timing control and system diagnostics. Additional benefits such as Idle Shutdown Timer and Data Link provide for additional engine economy and serviceability.The electronic unit injector system eliminates many of the mechanical components of a "pump-in-line" system. It also provides increased control of timing and fuel/air ratio control. Timing advance is achieved by precise control of injection timing. Engine rpm is controlled by adjusting the injection duration. A special pulse wheel provides information to the electronic control module for detection of cylinder position and engine rpm.The engine has built-in diagnostics to insure that all components are operating properly. In the event of a system component failure, the operator will be alerted to the condition via the dashboard mounted Computerized Monitoring System (CMS). A Caterpillar electronic service tool [Electronic Control Analyzer Programmer (ECAP) or Electronic Technician (ET)] can be used to read the numerical code of the faulty component or condition, or a Diagnostic Scroll Box (service box) can be used to "flash" the code onto the Diagnostic Lamp of the service box. Intermittent faults are "logged" and stored in memory.Starting the Engine
The ECM will automatically provide the correct amount of fuel to start the engine. Do not hold the throttle down while cranking the engine. At temperatures below 0°C (32°F), it may be necessary to spray starting fluid into the air cleaner inlet. If the engine fails to start in 30 seconds, release the starter switch. Allow the starter motor to cool for two minutes before using it again.
Excessive ether (starting fluid) can cause piston and ring damage. Use ether for cold weather starting purposes only.
Cold Mode Operation
The Coolant Temperature Sensor is used to indicate the "Cold Mode" operation and for Engine Monitoring. Cold Mode Operation is activated whenever the coolant temperature is below 18°C (64°F). Cold Mode remains active until Coolant Temperature exceeds 18°C (64°F), or until the engine has been running for 12 minutes. In Cold Mode, engine power is limited, timing is advanced and the low idle speed is adjusted to 600 rpm. The time needed for the engine to reach the normal mode of operation is usually less than the time taken for a walk-around-inspection of the machine.
A machine should not be moved until it is out of the cold mode. If the machine is operated while in cold mode, power will be noticeably reduced.
After cold mode is completed, the engine should be operated at low rpm until normal operating temperature is reached. The engine will reach normal operating temperature faster when driven at low rpm and low power demand than when idled at no load. Cold Mode is not disabled if Engine Monitoring is programmed to OFF.Customer Specified Parameters
The engine is capable of being programmed for several customer specified parameters. For a complete list of the customer specified parameters see the topic: Electronic Control Module (ECM) and Personality Module.Glossary of Electronic Control Terms
SMCS Code: 1900ATA (American Trucking Association) Data LinkAn electrical connection with other microprocessor based devices that are compatible with the American Trucking Association and SAE Standards (J1587 and J1708) such as trip recorders, electronic dashboards and maintenance systems. The Data Link is also the communication medium used for programming and troubleshooting with Caterpillar electronic service tools.After Market DeviceAs used here, a device or accessory installed by the customer or machine OEM after the engine is delivered.Air-To-Air Aftercooler (ATAAC)A means of cooling intake air after the turbocharger, using ambient air for cooling. The intake air passes through an aftercooler (heat exchanger) mounted above the radiator before going to the intake manifold.Alternating Current (AC)The direction of current flow changes (alternates) regularly and constantly.American Wire Gauge (AWG)A measure of the diameter (and therefore the current carrying ability) of electrical wire. The smaller the AWG number, the larger the wire.Atmospheric Pressure SensorThis sensor measures atmospheric air pressure in the crankcase and sends a signal to the ECM.Before Top Center (BTC)The 180 degrees of crankshaft rotation before the piston reaches Top Center (normal direction of rotation).Boost Pressure SensorThis sensor measures inlet manifold air pressure and sends a signal to the ECM.Bypass CircuitA circuit, usually temporary, to substitute for an existing circuit, typically for test purposes.CalibrationAs used here, is an electronic adjustment of a sensor signal.Caterpillar Engine MonitoringThe part of the Caterpillar Electronic Engine Control that monitors Coolant Temperature, Oil Pressure, Intake Manifold Air Temperature and Coolant Level to flag the operator of detected problems.Computerized Monitoring SystemThe Computerized Monitoring System (CMS) is an electronic monitoring system that continuously watches machine systems. Refer to Computerized Monitoring System (CMS) With VFD Circular Gauges, Form No. SENR5247.Coolant Level SensorThis sensor detects the absence/presence of coolant at the probe and sends a signal to the ECM.CodeSee Diagnostic Code.Coolant Temperature SensorThis sensor detects the engine coolant temperature for Cold Mode operation and Caterpillar Engine Monitoring (provided the Engine Monitoring is not programmed OFF).Custom DataPart of the ECM stored fleet trip, it allows the owner to specify operating parameters of the engine application while in service. This data is for monitoring purposes.Customer Specified ParameterA Parameter

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00014332, 01751347, 01854335, 02287333, 02297343, 02602347, 02607333, 02608427, 03307332, 03308333, 04544347, 06661346, 07711346, 08987343, 30001854, 32001876, 37011856, 4052110CR, 443B0002S, 44541101S, 4454110AS, 45021102S, 474H110AR
96718A 2
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