879150065 SENSOR, Temperature Mercruiser
41000001S, 41000008E
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Table 1
Diagnostic Codes Table    
Description    Conditions which Generate this Code    System Response    
1-2 Cylinder #1 Injector erratic, intermittent, or incorrect     Data from the electronic unit injector is out of limits.     The code is logged.
If equipped, the warning light will illuminate.
The engine will be derated.    
1-7 Cylinder #1 Injector not responding properly     The electronic unit injector is no longer capable of delivering the correct amount of fuel.     The code is logged.
If equipped, the warning light will illuminate.
The engine will be derated.    
2-2 Cylinder #2 Injector erratic, intermittent, or incorrect     The data from the electronic unit injector is out of limits.     The code is logged.
If equipped, the warning light will illuminate.
The engine will be derated.    
2-7 Cylinder #2 Injector not responding properly     The electronic unit injector is no longer capable of delivering the correct amount of fuel.     The code is logged.
If equipped, the warning light will illuminate.
The engine will be derated.    
3-2 Cylinder #3 Injector erratic, intermittent, or incorrect     The data from the electronic unit injector is out of limits.     The code is logged.
If equipped, the warning light will illuminate.
The engine will be derated.    
3-7 Cylinder #3 Injector not responding properly     The electronic unit injector is no longer capable of delivering the correct amount of fuel.     The code is logged.
If equipped, the warning light will illuminate.
The engine will be derated.    
4-2 Cylinder #4 Injector erratic, intermittent, or incorrect     The data from the electronic unit injector is out of limits.     The code is logged.
If equipped, the warning light will illuminate.
The engine will be derated.    
4-7 Cylinder #4 Injector not responding properly     The electronic unit injector is no longer capable of delivering the correct amount of fuel.     The code is logged.
If equipped, the warning light will illuminate.
The engine will be derated.    
5-2 Cylinder #5 Injector erratic, intermittent, or incorrect
C6.6 only     The data from the electronic unit injector is out of limits.     The code is logged.
If equipped, the warning light will illuminate.
The engine will be derated.    
5-7 Cylinder #5 Injector not responding properly
C6.6 only     The electronic unit injector is no longer capable of delivering the correct amount of fuel.     The code is logged.
If equipped, the warning light will illuminate.
The engine will be derated.    
6-2 Cylinder #6 Injector erratic, intermittent, or incorrect
C6.6 only     The data from the electronic unit injector is out of limits.     The code is logged.
If equipped, the warning light will illuminate.
The engine will be derated.    
6-7 Cylinder #6 Injector not responding properly
C6.6 only     The electronic unit injector is no longer capable of delivering the correct amount of fuel.     The code is logged.
If equipped, the warning light will illuminate.
The engine will be derated.    The engine has electronic unit injectors that are controlled by the Electronic Control Module (ECM). The ECM sends a pulse to each injector solenoid. The pulse is sent at the correct time and for the correct duration for a given engine load and engine speed. Perform the "Fuel System Verification - Test" in Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) in order to check the operation of the fuel system.Cat ET also includes the following tests that aid in troubleshooting the injector solenoids:"Cylinder Cutout Test"All active diagnostic codes must be repaired before running the "Cylinder Cutout Test". Use the "Cylinder Cutout Test" to diagnose a malfunctioning injector while the engine is running. When a good injector is cut out, the "Fuel Position" should change. The change in the fuel position is caused by the other injectors that are compensating for the cut out injector. If a malfunctioning injector is cut out, the "Fuel Position" will not change. The "Cylinder Cutout Test" is used to isolate the malfunctioning injector in order to avoid replacement of good injectors."Injector Solenoid Test"Use the "Injector Solenoid Test" to aid in diagnosing an open circuit or a short circuit while the engine is not running. The "Injector Solenoid Test" briefly activates each solenoid. A good solenoid will create an audible click when the solenoid is activated. Cat ET will indicate the status of the solenoid as "OK", "Open", or "Short".
Illustration 1 g01331072
Typical example of the electronic unit injector
Illustration 2 g01349490
Schematic for the C4.4 injector solenoid circuit
Illustration 3 g01335599
Schematic for the C6.6 injector solenoid circuit
Illustration 4 g01331120
Typical example of the harness connector for the fuel injector
Illustration 5 g01325898
Typical example of the connector in the valve mechanism cover
Illustration 6 g01308445
A typical view of the P2 connector (harness side) pin locations. (57) Injector 1supply (35) Injector 1 return (58) Injector 2 supply (34) Injector 2 return (59) Injector 3 supply (33) Injector 3 return (64) Injector 4 supply (8) Injector 4 return (63) Injector 5 supply (C6.6 only) (7) Injector 5 return (C6.6 only) (62) Injector 6 supply (C6.6 only) (6) Injector 6 return (C6.6 only)Test Step 1. Inspect Electrical Connectors and Wiring
Parts sensor Mercruiser: